Author name: Midara

Midara has been a consulting astrologer for over a decade. Whether you’re struggling with relationships, personal growth, tough transits, or whatever else, she’s here to help.

wime and cheese

How Venus in Capricorn Can Help You Find Love

On January 8th, Venus will enter Capricorn. This is not a transit most people find particularly exciting. Love in a business suit. Oh joy. But there is another side to this placement. It means real, practical love. It reminds me of the old Grimm’s fairy tale, “Choosing a Bride.” Life as a young herdsman was […]


Why Venus is in Detriment in Scorpio?

Venus has entered Scorpio, the sign of her detriment. This is where Venus is weak, trying to do her Venusian tasks with Scorpio’s Mars/Pluto tools. When Venus is in Scorpio, our love is deep and intense. But that is not always as positive as it seems. Take the story of Medea, the ultimate Scorpio Venus.


Don’t Fear the Reaper

Now that all the planets in Capricorn have turned direct, I am hearing a lot of fear. People are afraid of consequences, afraid of loss, afraid of the sword of Damocles falling onto their heads. They’re afraid of being pulled back into the darkness.


Mars Aspecting Jupiter in the Natal Chart

Mars and Jupiter are strange bedfellows. The Lesser Malefic and the Greater Benefic don’t really have that much in common. Mars rules our anger, drive, and ambition. Jupiter rules our sense of joy, perspective, and our beliefs. Having them in aspect in the natal chart can be hard to manage!


What Does it Mean if a Planet is Stationary in Your Chart?

Planets are almost always moving. They zip along through the zodiac, and then they sometimes swing backward and move retrograde. But every now and then, as they are transitioning between forward and retrograde movement, they appear to stop. Just like a pendulum seems to pause at the height of each swing, so do the planets.

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