13 thoughts on “Does Mars Rule The 8th House, Along With Pluto?”

  1. When looking at charts, I always consider Mars and Pluto together when it comes to rulership, and there’s usually a correlation between them, supporting whatever’s going on.

  2. Yes. on that. My natal Mars squares Virgo Pluto ascendant that trines an eighth house stellium ( mercury, Saturn moon). I’m a Gemini. My Mars is 29 Gemini in the 10. I’m usually on the go and active. I have to be productive and use discernment and use an exhaustive thought process throughout the day. Sometimes all thought drops and I’m in the passenger seat. There’s a direct connection that has to move. I’d say that’s my experience. Now we move on to me mum. She’s got Mars in the 8th conjunct north node in Cancer trine Scorpio rising and moon. The day we buried dad, Mars exited her eighth house- bless her enduring heart. The deep drive shall move mountains. She said, at 79 , she’ll move west to be close to her daughters. I think she’s going to walk away from her (40 years )hording- within the year. She told me yesterday the electric garage didn’t lift- so she’s manually hurking it up and down.

  3. Mars sextile Pluto with Mars/Pluto sextile mid heaven. I think this is the scope of how I view myself.
    Mars sextile Pluto is the tightest aspect just behind that Saturn Venus conjunction. I feel like if you were to want to know exactly the person I am, these aspects right here would give you a full synopsis.

    1. This is where I get perplexed with astrology. I have these aspects. Mars 7th house – Pluto 5th house in Scorpio. I have an empty 8th house- would this give off 8th house energy?

  4. Hmm..No, I would definitely take it into account as a co-ruler of the house with Scorpio but not for the 8th house. To me that would be like Jupiter also ruling 12th or Saturn also ruling 11th. That way you can end up with planet ruling 3 houses, that would be too many..

      1. I try to live in the present, so ideally I’d just go for plain Pluto/Sco/8th, Uranus/Aqua/11th, Saturn/Cap/10th. For the sake of experimentation, tring to learn more, I’d sometimes also check secondary rulerships but they would always be as ‘just in case that works for this person’ thing. Saturn square Venus used to be interpreted as prostitute in the old times and it worked for them, that’s how people thought back then so fine. It does not work for us now, our lives are not similar to what theirs used to be so we intepret everything differently now, also fine. They didn’t have Pluto so they had to deal with that problem. We don’t. In the future if they discover something or just think our interpretations were weird, also fine 🙂

  5. @ElsaElsa I basically don’t think anyone is stupid or smart, us from present, them from past or future. Old astrology is fine, modern too. And we are free to pick one or mix and match, all that is fine, there’s no one universal truth, only personal individual one.

  6. A bit on the side with my question, but.. so in practice how would this work – Mars/Pluto ruling 8th?

    Lets say I have 8th in Aquarius, so my 8th would be ruled by Saturn (ancient ruler) / Uranus (modern ruler) – as main rulership based on my natal chart.

    And then Mars/Pluto would also rule my 8th – as secondary rulership because they generally rule the 8th. So then I would be looking to both main and secondary rulers, how they are placed, to understand my 8th.

    Did I get this right? (asking because I never considered for my chart other than the main ruler)
    Thank You!

    1. No, this is meant to be a simple question where the sign on the cusp is irrelevant.
      I’m strictly asking about

      I feel Scorpio is co-ruled as is the 8th house. But no one writes about this or talks about it so I decided to bring it up. 🙂

      1. Got it! Thank you!
        Just intuitively, it does feel like Mars can co-rule 8th – like a more surface layer for all Pluto ruled.

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