The solar eclipse @ 10 degrees Libra taking place midday on October 2nd promises to be lit! The sun and moon will conjoin Mercury. This will adds a cerebral element, but it’s Mars in Cancer, squaring the sun, moon and Mercury, that has my attention.
Is it possible Mars stay out of this? Of course not! Please note the chart.
The Libra stellium looks like a couple on a date, having a conversation. Here comes, Mars, the interloper, hell bent on disturbing the peace.
One solution, for the individual, is to pull the Mars energy in. Use the energy, rather than deny it. It’s not that hard to do!
Consider invigorating (Mars) your relationship yourself, rather than leaving that to some third party.
If you’re not in a relationship and want to be, by all means, hunt (Mars) love and relationships (Libra).
Mercury is prominent. You can expect spirited conversation and/or debate. These conversations (Mercury) may harm (Mars) your social relationships (Libra). Make an effort (Mars) to keep things balanced (Libra).
Note that Libra tries to stay nice and in control. But if you pound on them long enough and hard enough, they actually lose their temper, they will gut you like fish… and then stand there with the knife in their hand, horrified. “Look what you made me do.”
I’m making this sound disquieting because that’s exactly what it is. Libra represents peace and harmony. Mars attacks! You know those stories, where some pretty girl is living her life and some enraged person ambushes her with intent to cause harm? That’s the type of scenario described here.
If you have planets in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) between 8 and 17 degrees, you’re sure to be caught in this. That’s me! I’m in trouble with this and in fact, it’s already being felt in my world.
With all this said, it seems important to set a positive intention (Mars) so you’re ready to channel this energy, mindfully (Mercury).
Here are some ideas based on the house in your natal chart where the new moon falls:
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 1st house – Actively socialize. Make an effort to get along.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 2nd house – Acquire objects of beauty. Be fair in your financial dealings. Balanced investments.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 3rd house – Negotiate conflicts, possibly acting as a mediator. Seeing both sides of an argument.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 4th house – Peace in the family. Consider compromising to end or prevent a war in the family.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 5th house – Beautiful art. Fun date with an active Mars component. Throw a frisbee in the park? Go for a bike ride?
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 6th house – Mediator at work. Negotiate conflict. Serve the partner. Love in the workplace. Balance in your every day life.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 7th house – The right amount of togetherness. Talk to your partner. Balance in life, in general.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 8th house – Shadow side of love. Loving someone in crisis. Talk therapy. Deep conversation, one on one.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 9th house – Weighing the truth(s). Balanced perspective.
- New Moon Solar eclipse the 10th house – Fair authority. Your manners set an example for others.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 11th house – Host a party or some other meeting, for your quirky friends. Check in on others. Let them know you’re thinking of them. Be nice to all.
- New Moon Solar eclipse in the 12th house – God is your co-pilot. Living in accord with the ethereal. Loving sacrifice.
Where will the eclipse fall in your chart? What’s your intention?
Someone just asked if I could do a joint session with a couple. Seems textbook here.
First house, my Venus (libra) and Neptune (Capricorn) involved. Hoping this fares better than the March Libra eclipse 🤞
6H here…opposing venus/merc and sq nept in Cap… luckily tr mars is way ahead to be in direct opp of natal neptune but still… lets hope it fares better than the one in March, for real… 🙏
Good luck to us!
It’s just, this whole thing has been such a precisely timed sequence for me personally, that I’m a bit cautious.
For me, that March eclipse—which occurred at 5 degrees Libra—marked a significant turning point. I lost a lot, but I soon gained something else just as good—or perhaps even better—because I was undoubtedly dealt the Jupiter/Uranus “high and wild” card in April. After that, I had to wait until September to start reaping the rewards of my efforts. That exact moment occurred when the transiting moon crossed the fifth degree of Libra and the transiting Venus passed over the south node on the same day.
My ramblings aside, I remain stunned at the precision of the delivery of events.
Happy for you!
Thank you 🙂! Phew, what a summer.
The new moon will conjunct my Libra mars and Libra Saturn in the 1st house. Like you, I am feeling this already. Additionally Jupiter is in my 10th house squaring Saturn in the 6th. I’m currently caregiving my 75 year old partner who is extremely ill with three progressive diseases that are being exasperated simultaneously. Well meaning, but poorly informed, family and friends are coming out of the woodwork with advice and criticism in how we are navigating health care and home care. Not one is available to chip in with time or energy though. I have a four planet Libra stellium spanning the 1st and 2nd house and am feeling his pain and my own. I am making an effort to get along – for him, if not for myself. But I only have so many last nerves.
