Author name: Midara

Midara has been a consulting astrologer for over a decade. Whether you’re struggling with relationships, personal growth, tough transits, or whatever else, she’s here to help.

Taurus Pluto

Is Taurus the Antidote to Pluto?

They told you life is hard It’s misery from the start It’s dull and slow and painful I tell you life is sweet In spite of the misery There’s so much more Be grateful -Natalie Merchant, “Life is Sweet” Whenever we have an excess of the energy of one sign, the best antidote is to

Saturn God card

Why is Saturn Exalted in Libra?

When a planet is in the sign of its exaltation, it is in its very favorite place. It can operate with no restrictions and the energies of the planet and sign blend beautifully. So why is Saturn exalted in Libra? Isn’t Saturn cold and stark while Libra is sweet and lovely? Isn’t that a bit


The Danger Every Sagittarius Needs to Avoid

Everyone knows Sagittarius to be curious and open-minded, always looking over the next horizon. They seek and they search and they are always ready with a new question about what it all means. This can be both enlivening and frustrating, but it is also necessary. The real danger emerges when the seeking stops.

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