Saturn Transit Conjunct Natal Pluto: What’s Happening In Your Life?

minn bridge collapseSaturn in is in Virgo. Most who read here have Pluto in Leo, Virgo, or Libra. This means, roughly one third of the people reading here have had Saturn transit conjunct natal Pluto. The rest of you are in the midst of it or have this transit coming up.

So what happened? Or if you’re in the midst of this transit, what’s happening?

Personally, the entire structure (Saturn) of my life has collapsed due decay. I’ve also suffered various amputation due to forces beyond my control. I live in a shell now, or rather a shelled out structure, sort of like a house that has been bombed.

I can’t get out just yet but I know that in the future I will rebuild.

Anyone else?

84 thoughts on “Saturn Transit Conjunct Natal Pluto: What’s Happening In Your Life?”

  1. My natal Saturn is in 4 degrees Virgo. My entire life as I know it changed literally overnight early September.. My partner of 4 years walked out on me overnight. House in foreclosure. Financial Crisis. Lastly, facing all sorts of fears daily… Saturn returns are no joke. I feel for anyone r-now going through Saturn. I have read just about everything I can online looking for some positive things about Saturn Returns, yet to find any.. The next hurdle will be in late February for some of us.. That is when there will be a full moon lunar eclipse.. Take precautions those in Saturn!

  2. “Saturn in is in Virgo and most the audience who reads here has Saturn in Leo, Virgo, or Libra.”

    You meant Pluto in Leo, Virgo, or Libra.

    Pluto in Virgo here, obviously… 😉

  3. Nothing yet….but you’re making me nervous!!
    Is it possible to start feeling the effects of your Saturn return a little early?? I’ll be 27 this year and Saturn is in my 11th house Libra. I’m already starting to feel a bit reserved (I’m usually VERY outgoing). I have a lot of great friends but find myself not wanting to really hang out with anybody lately besides my kids and hubby, and my mom and dad. I just really want to be focused on school and my family, when before I was always a little envious of my friends who weren’t tied down in any way (kids, husband, etc.). I think I’ve even decided to stop drinking all together. It’s really unlike me. But I think I love it!
    I am having a slight case of anxiety about the next four years though. Whats new??!!

  4. *raises hand* Pluto in Libra here. Your description sounds about right. I’m mostly through the collapse (I think and hope) and am working on the rebuilding. It’s tough, but that’s ok.

  5. seekingzen – hate to break it to you, but you’re not even close. Saturn is methodically moving through in Virgo (Rx at the moment) and it is the folks with Pluto in Virgo affected.

    Pluto in Leo has already been affected and Pluto in Libra is yet to be affected.

    No doubt something is going on in your life but it’s not this.

  6. shell – Saturn’s return is a process and while it’s possible you could be sensitive to Saturn energy and be feeling pressured to grow up and get your shit together as they say, it is still guaranteed that you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  7. Saturn won’t hit my Pluto until October-November this year. Pluto and Uranus are within about three of degrees of each other, and I fear the one-two punch (not to mention the imminent eclipse). And it’s all going down in my 7th, which has been difficult enough on its own.

    Elsa, any advice for weathering the hurricane?

  8. feeling the earth shifting around under my feet, definitely.
    will hit pluto-uranus conjunction for me, in virgo. this year? not sure when…
    the intuitive hit I get on it is, ‘stay flexible.’ be ready to mutate, be mutable with the times. we’re going to have to move, thinking of a houseboat, or living out in the country or both.
    am wondering with uranus opposition to saturn, if there will be earth upheavals, vis a vis global warming, and people on the move. my husband is supervirgo, with pluto-uranus atop sun and has had prophetic dreams of earth changes.
    hello elsa!

  9. Well, my natal Pluto is a high degree of Virgo… so I’ve got a litle while but yeah will have transiting Saturn conjunct my Moon and then my Pluto…

    Oh, and it will conjunct my Virgo Ascendent, entering my first house, long before it touches my Moon Pluto.

    But it will also trine my natal Saturn in Taurus right before it conjuncts my Moon… Wonder if that will help it at all…

    I am feeling/watching some work structures dissolve. And, well, it terrifies me…

    Spoke to someone who tried to remind me of some positive things and it helped in the moment. Still spent the morning in bed though. Ooops! No more Elsa reading for now! Got to get going!!!

