
Cancer in 6h house ...
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Cancer in 6h house and Saturn in 2nd house Pisces - How to do I organize my life?

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I use the whole house system and I have cancer in my 6th house. That house is empty, but having cancer there makes me feel like a mess when it comes to schedules, daily tasks, etc. I have capricorn in the 12 (with Uranus and Neptune conjunct aka 10 degrees or less from each other) and Aquarius rising. I have looked all over for help or advice regarding this. But have found none. So made a burner to ask for some advice. I know the 6h is also about health and servitude. I however am looking for more help regarding daily tasks, work life, etc.

I have tried over and over to structure my life and have come up empty handed and feeling disorganized. I can plan all I want, but still don't stick to it. I am feeling annoyed and lost. Because having a water sign there is no fun. Please help.

Also, Saturn in the 2nd house is just so annoying. As much as I love Saturn. I don't understand pisces being here and it seems like no one else does when I google or read books. I could really use some help, because I am feeling lost.

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Welcome, Fishy Saturn.

I have Pisces ruling my 2nd house. I've written about this. I will try to find that, but have to cook dinner at the moment. Smile


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This is about Venus Neptune, generally, but that's what Pisces on the 2nd, is.

I'm still looking but this one mentioned money (2nd house). I have both conditions..

But the 2nd house is about what you value.. for me it's the ethereal in general. Non tangible things.

This is also the sig of someone who gives the shirt off their back.  I'll sacrifice my hard good, basically.

It also explains my providing this blog and all my knowledge, for 23 years, for no pay. 

You tend to offer off your valuables, whatever they may be.

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@elsa I hope you had a good dinner. I appreciate your response to my question. And it's honestly good to know about money, because I do feel like it just comes and goes. But is always there when I need it. Yes, I have read a lot of the advanced astrologers talk about how the 2nd house is more about values than just money. Which makes sense and it's good to know the theorizing I did with family today was right. That Pisces in the 2nd is about valuing the spiritual for me. Because everything suddenly made sense. 

As for giving people the shirt off my back, I can relate to that saying as I have done similar in small ways. Yes, offering what you have of value to help others. I enjoy tithing and giving when I can- when it won't be a detriment to myself.

Do you happen to have any other posts about Saturn in the 2nd and Cancer in the 6th? Thanks so much for your response. It means a lot. Smile

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@fishysaturn I have this:

I can't think of anything re: Cancer in 6th. Sorry.

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@elsa Thanks for this! Smile And no worries about the 6th. It's kinda a weird house/sign placement.

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@fishysaturn I have Cancer in my 6th house.  Maybe we're caregivers at work. Smile

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@elsa I can see that. I like being the go-to person at work for a kind word.

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Hey there. I'm also a whole signs user. I'd look at the conditions of your Mercury and your 6th ruler, which is the Moon, to see if there's something you can tweak or use to your advantage in order to be more organized.

For example, I have Sagittarius on the cusp in this system. Sag ruler Jupiter and general 6th ruler Mercury are fixed and cadent in all house systems, and mostly well-aspected. PTSD has fried my executive function to a golden crisp with a creamy center. If something really needs to be done around my house or in my professional life, I basically have to stop, drop and do it as soon as it enters my mind (Sag), or otherwise as soon as possible, and do it all the way to completion (fixed stuff).

With a mutable sign on this cusp, I also do good "winging" a routine and working with insane schedules. Cancer being cardinal, you may need to structure your routine a bit more intentionally. Since Cancer likes to be fed, I bet you can anchor certain tasks to meals, e.g. you take the trash out after you have dinner, you read emails after you make your coffee, your x, y and z need to be done before you have wine at night, &c. You know better than I do what that looks like for you. 

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@rusalka Thanks so much for the reply and thoughtful words. I am so glad to meet another whole sign reader. And my moon is in Gemini, the 5th house. Mercury is in my 3rd in Aries. Any thought off the top of your head? I will sit and think about this combo as well. I think because of Moon in the 5th, my day schedule has to be fun, driven, and somehow interesting.

And oh, I hadn't thought of the fixed sign thing. I need to learned those better. Anyway, you are correct. I crave structure, but can't seem to build anything lasting. Which is most likely because of Capricorn in 12th. I need something earthy and solid. I appreciate your example and hope you will continue to be kind to yourself.

I love your suggestion to anchor my schedule with food and meals. I will try that. Building from breakfast. However, my meal time always varies day to day. Which makes it a little more difficult for lunch and dinner. But I can try. 

Again, thanks for your help and it's nice to meet you.



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@fishysaturn Hoo boy, it's not Neptune, it's all that Aries and the Gemini moon my homie! You'd be bored as hell if you tried to do things at the same time every day. I see no point in that anyway. It's fine to shake it up as long as you get to work and appointments on time.

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@rusalka OMG. You are spot on. I get 100% bored as hell boing the same thing everyday. So maybe accepting that is the better thing to do and let myself be spontaneous. But focused.

