Human beings are marvelously complex. They are also highly hackable and programmable. They always have been, though these are relatively new terms.
To substantiate my claim, consider the study of psychology has shown us that our upbringing has a tremendous impact on us. You’re a little girl and your father tells you you’re ugly or otherwise undesirable. Or you’re a little boy and your mother tells you you’re weak. You are going to have a hard time defending yourself. If these attacks are repeated as they almost always are, your hull is breeched; the payload is delivered. And what a payload it is.
I’m been meaning to get into this for awhile. I think I could write on this topic for a year, but where to start? I’m prompted today, because I came across an astrologer, who was insisting a particular aspect was always disastrous. I have the aspect in my natal chart and feel it’s inordinately positive with little downside. This is possible, because Jupiter is involved, which tells you right there, this astrologer is wrong. She’s wrong, in spite of stating, “all REAL astrologers agree” with her.
If I were undefended against programing, which the average astro beginner would be, I would absorb the bad information. I would write it to my hard drive.
I am an astrologer, but am I REAL? Just reading her statement, I have to ask myself, due to the authority this person exudes. It’s that simple to slip, especially if you’re Neptunian, which everyone is at the moment. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. Blink and go from, “I’m okay” to “I’m broken!” It’s amazing!
Now what if I was an astro beginner and I had the aspect mentioned, in my chart? I would almost certainly conclude I have a problem I can’t solve. Oh no! I have a bad mark in my chart that everyone can see and I can do nothing to remedy the situation!
I’m pretty sure, this would take a good percentage of people to the land of “I suck” and/or “I’m doomed”, very quickly. Bam! Hacked.
I have been working on these concepts for a number of years, not due to anything on the internet but due to observations in my real life. Basically, when someone who appears to have authority, makes a statement, it’s very likely to be accepted and written to a person’s hard drive. It doesn’t matter if the statement is true. If people look up to the person for some reason, the info will be assimilated regardless of it’s veracity. Reference the medical post. Doctors, yes?
This is dangerous, because liars and even worse, a malicious liars, can and often do have some type of authority.
You might think, “boundaries” address this problem, but they really don’t. You set up a boundaries against the person with the negative statements… sign on with the one who is flattering you or lying to you on the other spectrum, you’re in just as bad of shape, maybe worse.
I’m talking about your friend or family member. You question yourself and they say, “No, Elsa. You’re infallible. You’re innocent and also fart-less…”
Kids with “not my kid” parents, for example. These kids are programmed to think they can never be checked. The results are disastrous.
It’s a big topic but the next thing that comes to mind, are people who have had astrologers tell them, all their relationships will end in ruin. Or you may be told, you are going to die in X year. This false knowledge lives in you, affecting you in unseen ways, perhaps haunting you throughout your entire life.
It’s a big mess and I’ve not even mentioned the collateral damage. You got shot with the bad lie and don’t realize it. You turn around and infect your kid.
All of this and more, tells me a human being can (readily) be hacked. I want to use this word, because nowadays are we strongly relate to machines. For many or even most, their relationship with a device is primary. See the problem?
If you’re dealing in the real world, you can choose who you counsel with. You can choose friends who honest and have good judgements. Machines? I have yet to meet a machine who cared for me, my soul, my well being, my happiness. It’s a transactional relationship. Use this fun game and meantime, I will suck the data from your device…
There’s also the round the clock, subliminal messaging, put in place by, God knows who, with precise intention. The list from here is very, very long. (Mis)Information overload. Brain can’t deal with it and shuts down. Relationships with family and friend are neglected. Don’t forget all the manufactured hate!
I writing this because I feel I need to defend my hard drive at this point so I’ve been working on this over these last years. I’ve really worked to figure out why I see things so differently than most.
It’s been a battle but I finally came to understand a little which allowed me to come to understand a lot, over time. I feel I need to do this, because I give a lot of advice and it needs to be sound.
