I’m continuing to run though various backups of my writing, running back to 1999. That’s when I started writing. I’m well aware, life has degraded since then, but I’ve still been struck by how funny and open and “light” all the writing is, including writing of others, who were interacting with me at the time. It was just a ton of fun.
This made me think about the “cellar box”, I wrote about, in January 2023. It’s about the lid being lowered on us as a people, It’s about oppression that causes depression. I can’t even count all the attack vectors. I’m talking about things like inflation, but also tons of content designed to scare people or denigrate them. It wears on the soul.
Most of us are also dealing with (orchestrated) division in our families, our workplace, and our various friends. The stress makes people ill or it makes them feel ill. It all contributed to the lid lowering, inch by inch.
I want to look for a solution but my feeling at this time, is everyone is frozen, waiting for the outcome of the election. Psyches are so overloaded, I’m not sure anyone knows what to expect, from either outcome, a delayed outcome or whatever else might occur.
It irks me, seeing everything go down, over the last twenty years of so. I don’t know how everyone is dealing with it. Personally, I try to avoid absorbing the vicious, hateful energy out there, which could easily be conjured up, digitally. I would like to go back to happier times, but I don’t seem to have a lot of company with this.
Happier times, in my world, would be defined as most the people getting along, most of the time.
Have you ever heard of parents who deliberately divide their children? My parents did this. My mother protected her son, but not her daughters. My father had me, telling him who misbehaved while he was at work. I was ten years old, supposed to tell on my sixteen year old sister – how do you think that went?
I think what’s going on now, is similar, on a very large scale. If you can help it, help yourself, by not allowing this to happen in your sphere, because look. No one is perfect! This includes you. If you keep this in mind, it’s a lot harder to to dump all the “dark” on to the other. This is widespread, right now, with the Mars Pluto opposition.
How are you feeling at this time? How are you coping and/or keeping your energy up?
Thank you for reminding me that this is orchestrated. It saddens me to see so much vitriol going around. I kind of wish I either didn’t know what anyone (family, neighbors, friends, etc) thinks, politically, or that we could actually trust that we could have civilized discourse about it, to the point that it really wouldn’t matter whether we’d had or hadn’t had that conversation. I feel like I’m in a holding pattern in a lot more ways than just waiting to find out what the federal government will be up to. I’m not pregnant but I feel pregnant, what I imagine late stage pregnancy is like during the last few weeks. Like I want to just get on with it, see what my new life is about, experience a personal rebirth in the process, but there’s no way around the waiting game. I’m trying to remind myself to be in the moment. It feels kind of slog-y, like just ‘getting through.’ But there’s nothing unfortunate about my situation, I know I’m blessed and I’m very grateful. I just want to feel some inspiration. I want to have some fun, I want to be more silly, I want to feel upliftment! So, I share your sentiments, Elsa. Thanks as always.
Actually, Elsa, just an update on this comment from YESTERDAY… I AM pregnant. So, it wasn’t just a feeling then! I’m cracking up writing this! I am feeling a lot more positive about the future, maybe because I have to? Maybe because I am choosing faith!
WOW! ALLLL RIGHT! I’m happy for you!
Divide and conquer has always been the strategy of the ruling class…Don’t play that game in our family, or even extended family, and no one should play it..Love is the answer….I personally have benefitted greatly from what I have learned as a regression hypnotist…which is that we have a near infinite number of lives, in which we can be any sex, and race, and any ability, but our objective is spiritual growth in every life….
Yes indeed I agree. I had someone work with me and help mw to heal some past life trauma.
Strange times. I think the christed path is a lonely path and must be walked alone so we can all stand in harmony and unity. We’re becoming tempered, and the chaffe to be burned off. it’s scary for there is no longer a normal but a constantly chaotic world with leaders who can’t hide the lies anymore. Only mental illness can’t see it, and this is what all invasions feel like this century, happening all over the world. So energetically things are on fire. Breathe deeply conscious breaths, hold it before exhaling relaxing in between the inhale and exhale especially the shoulders arms back hips legs – they call this 3 focused breaths the Holy Breath, changes your energy fields and chemically balances out the system. Harnessing your breath, using your breath in a conscious way, is magical and will help everyone to get through the storm. I was told decades ago, that this time would require somekind of adherent to honor the God within. And it all rides on the holy breath. Powerful stuff, especially with mindful intent for energy follows thought.
Thank you for this!! Reminds me to get back to yoga training and breath work which is so helpful. 🙂 Blessings!
The Cellar Box article was really sinister!