  10. Dang.

    Bring it on!! Ya right, I think I’ll go hide under a table now and not come out till I’m 31.

    ((Thinking to myself))
    No more questions Vashelle, no more questions!

  11. Wow, looking at the ephemeris, the first time Saturn hit my Pluto/Uranus, my folks got divorced, my dad died of a heart attack a couple of months later, and I got raped a few months after that. I was 11-12 years old during all of this. I don’t know if I could handle another intense tragedy season of that caliber, I really don’t.

  12. Saturn is transiting my 3rd house (and will eventually oppose my natal Saturn in the 9th) and the first planet it will hit is Uranus at 12 Virgo (while going through Uranus opposition at the same time – oh joy). In rapid succession it will hit Pluto, Moon and then Mars. I have no words to express how grateful I am that Saturn is currently retrograde – it’s giving me the time I need to shore everything up in my life. Yet I know that won’t really work.

    What you’ve described I know is coming my way and it’s already manifesting itself in my life. The company I’ve worked for seven years (this coming February – Saturn) is being consumed by a foreign company which promises to keep the employees but I don’t believe it. I haven’t kept up my skills as much as I should have (Saturn), so I’m a bit behind the 8-ball and I’m overpaid here – so I’ll be taking a serious financial hit late spring/early summer. There is a good possibility I’ll loose my Father (Saturn) before the end of spring. I have to move in late March but I don’t know where yet – and this is only the beginning, only the tip of the iceburg that is Saturn roaming through my 3rd house.

    Fears, silly and serious, have reared their ugly, nasty, beastly little heads and I can’t make them behave themselves. They refuse to go away. They’ve taken up residence in my brain and they aren’t even paying any rent! I wish I could evict them. I keep reminding myself that I survived my Saturn Return (barely) so I can survive this, too. I know the baseless fears are the worst enemy at the moment (and it will only get worse as Saturn approaches my Moon) and still I can’t conquer them. I feel like my life is out of my control and yet I know, intellectually, it isn’t. My mantra over the past few months has become: I am the Captain of my own ship and Master of my own destiny.

    Now if I could just make myself believe that.

    Elsa, thanks for the question and having a space where I could just get that off my chest.

  13. My parents have Pluto at 5 and 6 degrees of Virgo. This has been one of the hardest years I have ever seen them go through, and it all started in September. My younger brother committed suicide, my dad got into an accident at work where he mangled himself good just two weeks later, my sister had an extremely difficult pregnancy and my other sister had a miscarriage, and that’s just the beginning of it.

    I have Saturn in Virgo, Pluto in Libra. Pluto is currently conjuncting my moon for the last year or so, Saturn squaring my sun, and will get the rest of the stellium in sag as well, and my return will hit later this year.

    I don’t even know where I am at, I just know I’m fucking it all up and my return isn’t going to be a pretty one. The only thing I am doing well at is work (Pluto has been on the midheaven for quite some time as well, Saturn transiting the 6th).

  14. I had my first baby just before my Saturn return. So the experience WAS very good for me, even with all the responsibility and demands of a new baby.

    Every time Saturn passed over personal planets or points was a time of tremendous personal growth and insight, even if it was painful (sometimes it wasn’t, just brought me heaps of more responsibility).

    I won’t be experiencing this transit for a while, but I wonder what will happen, since I have a Venus-Pluto conjunction. Hmmmm.

  15. I survived two Saturn Returns & transits to natal Pluto/Saturn conjunction . . . and I feel more comfortable in my skin now then ever before in my life.

    However, the first Saturn transit to Pluto involved several miscarriages, an abortion and a really bad relationship with an alcoholic. The second one just felt oppressive and my butt was dragging the whole time but once Saturn was past exact it lightened up immediately.

    BTW? Saturn/Pluto are sextile my Moon/Neptune natally.

  16. Pluto in Virgo and just when I think, okay, everything is gone that is going, I’ve hit bottom, some other piece of my security drops off. Some things I knew weren’t working, but at other times I’m saying to myself, “well, I never would have thought about that blowing up in my face, hmmmmmm.” So when is it safe to start rebuilding….do the aftershocks last a while?