I’ve got the pieces now and I’ll be candid to say, this was VERY hard. It’s so hard, most would not push with enough ardor to break through – why? Probably because they are programed to give up, to feel inferior, to take the easy way, to denigrate themselves and others, etc. and so on.
It’s a hell of a trap, I’ll tell you.
I consider this a Pluto in Aquarius deal. Psych + Machine.
Have you been hacked? Have you considered how you might restore yourself and defend against attacks in the future?
Your post IS a big subject and I will respond by answering the question and working backwards.
Yes, I have been hacked in many ways over a lifetime of near 80 years. I have a very active 8 th house so perhaps that is a factor astrologically. I will be swamped by Life. I heard that early on in my adult life but it’s been my education through you that expanded my perseverance and 1) recognize transformation is ugly 2) don’t add fuel to the volcano 3) learn the truth of my historical trauma as a Hawaiian
Then, the benefit of a long and challenging/interesting life is to recognize the wolf in sheep’s clothing ( people who talk p.c.) but are the walking K.K.K. hacking good works while undermining those who don’t look like them.
Fortunately I make a loyal friend, I don’t travel in a pack or frequent the net. A small inner circle and an intense resilience built on faith in practice are my first aid. I tend to hold on (to shit) too long and that’s my hack magnet I guess. The wolf has a magnetism even though I know his faults.
Like you say a big issue. A lifetime puzzle. I figure is worth the workout, I’m cracking the case, too. And a familiar but infrequent sensation is making itself comfortable in me: a bit of ease. Ahh
Go Moki !
…our brains are
diced and spliced;
polled, and trolled.
Social engineers know more about us
than we do. We don’t know, that we don’t know.
They know the many facets of don’t know,
that ‘we’–don’t know.
When we believe in their media,
our don’t know grows;
like their nose.
a way out…
first, we don’t know that we don’t know.
then, we know that we don’t know;
then, we choose to know;
then, we understand…
upon which we also learn that
not knowing can be used as a liability shield (insurance).
where we think we’re covered and absolved,
from our part in things.
but, the shadow knows…
ex: wearing running shoes that don’t fit;
ignorance is blis…ters
Finger snaps 🫰🏼
I agree with you and what a fantastically original way to say it. Thank you.
glad for the opportunity…
Great little poem Victoria. 👏👏😉
Astrological aspects good or bad are there to tell us we need to readjust/correct our mindset and attitude. Fate is such an eastern belief that doesn’t fit in the western philosophy. People are programmed to believe they can’t change things, they have to deal with what they were given but it’s not like that at all. Sometimes circumstances overcome us but they don’t keep you locked forever.
I m glad you mentioned that topic Elsa
You are what you think you are (or what someone else thinks you are if you accept that) and that which you think or accept with the most conviction and emotion, in the event of conflicting thoughts or opinion. Parents are the greatest authority when you are a child so their thoughts of you are what you are most convinced of and feel most strongly. Then peers as you grow older, and now for all, a new persuader – the greatest hypnotist of all – the internet. Funny how I would have never, ever done hypnotism when it was all the rage , there is no one in the world to
whom I would have given control over my mind. Now the internet hypnotizes us all at some time or another – you can see it in the glassy eyes and slack-jaw of the person scrolling, swiping, clicking. I am beginning to think it is a matter of literal time spent, actual literally the number of minutes. We can all get on here for a quick period to look, research something or read something, etc. but if you spent too many minutes at it, the hypnotism effect is much more likely, and you can be made to believe anything at all under hypnotism. (Like hypnotism- you can snap out of it when it’s over, thankfully) Maybe there are degrees of susceptibility among people and maybe the number of minutes isn‘t enough, but I am still personally working off a set time. Set a time limit, get in and get out of there, just like it‘s actually dangerous and needs to be dealt with same as any other dangerous situation. And with that, it’s time for me to go! (I’m just grateful I don’t have to wear a hazmat suit!)
