
Sean "P. Diddy" Com...
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Sean "P. Diddy" Combs

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So much weird stuff about him, lately...

Just wonder if there is something nasty in his chart.

Also, his current transits probably reflect what is going now.


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He has Mars in Cap at 29. Pluto is rolling back and forth. 

Wait till Pluto squares his Scorpio Mercury and Sun. 

We have all seen the video. I was her. I lived like that for over 10 years. 

Anyone with fixed planets that have done some shady things will be getting a thrashing soon enough. You cheat? Lie? Were you dishonest? Did you bite the very hand that feeds you? Hurt someone? ... it's coming out. I am counting on this. I don't worry because I have nothing to hide. But I know it's coming for some folks. Like a freight train.  

ETA: When the tension hits my sun, I do worry about my health. That is my worry. So, I am doing all I can to avoid a nightmare now. 

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@soup +1.

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@katyusha I hope you didn't have to live through that too.

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@soup Sorry for the slow response. TW:

He and his sons shook and pushed me occasionally. It was less violent but extremely pervy. Cameras in the bathroom, constant comments (you don't think I mean constant but I ABSOLUTELY do), multiple attempts and most likely a drugging incident.

Nobody ever wants to believe it about their guy. Their friend, son, father, husband- his wife is completely delusional. She has a tight Sun-Neptune conjunction and she really, truly believes that girl after barely legal girl wants to seduce her mangy old dog. I almost don't want to write that about him. Dogs don't deserve the comparison, but it makes a point.

My creep's mom is the head of a feminist org and she 100% had his back and wouldn't let me say anything. She and his daughter made me homeless. From that, I learned there are no heroes or at least, no such thing as the "good guys" in real life. One more round of Pluto in Cap. This is our last chance to get it right. Or maybe our intro to Pluto in Aquarius. No heroes. There is bad in everyone. There's good too, and I would still say most people are mostly good. But you can't let yourself idolize anyone and you can't put blind faith in any singular human or entity. You can only do good, and trust that the good which is also in others will come back around to you.

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@katyusha One more round of Pluto in Cap. Yep, I am feeling it in every way.

But you can't let yourself idolize anyone and you can't put blind faith in any singular human or entity. 

I agree. Absolutely never... never ever. 

There is bad in everyone. There's good too, and I would still say most people are mostly good. 😉 


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If that video of him beating and kicking that girl is real he is a tremendous POS.

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@jana I had a physical reaction while watching that video. Kicking her, dragging her. Gut wrenching.

Hades Moon
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@soup Same. It’s so disturbing.

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i actually went to look it up online and i'm so grossed out. people didnt like when Ike Turner beat up Tina Turner, or when OJ Simpson beat up his deceased ex wife. i'm sure Sean Combs will get his just desserts too, meaning i trust in the goodness of people and justice.  He may be buying people with his money to keep them kissing his behind, the ones who grovel to him. eww.

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He's a monster. Never doubted her but I'm happy for her vindication, although I'm sure it's awful to relive. 

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@belladonna people are actually defending him 'after' watching that video.

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@soup whaaaat how

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@belladonna right? I said the same thing.

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@soup defending him saying what? Am really baffeled 🙄

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@resurgam Defending him saying things like... oh he must suffer from... then there is a list. Mental illness, addictions, a bad childhood and so on. 

I don't have the first two, but I did have a sketchy childhood and I wouldn't lay my hands on a soul. Ever. For any reason. So.... blows that theory out of the water. 

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@soup Oh he no doubt has all of those, and they are the reason for his behaviour. But as you say he still should be held accountable for his actions.

I can see how an abusive home during childhood can make some violent. It highjacks the nervous system.

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@resurgam I can see how an abusive home during childhood can make some violent. It highjacks the nervous system.

I agree with you. I just wonder if he will get away with it. Many do. 

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I also looked at their synastry and well...


Mars square Pluto

Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio

Saturn opposite Pluto...

it's a lot.

In my opinion also Saturn trine Mars had something to say there...


Hades Moon
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What I saw on that video bloody disgusts/saddens me.

It’s 2024 and women are still being bashed/ killed regularly. I would love to see this tragic problem reduce or disappear in my lifetime. Work needs to be put in prevention/education.


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@hades-moon I watched in horror. Eyes filled with tears. We are still here. Still. They don't seem to learn. After all this time. It makes me so sick, and so angry.

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