February 2024


Weekly Forecast: February 26 – March 1 – Leap Year!

I was running through the aspects of the week and got myself confused. What the heck… we get an extra day this month! An extra day this year: It’s leap year! How did I miss this? There’s a Mercury, Sun, Saturn conjunction brewing in Pisces (exact on Wednesday). Yeah, that’ll do it!

Vintage Astrology Blogging… The Freak That Is Elsa P Goes Skating

I wrote this astro story in 2003.  It’s funny/uncensored, revealing, free expression. Includes swearing!  Let’s go! Yay!  It’s also prelude to Pining For Reuben. ~~~ Kris said she was surprised I’d not seen, Gone With The Wind.  I responded: “Yeah, well I never saw Star Wars until twenty years after the fact. This in spite

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The End Result Of A Pluto Transit

A friend asked me how a Pluto transit works. “Is there an “end result” or does it move forward?” I can see why this would be asked. Pluto is associated with death.  For some this would be the ultimate, “end result”!  But I feel things move forward, post a Pluto transit, even if physical death is

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