  17. I have pluto in libra, and I’m not even starting to worry about that yet. Saturn is currently hitting my moon with the Uranus opposition as well and its moments of everything being completely fine and then duck and cover.

    Besides all the stuff going on now at home, with my family, emotionally, and with women, Saturn is still going to go across my Jupiter Saturn cnj before it hits Pluto. So. Yeah. Head down, one thing at a time, and we’ll get there when we get there hahahahha.

  18. Actually, I think I’m rather looking forward to it. I am frustrated beyond words right now with any number of things in my life, and am already forming plans–REAL plans–to attempt to change some of those things. Changes that will restructure certain core factors that keep me stuck, in fact. Things may go *blooey* on me, they often do, but I am quite ready to face them head-on and move beyond! It’s time!

    Looking back, Saturn only passed my Pluto/Uranus conjunction (in Virgo, both in same degree!) once the last time. In 3rd house. Immediate environment stabilized, but mostly because my sisters (three of them, all still minors too) were finally truly removed, which was sad but frankly, better for my chaotic mother, who also finally gave up getting married (among other things) and settled down a bit. It all adds. (Of course, just a couple of years later she died and back into the vortex went I, but the hiatus was nice while it lasted, lol!)

    This time, Saturn hits twice altogether. And the first hit, due this fall, will co-incide with Jupiter opposing my Sun/Asc/Jupiter stellium AND Pluto opposing my Mars/squaring my MC & Saturn. Ergo, ought to be an exciting October, wot? Buckle my seat-belt!

    I will add, however, that the nice part about having had a hellishly insane childhood is that you know that whatever disasters strike and however unpleasant it may be, you’ll survive in the long run. Plus, it gives you something to talk about beside the weather, right? 😉

  19. Hey shell, I fully claim my Saturn return was starting around 27, because that’s when things were starting to get rough. (I have both a T-square and grand trine with Saturn at the top, so I am sensitive to it) Even if The Big Shit (i.e. my dad dying during exact SR) hadn’t occurred yet, I was feeling some kind of mess starting up. I used to keep a “Saturn Return Chaos-O-Meter” on my journal writing down when new bad crap occurred, even!

    Right now, as a Pluto in Libra with no Virgo, I am enjoying NOT having any Saturn issues this year! Took a while though…

  20. Uranus Conjunct Pluto in Virgo… in the 11th.

    Sun and Merc in Sadge. With T Pluto hovering over my 2nd house (not to mention the conjunctions) I’ve had the dubious honor of having my “hut burned to the ground”…mentally that is.

    Molly, I’ve no doubt that the visions your SO has been afforded are the real deal. The societal buuble structure we have been slumbering under is about to burst. There will be no where to run…especially if we are running from responsibility.

  21. Mars and Pluto at 8 and 9 degrees Virgo in 12th house. Transiting Saturn near/in conjunction with these planets. Not sure what to expect but I have a feeling that I can’t get away with daydreaming or believing that one day I’ll run away to Paris and write best-selling novels. Definitely sense that I will have to face some major responsibilities and decisions and possibly a very new life soon, one quite different from the one I was imagining even a year ago. My Mars and Pluto conjunct SO’s North Node and his NN being transited by Saturn. His life has changed incredibly since May 2007 and he says all of his long-held romantic dreams and lifestyle goals are being realized since our relationship began. Funny. His dreams are coming true but mine seem to be in the midst of being forced to change in order to accommodate a new reality. Since coming upon Elsa’s blog in September 2007 I’ve become so much more aware of life cycles, of having to “slow down” and listen and think before speaking. And that’s saying a lot for a quadruple Gemini (Sun, moon, venus and Mercury in Gem in the 9th house).

  22. I have Pluto in Virgo and since Sept my life has turned upside down…but the problem is not being able to sort anything out like I usually do. It’s like I am being ‘held’ in the situation for a reason. I mean, I guess I could turn tail and do something but it doesn’t feel that doing that would be in my best interests anymore. Your comment about can’t getting out just yet really resonates.