I just read your post after I posted mine. Yours is a really good post, and far better worded! 🙂 This sounds like Neptune Pisces all over, especially now it’s at the 29th degree and is very strong right now.
I do wonder what will happen when Saturn catches up with Neptune at the last degrees of Pisces. Along with the North Node too, next January/February.
Will people see the harsh light of reality and be dehypnotised? (Saturn). Or become even further and permanently entrenched (also Saturn) in the unreality (Neptune)?
Thank you, Mermaid. The delusions I personally indulged in for the past year (and indulged is the right word here as there was lots of pleasant pining away involved) have just exited the building. Washed away in an instant, the moment I read this phrase in a book – “give in to reality”. It’s another way for Neptune/Saturn to manifest – where Neptune actually gets to save the day! You stop fighting reality, you just yield to it. No harshness, no pain, just relaxation.
In process of deprogramming myself in multiple ways right now. The biggest ‘hack’ I ever experienced, came from a parent though. My mom treated me with unrelenting negative expectations. I’m the bad kid! I’m the problem! I should feel guilt and shame simply for existing! Hacked!! The problem is, her system itself was hacked prior, so I’m trying to untangle generational viruses here! At least one of us and hopefully both will make it out whole.
Wow Elsa, that’s an amazing article and have been pondering on this heavily for a few days now (much to the tired and fed up ears of my loved ones)
I was thinking in terms of Social Media, and how people are being manipulated and brainwashed, even worse than mainstream media. But I like the term “reprogrammed” as well, never considered that!
Given the social media algorithms when you sign up to a social media platform, that provide a slow drip effect which starts off innocently enough, feeding dribs and drabs, but once the algorithms identify your patterns, it hooks you in by sending more darker material based on divisions and hate and paranoia. It’s so subtle, it’s barely discernable at first.
Over time it escalates into a constant feedback loop which keeps you locked in a constant state of high alert (identical to how the “breaking news” headlines and “live” streams do in mainstream media. You try to alleviate the stress by checking the live feed for an end in sight, only it never arrives, as NEW breaking news appears!). Before you know it, you are addicted, indoctrinated, reprogrammed.
This is why over the past handful of years, I have literally seen so many normal, reasonable, moderate, and usually logical people, turn into raving conspiracy theorists (both left wing and right) and even worse, flat earthers!
It gets even worse. Because if you challenge them with logical arguments, they get very hostile and defensive, and rigidly cling to their narratives.
They try to gaslight and manipulate YOU into thinking that YOU are brainwashed by the mainstream media, and that you are not thinking for yourself.
Which can and does work on susceptible people, nobody wants to think they are ignorant or gullible, or siding with the opposition, they would feel ashamed and appalled at that thought. So they check out the online material, get bombarded with the narrative-based feedback loop and over time, hey presto! A new convert.
The irony is that these so called free thinkers who shun mainstream media for social media, are the LEAST free thinking, as they parrot word for word what the other hundred social media addicts say.
Phew I’ll stop there lol 😂 but thanks for posting this article, it’s reassuring to see others recognising the alarming trend of reprogramming, even if it was illustrated in a different context.
“Have you considered how you might restore yourself and defend against attacks in the future?”
I think the most important one, is critical thinking skills and pragmatism, along with a robust intuition. Question your sources of information, with an actual cold detachment and impartiality. Also intuition, if it feels offkey and something doesn’t add up, it’s usually correct. Equally, if something is too good to be true, question that too.
Probably fits in with the higher octave of Aquarius, if that can be reached and harnessed under the Pluto transit.
If you are able to face off the gaslighting, shaming tactics, and drip-fed narratives and biased labels from others, stick to your guns even if it risks being unpopular, criticised, berated, or even ridiculed. Probably a strong Uranus placement needed for that one!
The mind is easily hacked, when it is disconnected from the soul. It is no accident that the Western world worships the intellect (and demonizes the emotional). Emotions are the language of the soul. Don’t shoot the messengers. 😉 even if you do, the soul is resillient, it will send more messengers.
