Jupiter In Aries: Fortune Favors The Brave

aries ram in grass“The thing that cowardice fears most is decision.”
– Soren Kierkegaard

Jupiter is in Aries now and themes around “courage” have already emerged. People look to Jupiter for good luck and fortune. Some enjoy more of these things than others. This is probably due to your chart in part, but the choices you make have a big effect.

To get the most from Jupiter, you have to be OPEN. There is no way to learn or expand or become educated when you’ve got your perimeter locked down. This means, leave the house, try things that are new, stretch your beliefs and such.

With Jupiter in Aries, fortune will be tied to action, bravery, guts and gallantry. There are rewards for such things but you must engage.  It’s not coming to you; you’re going to it.

Fear is widespread at this time. So is confusion. Mars-ruled Aries cuts through such things as well as solving Libra’s dilemma, “I can’t decide.”

It may not be in your nature to assert yourself but I’m pretty sure, grace and protection (Jupiter) is on offer for anyone who takes up the challenge during this period.

How will you use this powerful energy in your life?

12 thoughts on “Jupiter In Aries: Fortune Favors The Brave”

  1. I’m looking forward to Jupiter transiting in Aries. As another Fire Jupiter (my Jupiter is in Leo) I embrace this time.

  2. I can speak to this with natal Jupiter in Aries conjunct my moon NN and widely Venus and Mercury…

    leaps of faith have lead me to amazing chapters

  3. Its in my 8th house Conjuctiing my Natal Chiron. Will Quincunx my natal Jupiter in Scorpio @ 2 Oppose my Natal Vesta @ 4 and Uranus @ 7 Libra end with a Quincunx with my Sun@ 8 Virgo

  4. Have been reminding myself to have “courage” everyday now. It’s encouraging to notice how the small steps forward can positively impact one’s motivation & self-esteem. Now to keep going forward!

  5. I like it because it will conj my venus and mars and sextile jupiter in aqua. I am confused tho since aries is my 12H!. will it backfire? should I transcend? ain’t that self defeating to aries? ugh. I wish aries wasn’t my 12H. I see no use or then I use it and it hurts. secret enemies anyone? that’s fear talking btw. it’s foggy, very foggy. try and swing your sword in those conditions…

  6. Avatar
    James Slattery

    I hope Jupiter in Aries, not in my second house till 20′ of the sign, will help me rise from the tight finances of the last 3 years. Even before Covid shutdown it’s been a hard slog to bring in the cash. Jupiter will pass over my natal south node at 9’Aries and I hope that doesn’t bring any loss. I’m close to losing it all.

  7. Eclipse on my NN in Taurus 12th, keep trying to get my stockbroker to sell and he keeps pushing back. I have attempted this several times and he keeps “selling’ me on staying in the market . I am going to try again now and have the courage to stand firm 🙏

  8. Jupiter in Aries, my 6th House … (service to others/daily work/health/nutrition/pets) Don’t know what’s coming my way this time around. Not sure I’m going to like it because of my last experience 12 years ago. It was all about the new pets and extra work that came along. Two new born puppies were offered to me. There was much excitement but that extra work gave me headaches😱… After a few months I could not cope anymore with the mess so gave one up for adoption. We had no outside boundary walls so the mess was inside and it was a hot summer 😱….So wherever lucky Jupiter touches, it expands that area and so it did. Jupiter brought us cute puppies but my work got EXTRA big!

  9. My daughter was very confused about which direction to take after highschool and now there is something she likes and we are going to see this school and campus on Friday and probably decide this weekend. She has progressed MC on her natal Mars in 3 degrees of Aries and this Mars Jupiter transit will be on it so… a good time to take a decision I hope.

  10. I have Jupiter in Aries in the fourth house and have always felt my hearth and home and family have been divinely blessed and protected throughout my life.

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