4th house- we just had to put my cat down – he had fluid in his heart & lungs. We need peace.
((((Bar)))) I’m sorry.
Thank you Elsa, Mars will sextile my Uranus- I am using this energy to ( distract/refocus) restructure my salon services. Focusing on mastering a color and cut technique. Feels like I’m going to school for the first time again. I see something greater for the next 3.5 years.
Apollo is our last pet in the past 15 years and we have decided to take a break from furry friends in the house.
So sorry to hear this, many blessings to you, and I can fully emphasise. My sweet 16-year little cat also passed 2 days ago. She had kidney disease. 12th house energies. I am bracing myself for more to come in this eclipse as it also conjuncts my natal Venus.
P.S. If you are open to it, please connect with an animal communicator – brings so much comfort and healing in this time of grief when our beautiful pets cross over.
Cathy, sending you a big ((hug))
This falls directly on my Asc-Desc axis in Aries/Libra.
Should be fun. 😀 Hopefully not with my family.
The vice presidential debate will be held October 1st.
My birthday is Oct 1. The Libra eclipse conjuncts my Sun and Moon in the 12th house, while Mars in Cancer is conjunct my Uranus in the 9th house. I hope I don’t die. (Halfway joking, but I’ll be 73) Oddly, I’ve noticed lately, there’s a lot of outside pressure on my time and things, like appliances, breaking down in my house.
Well, I’m the middle of this! Natal Mars 11°Cancer , 7th house, Mercury 13°Libra 10th house and Moon 14°Capricorn 1st house, oh my! Nowadays I can control my emotions better than when I were younger, but still, I talk a lot, sometimes when better be silent! but I’ve benn improving, lol I also had the tendency too. to take, to be triggered by other feelings, moods, now I can feel better what is mine what’s others feelings, like rage, anxiety. I will be more allert! I hope it passes in peace and that I can direct it to doing things I need to.
The eclipse falls on my Venus at 10 degrees Libra. It is also the first anniversary of my daughter’s death. My husband and I are taking the day off together and camping out that evening. It is occurring in my 10th house and my husband’s 4th House. He has a Libra Sun 27 degrees Libra).
Oh, Robyn, I’m sorry. Hand in there!
The October 02 Eclipse wil be in my 6H at 12 Libra. Plus sextile my natal sun at 12L in 4H.
Exactly hits my Mars/Jupiter midpoint. Looking forward to watching the show.
OOPS Forgot to say my NoNode is 12Libra in the 6H
My Pluto is in Libra at 10 degrees…
It’s good to be informed – thank you.
this hits my venus pluto opposition (and thus most of the rest of my chart)
been getting hammered on this for a bit now. hopefully i can learn what i need to and move forwards.
Well it did not go well, never does.
Promised hell, it happened, it only gets worse, been good reading your interpretations, take care.
I’m sorry.
No you are not, you have no idea what you’ve done. You threatened me, so I played along, included you, let it go. I care for humanity, you ruined everything. People like you just want to take, I was setting them free.
I don’t know what you’re talking about so you’re right. I have no idea what I’ve done
I’m sorry. Everyone, not you personally, you are good people, I was not paying attention, Sun conjunct Pluto started Days ago, it was my fault. I’m lashing out at everything. I’ll not bother you, I wish you well.
I’m sorry you’re suffering. I wish you well, too!
Getting back to being social…..We all need to be in the world physically more and not in front of the screen! We’re loosing it….be with people and talk face to face….soul to soul. This I see as our biggest task at hand. Thank you Elsa for reminding us first house eclipsers…Libra rising here Scorpio Sun…Much love to you all,,,,,,
This is agitating my daughter’s Moon-Saturn conjunction. Moon 16 and Saturn 13 Cancer. She ripped into me last night for “not supporting her” and I have no clue what she’s talking about. Mars is square my LIBRA Moon.
That Mars is also on my IC. My dad went on the warpath last week about my tattoos and now this. Cancer energy makes me crazy because of my Libra Moon. I drive them crazy as well. I can’t handle angry, deep from the well outbursts like these. They don’t like how detached I am.
I left my kid alone after her outburst. Moon-Mars-Saturn in Cancer isn’t easy to get a hold on. We’ll talk this out after she decompresses.