Hey soup I'll have this transit in about 3 years I guess - my Venus is at 26d Aries.
Just read the cafeastrology interpretation. Sheesh! Glad I'm forewarned now...
I can't remember what Venus placement you have but I know you have Cancer rising pretty close in degree to mine, and we've both been experiencing this Pluto conjunct descendant business. Maybe this next pluto-venus transit could have a double whammy effect?
Don't be afraid. Just stay out of dark alleys, stick to the straight and narrow, and do not put yourself in borderline or unsafe situations. Sixth house- watch your health. Ninth house, how you think about things may change. Sometimes, if you expect the worst, you may create something bad that was never going to happen.
I just went through this transit. If it was 9pm, I was home, doors locked. Buttoned up is what the cops in Boston would call it. Button up.
Update: Just checked and Pluto is still squaring my Venus @18’40 Libra. It’s been 3 years and I think it will go on for 2 more. I stopped tracking this transit long ago, nothing going on. As soon this transits ends, Pluto will go on to square my Moon @28’28 Aries. I’m not worried honestly.
Transit Pluto is square my venus in the ninth house,it is almost done.
I stopped hunting trophies and hunt love now.
I feel my venus is more settled now.
Michaela, can you say more about your transit? I also have Venus in Aries in H9 and t. Pluto is in my 6th house about 4 degrees away from squaring my Venus. I'm curious about how it will play out. Is Pluto in your 6th? Did it affect your work life? Can you also say more about what you mean stopping hunting trophies? Did something happen to make you change your perspective about love?
It's more of a feeling,wanted or not.
Simply,I left the dating field completely,regret the opportunities I had cause I was constantly in a rush to experience the most and best(Jupiter is within one orb conjunct Venus),i slowed down. My values changed,within love work and also my health.
There was an unpleasant event,within work and love, i lost all I had build,but my attitude barely changed(it happen both before the transit) it was a blessing when the transit kicked in.