  23. saturn transiting my pluto at 6 degrees of virgo in the 11th.
    Daughter won’t grow anymore.
    me: 4 teeth out in january. Being threatened with forfeiture of my lease by crooked freeholder and managing agent after losing what I thought was an airtight case against them. Have to leave the home I love. Subsidence, builders about to come in. Job? forget it. Relationship: in your dreams. I’m old and very isolated. Grandmother died a year ago. Parents next, whats the point?
    Relentless pressure. Earth cracking below me literally. I’m not even fighting it.
    Just gone: pluto transiting venus/jupiter conjunction in sag in 2nd. Long painful miscarriage. Violent relationship. Gone now.
    Coming up: pluto gonna hit Mars/saturn conjunction in cap in 3rd.

  24. Saturn has just started to make his way through me. It’s exactly conjunct my natal moon, and for me, only the calm before the storm. Before it’s all over and done with, this planet plans on visiting my Jupiter, Pluto, Sun, and Uranus, all conjunct….Is there any hope?

  25. People there is a way to enjoy this transit. It’s almost as if you’re drawing negative forces to yourselves. Relax! Pluto regenerates and Saturn restructures your life. Together they will force you to think and act in a better way when it’s finally run it’s course.

    I have Pluto in Virgo at 4 degrees and Saturn is now in Virgo at approx. 4 degrees. This year, yes I admit I have less money than before, but I’m also helping my wife build a new business. I have little income and my existence is frugal to say the least. The new business is mountain of work and will go on until at least the summer. But that’s the key right there…

    BUILD SOMETHING NEW! Flow with this transit. Doesn’t mean you need to start a new business, just do something new, or finish something that you’ve put off for years! Then magically watch your fortunes change. Why? Because you’re now flowing with these energies, rather than trying to avoid the uncomfortable shake-up!

  26. After much thought, or for a better word, I’d say “much analysis”, (I’m such a Virgo), I have come to the conclusion that Saturn is going to straighten out those kinks for me. I was worried up until today when I realized how comfy Saturn will be once he enters my 10th house stellium. I have decided to welcome his transit!!

  27. Yes, marmitelover right now I do have Jupiter conjunct my natal Saturn along with the originally, mentioned transiting Saturn conjunct natal Pluto in Virgo…

    ..but perhaps dealing with a natal Moon Libra Square natal Saturn in Capricorn, <(opposing natal Sun and Venus in Cancer) has forced me over the years to look for optimism however small an opening it may be.

    Right now I’m poor as dirt, (poor as in near essential service cuts kind of poor) but helping my wife build a business allows me to put the pain in the background:)

    From experience I know flowing with adversity, until an escape route or solid solution is available works best!

  28. I too have been having Saturn rx over my natal moon/pluto conjunction in Virgo 02 degrees 5th house, and Pluto trining rx in Capricorn.
    I lost my house in 2003, got back on my feet financially with a better job and got an apt,
    then August 2005 that company went out of business, since then I have not been able to “get it together” I have given custody of my daughter to her dad (5th house moon pluto)
    I am living with a “friend” who has been very manipulative, and Finally learned how to stand up for myself! I have found my own Strength!
    and I too am having severe financial difficulty.
    When will this end???!!

  29. Glad I’m not alone. I’m from ’66, pluto and uranus conjunct in virgo in my 8th, opposition saturn, mercury, sun and mars conjunct on the border of pisces/aries. Early life, schizophrenic mother, dad who prefers hanging with prositutes to his kids, raped at seven blah blah. Last time this happened someone tried to rape me again, I developed food disorders and ended up with a full break down. Have worked my way out of it through sheer bloody mindedness, to have a good job, a loving partner, a beautiful son and a secure home. I am TERRIFIED of what might be to come, not the least because I can;t face the prospect of losing what I have worked so savagely hard, physically, mentally and spirtually, to create. Think of it, all in the eight house, sex, death and other peoples money… will it never end????

