Weekend Love Forecast – Are You Satisfied? Do You Love Your Life?

Cancer emBetween the eclipses, we have the Venus-ruled Libra Sun and Mercury rolling over the Moon’s south node. I’m sure we can all think of specific things we want or wish to embody, but the entire equation for self and goals must include what we already are and have.

What we are and have plus what we think we lack equal the whole package: the beginning of a plan for ideal symmetry. When you know what you’ve got, you can figure out what you need.

Taking inventory is seeing what’s there. If you’re going off the same-old list, you’ll merely note to replace what’s missing. You add those together and you’ve got your regular old goals. That strategy won’t spark growth. Consider all the aspects of your talents and resources and flip them to the other side of the equation. Where do you want to end up? “What do you need to get there” becomes the question.

With Venus in Pluto-ruled Scorpio, the collective pool for desire goes deep. This Venus has the capacity to dive into murky waters and come up with a gem. Shame is also in those waters, often ignored, unseen, or avoided. However, it’s just as possible to accept it as the water we swim in, and current conditions warrant and encourage exploration. Take off the polite veneer: What do you REALLY want? Consider the naked truth itself first, then ponder what you think of it.

All weekend long, Venus heads into trine with Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer, and Mars perfects its trine to retro Saturn in Pisces through Sunday night. You CAN get what you want AND what you need if you’re willing to take it slow and steady the right (righteous) way. The collective internal compass for righteous behavior is built in to our current subconscious drive to act.

Accept that your desires are valid, then look for the avenue that opens up in front of you. If it’s meant for you, it won’t be blocked. As you commit to action, ask yourself — how does that make me feel? Is it worth it?

Our personal capabilities and reserves (the ones we’re inventorying?) are grist for this Venus-Mars-Saturn (currently wide) wheel of flow. What are your talents? Try them on this weekend! Dust them off, shine them up. Put them into play and see how they perform. What better way to assess their value?

Friday night, the Sun-ruled Leo Moon heads into sextile with Juno in Libra as Juno chases a trine to Jupiter in Gemini. Excitement, passion, and more than one philosophy for meaning: The mood is gregarious, though discussion and social graces are a paper thin cover for a voracious appetite.

Saturday night, the Leo Moon squares retro Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus. We need to shake things up! No more same-old same-old please. A tiny kick to the ego is worth all the fresh goodies it drums up.

The Moon finishes up in Leo overnight after cruising through the point of a yod: quincunxes from retro Neptune and retro Pluto. This self-possessed mood steers between soft fantasy and hard intensity, magic and rebirth (music and sex). This is a rise to the occasion sort of mood, one that takes on the challenge of challenge itself. Don’t crumble, you don’t need to. There’s a path through the fog and fear if just you forge ahead on faith.

Sunday morning, the Sun crosses the south node; by evening, the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon sextiles Venus with Mercury-south node-Sun on their midpoint. It’s the dark of the Moon; how dare you know what you want, what you need? You dare! We may not have risked hubris to own our full capacity till now, but by the Sun — by all that’s dear — we understand the need to now. It IS what will take us where we need to go.

Courage, dear heart.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Are You Satisfied? Do You Love Your Life?”

  1. Thrillingly motivational !
    I have plans to 86 the garden and work on some hair techniques I am looking to master by the end of 2025!!

  2. Could not imagine better aspects than this, going through a break with my partner. This is the textbook “desires-not-met” and “what are my non-negotiables?” vibe….

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