The Lakota Sioux say something like, the Head Spirit can be fooled, but connect the Heart Spirit to the Head Spirit, now you can see!
From an engineering perspective, the mind is just an embedded system. It has a CPU, input devices, memory, etc. It is totally programmable. It is meant to aid and work with the soul, not to rule and bypass it. See the dark side at work? As children, we have no filter, so everything goes in as, “I am…”. Ego strength (our defense system) develops over time, and after the programming. There are many “mental illnesses” in Psychology that have roots in all of this, but that’s too much for this post. 🙂
As humanity is individually reconnected with their souls, they awaken and reclaim their power. True servant leaders can then be “gifted” the power of the individual, if the individual so chooses. Their power can be revoked when the leader abuses it though.
From my perspective, we are still in the process of this individual reawakening. I like movies, so I liken where we are to the 5th Harry Potter book, where everyone is still denying that there is a Voldemort, but it is getting harder and harder to do this.
Free will is in play. I would not say, you are what you think, but that you are what you do. Think and feel all you like, but then choose wisely. Choice is sacred and the action is who you are. We have been programmed to fear everything, even our thoughts and emotions, and without the freedom to explore these, we will never know who we are. That is why love invites. But fear forces. We are here to see who we are. The “dark side” is composed of those who continually choose to take (and then have less and less, utimately nothing, for doing so).
Neptune is the ultimate sensory deprivation Helmet for the mind. It forces you to feel.
On the other side of the fence (says Libra, for balance), the bible says the heart is deceitful.
boy that last line is chefs kiss
I love your post, particularly the Lakota saying. Also agree w/ the embedded system idea. The proverb reminds me a bit of the teachings of the HeartMath Institute, that state that “Heart Coherence” is a state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical systems – a coherence that expands from the personal level upwards through social groups – and perhaps one day, if we are very lucky as a species, it will eventually become a global level of coherence. Those who are designing and delivering the majority of the negative social media and other types of directed energy ‘programming’ or ‘hacking’ of humanity are determined to prevent it though, so it will be an uphill battle for the consciousness of ‘heart coherence’ that is fought one heart at a time, I’m afraid. And we can also see what they’ve been doing to people’s hearts (physically) these last few years too, now haven’t we. That kind of damage affects the ‘separate brain’ that exists in each heart at a neurological level, not just the heart’s ability to pump blood… A lot of energy workers say there is vortex energy field that is created and maintained by the heart, which is one of the ‘invisible’ (to most) parts of a human. You have to suspect that all the “heavily coerced” and “externally inflicted” heart damage done to a large majority of people in the last couple of years has done some serious damage to their “energy bodies” too, thereby taking down many of the built-in energetic defense shields….
Good point. Part of the way the mind is to help (when it isn’t busy being distorted) is to serve as a moderator for the emotions. However, the emotions come straight from the sou, in my opinion.
The difference between an action and a reaction is knowledge of self.
I’ve been working to restore myself for the last 3 years. At 68, I am for the first time reframing the shame programmed into me from birth, the scapegoat narrative that I’m not worthy of love. It works exactly as Elsa described. Young children believe what they are told. Then those defenses turn against you, and you don’t know who you are or what you want. The body becomes separated. I’ve learned that if I celebrate every moment of shame and cringe as a human just trying to get love, that I can treat myself with kindness. I found a quote in my journal by Shonda Rhimes, “The cruelty with which I treated myself is no longer accepted.” (From her great book Year of Yes.) I still get triggered by people attacking or trying to shame me, but it doesn’t land the way it used to. I deserve love, exactly as I am right now. Thank you Elsa for this important topic,
Because words are so important, I would amend one of my statements. I said:
Choice is sacred and the action is who you are.
I meant:
Choice is sacred and the action with intent is who you are.
Intent is everything.
Don’t forget the role of organized religions as programmers/hackers!
Thanks Elsa for bringing this up. And for all the work you did on it to get to here.