  30. Avatar
    Julie B Erdman

    I have been watching approaching Saturn with some interest. I am a Sag sun, Pisces rising, with Pluto in late Virgo; my moon and three planets form a stellium in Libra in my seventh house. At 6 degrees Virgo, Saturn will cross my descendant. My husband’s moon is conjunct my ascendant, and his Pluto is in opposition at 10 degrees Virgo. We had the one transit of Saturn up to 7 degrees Virgo before it went into retrograde. We had some intense emotional discussions and fighting. I was impatient with him, felt criticized, and found him jealous and paranoid (traits he usually suppresses pretty well). Saturn was just past the conjunction of my descendant, and opposite his moon when one fated evening resulted in pregnancy. I was surprised to have such an oops at 39 years of age! Now that Saturn had gone direct, I’m wondering, and I admit, a little fearful, of what may happen. We have one healthy son, and we lost a son who was born three months early. Although I welcome the opportunity to have another child, I wasn’t ready to take the precipitous ride of another pregnancy. I also have a step daughter with a Virgo moon—as does her mother. My husband has recently renewed some hostile communications with the mother of his daughter after things had been fairly peaceful. My mother has a Saturn-moon conjunction in Pisces, and my father is a Saturn-sun in early Pisces. Obviously, I’m worried about my close relationships (plus my husband’s ex as an “open enemy”). Oh! And Uranus will station into an exact square to my natal sun before going retrograde in the same degree. What the h- does this mean for my pregnancy, relationships, and career? (sun is conjunct my mid-heaven in the 10th house0.

  31. New Moon Aries 1965, with Venus/Mercury also in Aries. Saturn Pisces (2nd) now in opposition t Virgo in the 8th, about to conjunct Mars/Uranus/Pluto.

    Problems with jobs, want to fly free to college & uni and cut ties with authority figures.

    Health condition with piles to be sorted.

  32. Saturn is conjunct my Pluto, and still in my Mars, Uranus, Pluto and IC stellium. Actually, I think that 2003 was worse when Pluto opposed my sun which was conjunct transiting Saturn. So, we know that anything having to do with Saturn requires patience, and a feeling of thankfulness that it’s motion is faster than Pluto’s! It’s really scary when Pluto destroys everything (deaths) and the new path is not yet visable. Saturn is going to block any forward progress on that path. Some things still are OK, and I guess we have to focus on them and not on what’s not working out (but that eventually will, slowly). In my case as Saturn has hit Uranus, Mars, and now Pluto and the IC I have had flare ups of health problems (Virgo), which affect employment and money. Fretting just makes it worse. May I suggest “trusting the universe” and escapism in the sorta healthy form of books and puzzles to keep that Virgo brain from totally freaking out? It will work itself out.

  33. T. Saturn conj Jupiter then Venus then will hit Uranus/Pluto & opp Chiron

    T. Uranus opp Venus then Uranus/Pluto & conj. Chiron

    T. Neptune sq. Neptune

    T. Pluto conj. Mars/Asc & square Pluto/Chiron/Uranus/Saturn

    The weird thing is that I have an unusually positive attitude. Maybe it is because I am getting excellent support from other people & the medical establishment.

    T. Saturn in the 8th conj Jupiter = my husband lost his job.

    T. Saturn in the 8th conj Venus = my husband went out of town for over a month to make some $ playing piano for tourists.

    I’m not looking foward to T. Saturn hitting my Uranus/Pluto/Chiron, frankly.

  34. I’m a Gemini with Aries Rising. I have Pluto at 19 degrees Libra and will experience this in about 5 years or so. I’m remaining optimistic because my natal Libra in the 7th house is receiving only positive aspects from other planets (trine sun, mercury and IC and sextile moon/neptune/MC conjunction.)

    Alas, this post is a bit scary…people seem to be having many problems with this transit. I’m wondering if anyone has checked the aspects to their natal Pluto and, if so, does anyone have positive aspects to this Saturn/Pluto conjunction yielding positive effects in their life?

    FYI – I checked my Solar Return and Progressions for the year of this transit and the SR is showing tons of activity in the 8th/9th houses while the PC shows a Grand Trine between the moon, pluto and venus. Any thoughts?

  35. one more thing…I will have my Saturn Return three times starting at the end of this year…since Saturn will pass my natal saturn, retrodrade and pass over it again, and then pass over it one more time before leaving mt 6th house for my 7th. Any thoughts on this?

  36. “Does anyone have positive aspects to this Saturn/Pluto conjunction yielding positive effects in their life?”

    Rachael, my SO (with PC) has…he has been a yoga teacher for a few years but in the last year has realized his ‘calling’ which is as a yoga therapist. I think this is very positive. He’s happy being in service to others. His North Node is also in Virg

    Personally, I think of Saturn as an old friend. Maybe I would, I have Capricorn Moon and Sun/Saturn contacts.

    The opportunity it provides to funnel your energies, become disciplined about something you love, hone a skill, etc…well those are all very positive things.