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@fishysaturn Also, I confess to thinking of the 5th / 11th axis as the peer pressure axis. That's not all these houses are about, but if somebody is susceptible to peer pressure, I often find the roots here. You have a 5th house moon. Before you try to structure your life, when you're not a super structured person, ask yourself if that's something you really want for what it is, or do you want it because other people have it and seem happy? They might not be. There's also about a 50/50 chance they have more water or earth than you. Structure is stability and certainty but structure is also bondage and confinement.

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@rusalka Again, right on. I do think that it's because I see other people happy with their routine that I am looking for the same kind of happiness. But like you said above, maybe my happiness isn't in a routine, but through not having one. And true, they may have more earth or water signs. And YES!!! Structure is bondage. What a nice way to put it into words. Smile

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Looking at your chart, you have your North Node exactly conjunct your midheaven, which is your overall life direction. So, it makes sense that you desire to "get out there". South Node in the 4th implies you'll have to learn to overcome strong desires to stay home in your comfort zone. You might not realize just how attached you are to "staying in bed". Fortunately, Jupiter is also in your 10th to help you out and about. I'm very inclined to believe you'll find a great opportunity eventually, but you'll have to accept it and resist hiding away at home.

My suggestion to peeps with water signs on 10th, 6th & 2nd is to look for caregiving type professions, as water signs all rule the "down and out", like the sick, the old, the poor, or maybe just a place that sells cheap stuff like Goodwill or Dollar Tree. It may not be super high paying, but since it's your placements, you may well do better than others in that field.

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Reading your original post and looking at your chart, I think what you are asking about is psychic structure which would then manifest as an external feeling of structure. I was looking at your having Capricorn in 12th, with the Uranus Neptune conjunction, this set up (Cap Neptune Uranus) is a tricky generational placement because you are here to break the prevailing "system or structure" which has been Capricorn dominant - but appropriated by the "paternal" authority. Capricorn is actually a feminine sign and needs to come home to the feminine. You are not here to support a dying system but rather create a new one, but it is painful process because, well,it's a massive endeavour. But I agree with Rusalka that you are not meant to conform, you have feminine signs on your work related houses too, Cancer and Scorpio. Plus Saturn in Pisces, opposing Chiron in Virgo, that is going to lead to a feeling of fluidity and make it painful or challenging to organise a sense of chaos at times (Pisces). Perhaps read up on the nature of feminine energy so you can see the strength and benefits of it, it's like your trying to fit a square peg into a round hole otherwise.

For the type of stability and structure you are craving I would look to your Taurus 4th house and your Venus. With Taurus IC you are fundamentally a Taurean soul so think about cultivating that side of yourself. I'm thinking "home", on a practical level you need to find a solid base that you can make very Venusian, that means secure, comfortable and where your body is looked after and feels happy. Maybe where you can invite others and share in good things: ambiance, music, aromas, food, aesthetics, but natural ones with integrity. Think about fulfilling all your senses. Your body needs more focus and attention in general (this speaks to Cancer on 6th too). I think you can increase your sense of psychic stability through focusing on this house (including the place you live!) Uranus has been travelling through Taurus so there may have been upheaval, but in the next few years it will move out. You need a little oasis or sanctuary of Venusian goodness from which to operate.


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@sophiab Thank you so much for your in-depth thoughts about my 6th house. Your words really resonated with me. And thank you! I have been pointing out Capricorn is feminine, too. Because it is! The good news is, I love making new systems. And thank you. I really needed to hear I don't have to conform, because I do feel like I don't fit it and I want that to be okay. 

I think Taurus really plays into my trying to keep my house clean and tidy, but I don't care that much about what order I clean, cook, etc. You're right. I have been trying to build a 'base' where I feel comfortable for the past year. It kinda suddenly hit me that I didn't like my space and needed to change it into what I really wanted. It's almost there and along with this, I have been more concerned about taking care of my body lately. And I have been trying to do that.

Thank you again as your words have been really helpful and make me feel better.

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Hi there, I'm a 6th house cancer, with my moon there, so that might amp it up a bit. Taurus sun in 4th. I have found that my life benefits from having my home in order. Are the dishes washed? Did you have breakfast or just grabbed coffee and run to work? Is laundry piling up on your floor? Do you have food in the fridge? Do you go to bed at a reasonable hour for your lifestyle? All those things seem SO menial but are a telltale of whether I have my sh*t together at the time or not. I've found I don't need a grand life plan or rigid routine, but a bare minimum of order to feel like a functional adult. 

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@belen Yeah, I think you're onto something. Because I care way more about if my house is in order, than if I follow a ridged schedule. But the house needs to look tidy and presentable when guests come over. (I am very concerned about being a good host.) so, I will take your and @sophiab 's advice and focus my efforts on straightening up my home and not worrying so much about a grand life plan or rigid color-coded time schedule.

Thank you!

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