In relation to the global game and economic stagnation at the moment. In truth, since the lockdown, things have been kind of idyllic for me. I live a simple life. I attend to my illness, I do meditation, music, dream interpretation, philosophy, astrology linked things, prayer, journalling and such, as much as I am able to do which is sometimes none of those when I overwhelm myself. I walk the dog. A lot of the people I lost as friends and family over COVID were absolute trash and I genuinely hope I never see them again. Some people that had the opposite political viewpoints to me I experienced very little friction with.
I think personally we will move forward into more positive times. Like, the economic stagnation can’t last forever. A society can’t survive with men having given up and staying home playing computer games. Not dating and such. So eventually, things will move forward in some powerful way, and I will probably be doing loads of stuff. Improving my health with supplements. Working. Maybe but probably not dating. Interacting with other… human beings. At that time I will probably look back on this time as… while not pleasant for health reasons, the huge amount of solitude and creativity being very regenerative and such.
I just hope everybody likes JD Vance a lot because I think he might end up being the next president. And maybe not in an entirely positive way. His chart is eerily similar to Trump’s with that Ascendant on Regulus. Which means he’s getting all of the positive hits that Trump gets on election day but somehow misses out on the danger in Trump’s chart. My first thought upon seeing their charts is ‘JD is to Trump as LBJ is to JFK’. Maybe the election is hotly contested as there is a split in the outcome which ultimately goes to Trump…. then he is removed somehow and JD slides on in there. And then there’s the exact opposition of Mars to Pluto on Jan. 3/4 and the Sun/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius on Jan. 20th, Inauguration Day. I don’t really know but I’ll throw it on the wall to see if it sticks….
I think all bets are off for the next 3 months!! It seems anything can be possible.
I agree that it’s all being orchestrated. What am I doing? I’m not participating in the orchestrated mess. I choose to not. I just say no. I continue to play and live my life with others who are choosing to not participate in the chaos. I pay attention and am fully aware, have been for a very long time. The orchestrated mess will only continue for as long as people continue to participate in it. The idiots lose power when people refuse to play along. I believe things will turn around and get better, just not sure how soon.
The silent weapons for quiet wars programming manual admits it’s intentional. I know everyone sees pluto in aquarius as negative but I have hope it’s not. I have strong pluto and aquarius in my chart. Pluto Capricorn exposed the ruling class criminals. I see pluto in aquarius as the bounty hunter…going to sweep house, the internet controls etc are designed by the elites hoping to stop the inevitable but only digging their grave deeper. We need a storm to cleanse the field…so pluto is the reaper before age of aquarius becomes more energized…
Feels like it’s too late. We are forever divided somehow. I too fell into this abyss. Valid on a becoming conscious level and separated from those less conscious. Before that I tolerated them. It was harmful to me. But distance is also harmful. Double bind.
Astute observation.
It just seems like basic decency and respect have taken a sabbatical.
I recently read a powerful short book, “We: Declare Our Interdependence.” The author’s name is Unity Prophet. It reveals a few powerful forces that divide us, including religion, education, a two-party political system, and extreme economic inequality. It is available on Amazon. It is a concise summary of the strategy “divide and conquer” that goes back to the days of the first autocrats.
We are all at risk due to the divisive forces. We are interdependent, and we will not be able to address the wicked challenges facing humanity until we realize the “us versus them” divisions exist to benefit the megalomaniacal, narcissistic, psychopathic, wanna-be Masters of the Universe.
I think a lot of people know this, but it’s irrelevant, because of the condition (mental, physical, spiritual) or the populace.
So trying … I explode and can’t stop crying…it’s been intense … and how many more months???
You have always had the most unique take of the collective of any astrologer I have come across. I remember your warning of shrinkflation before it was a word back in the early days of Pluton in Cap.
Thank you for that. I was fuckin’ irate. 12 oz pounds of coffee, my ass!
I just couldn’t get people to take me serious,,, as always, same-o, same-o!
They too busy saying I’m a bitch, but they forgive me, because I’m abused.
.gif of eyes rolling ’round backwards in head, goes here!
Downer vibes for sure… but being delulu helps … but I want to rip the bandaid off while I still can
Orchestrated division at home. The Narcissist parent’s delight. Using their kids as pawns (and ammo) against their partner (and the kids against each other). Not everyone was raised by one (or two in my case. Jealous?) but pretty much everyone either has one in the family somewhere, or has come across one at work, online, on a date, or out and about. Throw in Mars-Pluto now which seems to guarantee some sort of run-in with the unsavory soul-less amongst us. And they are Legion.