    One last thing…I think Saturn provides us all with an opportunity to truly appreciate the things in life that bring us joy and fulfillment.

  37. Thank you Kashmiri, that is very helpful advice. I am currenty in graduate school, following a “career change” path from Journalism to ESL teaching, and I’ve been feeling very positive and optimistic about it. While this 6th house transit of Saturn has proved that I am working harder than ever (especially with my Mars/Jupiter/North Node/Saturn in Virgo in this house) It has been a rewarding experience so far.

    Congratulations to your SO!!! I’m glad he’s having a positive experience with this Saturn/Pluto thing. Since I’ll be experiencing my Saturn Return this year and the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction later, I’m going to remain optimistic!!! Thanks again.

  38. Natally I am 5 deg virgo sun 13 deg scorpio rising pluto 22 virgo. May 30th fired from my job by very nervous boss (5 deg sag). May 19th difficulties with govt. authorities. June 1st, hospitalized with nearly fatal pnemonia and diagnosed with cancer of the lung (which will not be fatal because of the pnemonia it was caught early). Does anyone know the effects of a Full Moon *the one on Sept. 15th is exactly conjunct my natal moon in the 4th with uranus already there awhile makes me nervous as a whore in church for my mum

  39. I have a pluto in libra. I’m going through my saturn returns in virgo right now. When saturns shifts into libra, will I expect a pluto transit to occur? I thought pluto transits only happen once or twice during a lifetime and I just finished one!! (pluto in sag squaring my moon/saturn in virgo).
    This past summer I lost my grandpa, got pregnant, got engaged, switched jobs, and moved! My entire life has been turned upside down and everything I knew as a child has disappeared.But I think that stuff is part of the saturn return, not pluto.

  40. Dear astrologeries,
    I have a grand square including my pluto,in virgo 12th,and i have been dreading its appearance of a passing saturn for some time,predicting that i would become severely excluded out of life in general,as saturn progressed through the houses into the 12th.And yes here i am,a victim of my own compulsion to withdraw,regret and assess.However not as a postion of weakness,but of a general attitude of,”well if the world is going to be like that,it can get stuffed”.In oppostion to chiron in aries 6/7 cusp,i suppose there is a healing element, as stuff what others think of me in my relationships,stuff what use i am to society,i am going to bed and i am not getting up untill i feel better about myself, for myself.I have spent my whole life trying to please others,getting little back but abuse,and its high time i got a little more concerned about what i recieve.And i wonder,when saturn goes into libra(sun sign,western astrology),if i am going to continue to be having a low self esteem,or if i am going to consolidate my own personal interests.Yes this transit is very heavy.

  41. Wow, I just stumbled upon this website and you guys are deep. I was searching for input about transiting Saturn conjunct ninth house Pluto in Virgo. I am 50 years old; meaning that I am in my second Saturn return. Things have gotten better over time for me. Nataly speaking; I have Saturn sitting on everything that could possibly project or expand in my life. Saturn in the first house, in retrograde; sitting on a Jupiter ruled ascendant, spilling over into my second house of material possessions. I am a superstar in my own mind; but Saturn curtails any projection of that image on my surroundings(low self esteem); and gaining any financial footing has always been a struggle. I have learned most of my lessons before now. I am in a relatively prosperous and stable postion now. Understand that Saturn is not your enemy. It is the structure for your boundaries of existence. You can also think of it as a Karmic vehicle of balance. Knowing your moon’s nodes helps.
    Through Karmic Astrology I have come to realize that there is a reason why I should not directly express the talents accumulated from previous existences (none of which I remember). I think of Saturn as my built-in Karmic nanny.

    I probably will not be revisiting this website any time soon. I hope my view helped someone as your views have helped me.

  42. Hi!! all, I’ve got transiting saturn conjucting my natal pluto in second house and worried because i have a bussiness!!!….What am i up for…

  43. KASHMIRI how very strange I just started my own yoga business which is my calling, also honing my formal skills in relaxation delivery. I have Pluto/Uranus 18/21 in the 9th quite close to MC I see this as hard hard work but getting the resposibility at the end of it. Other career has collapsed but provided the much needed albeit scary push to build something new, doing lots of learning at the moment to finally get the qualifications I’ve avoided all my life

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