
Transit Pluto squar...
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Transit Pluto squaring natal Saturn and Moon

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When Pluto entered Aquarius I started watching what's next for me, and discovered that in 6-7 years Pluto will square my natal Saturn and Moon. In 2020 transit Saturn was squaring my Pluto, and I was on my knees, not even knowing that I was going through a rough transit. But now I know that preparation is the best for me, for whatever might happen, good or bad. Maybe it won't be bad at all! Smile Still, I would like to know what was your experience with those transits? 

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There is no getting around it. Pluto squaring your moon is going to be rough. Period. Pluto on a luminary is never fun. But square the moon is gross. I am getting ready for the square to my sun. 


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I think it's premature to worry about a transit that is six years out.

You will have far more skills then, than you do now. Also, you would have learned something from the previous transit.  Try not to do yourself in, with worry, especially regarding something to far out in the future.

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It was a pretty dramatic time when transit Pluto squared my moon. I had 2 major surgeries within 6 mths of each other. The operations went well and I had good support.

My MIL who everyone knows to be a bitch.. lol (no other appropriate word), became worse and whilst I was recovering from one of my ops the bitch drugged my dessert. I was very lucky that I wasn’t on pain meds or she could have killed me. After approx 3 teaspoons, my head was spinning and I immediately knew what she had done. She had a history of doing these types of acts and does not see anything wrong with “just trying to relax” people so they stay at her house longer. She is the biggest control freak I’ve ever met. If I wasn’t ill at the time I would have gone to the police station. Consequently, I have never consumed a damn thing at her house since.

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@hades-moon There are pages of things here where the people talk about Pluto squaring their moon. I don't have it for years, but I will probably see it in my lifetime. I have had Pluto conjunct my whole stellium. It was pretty awful. Now when I say that ... it wasn't awful every single day for years. Pluto moves so slow and that awful comes and goes. But when it's bad, it is very painful. 

What in the hell? That MIL? OMG... It made me think of losing my DIL last year in November. Horrible. Just soul shattering for all of us. 

I am not afraid for Pluto to square my Sun. I just don't want to be all warts which is very common when you are dealing with it like that. When Pluto was conjunct my Sun, like I said, it wasn't hideous every day... but when the poo hit the fan it was rough. 

Where do these crazy family members come from? I have some too! 

Hades Moon
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@soup At the time of this transit I was not following astrology and when I dived backed into it, these experiences made sense.

It’s true that Pluto moves slowly and it’s not bad everyday. During my moon transit I never really complained, I just soldiered through it. It was like it hurt more after the fact when I knew some stuff was courtesy of Pluto. I think it may have felt worse to me if I knew at the time what the sky was doing. Sometimes naivety is bliss.

Because I have a couple of kookies in my own family it has been particularly hard inheriting such a beast of a MIL. I don’t know how such a spiteful soul could have produced 4 lovely lads. Her husband, my FIL, is nice but lets her call the shots. We suspect he fears her 🤣. 
It’s funny that we have crazies in our family. They say we ‘choose” them, but I’m not so sure. Besides doing our sane heads in, I don’t understand a higher reason for it.

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@hades-moon I always try to remember when the last time I saw my MIL was, but I really don't know the date for sure. She was at war with my husband their whole lives. They say a Cap moon indicates that... idk if it does or not. He left home at 16, worked fulltime and finished HS on his own. He had little or even nothing, but he kept going. He was determined he was not living with his mom. When I think of a Pisces with a Pisces Venus doing that... it's hard for me to imagine. But he has that moon, Mars in Aries and he is an Aqua rising. He is not taking any sh;t from anyone. 

I had the pleasure of meeting her 😳 ... let's see... she told me that he always loved me more than I love him 😳 and his dad told me that where I am concerned at first, he was thinking with his dick... imagine me staring at these people who were saying this sh.t 🤣 my parents were literally crazy and would never be that ignorant to my husband. 

People say things to me that are unnecessary and unwanted. They always need to tell me, correct me, talk down to me, second guess me... but holy F if I say something back well it's a national crime. Call the government. And the police, did you hear what she said to me? They can't believe it. Just hurt and mortified by my words LOL .... and when it got beyond ignorant, I did. I laughingly told her that she better be nice because I would have a say in what nursing home, she was going to.... and then I laughed. It was a joke, right? haha just like their jokes, right? Oh no... she was devastated by that 'joke' haha She would show up to my home (uninvited and unannounced) that was my home before he moved in with me... and tell me what to do. In my head I would be thinking is this B crazy? haha  

I would say she also raised a really nice young man, but she didn't. He was out of that house and on his own at a very young age. And prior to that there was fighting, not raising. 

She has Mars conjunct Mercury square moon and opposite Pluto... yeah. Not in my house Ma'am. That sh.t talk doesn't bother me. I'm going to come back worse... so don't.  

He just said she had no control over her mouth his whole life and ran it at him all the time. By the time he was old enough to escape he did. He said her words hurt and even today will not speak to her. It has been years. I think since 2006 or so.... I need to think about it... so anyway I have not had a lot of dealings with her because he won't speak to her... I do hope they are okay though. 

My Pluto transits ... same. It moves so slow that you almost have to look back over your shoulder to clearly see what was happening there... you look and say... OH... that's what it was. 

Hades Moon
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@soup wow, can’t believe what the parents said to you 🤣(shocking). I understand him needing to be estranged. My MIL has mars- Pluto squaring her moon so that explains some traits.

Yeah, despite any craziness I still care for the woman because she made my partner. I tolerate her in small doses.

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@hades-moon I was sure hoping for a friend that I could spend time with.  But he just won't have anything to do with her.  

People are so different. My parents abandoned me and I still hung on like an idiot. His mother has a harsh  reckless mouth and he hasn't spoken to her in 20 years. 

I feel bad about their relationship because I know they are old and may need help. Still,  he won't budge. 

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@soup  Yeah, everyone’s so different. It’s such a personal/difficult decision on whether to be estranged.

It would have been such a bonus to have a nice MIL (and as you said, friend). From what I hear/read there are soooo many people who have probs with their in-laws. It’s probably rare to find those that are on friendly terms .

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@hades-moon you're right about that. In law problems are common.  I'm not crazy about either of my daughter in laws family but I'd never be rude to them. First,  because I loved those girls. 

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After reading the replies here, I realised I had similar events in my life when Pluto squared my Moon (and had just finished squaring my Saturn).

I started a new job in 1999 in a field I loved. It was very hard work, but I was enjoying learning as I went along. Over time, my female boss became more and more demanding, I ended up moving closer to work and became the default fallback for all overtime, extra shifts etc. At this point it became obvious she was a plain bully. I was working 100 hour weeks, got no time off, just slowly burning out.

At this point, I got sick and needed surgery (Pluto was in my 12th). I remember waking up a few hours after surgery seeing her at the end of my bed and laughing, thinking 'these drugs are something else'. Turns out she really was there, asking me when I would be back in work. I needed daily wound treatment by nurses and my doctor said no work for at least 2 weeks, but my boss was adamant I should be straight back to work.

Long story short, I stood up to her, she fired me, I ended up homeless, BUT, it turned out to be one of the most empowering transits I have experienced to date. Other Moon/Pluto stuff went on at this time, but it was these experiences that made me realise I wasn't in Kansas anymore 😀 

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@plutolover How do these horrible people attach themselves to our lives and take us to hell? They are disgusting. People think they are a hero. No one else can see it. And then they ruin your life.

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@soup I know right? I try to keep zen about it and keep in my own lane but it has me wondering sometimes if I'm wearing a sign saying 'Please come and f*** with me'.

Hades Moon
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@plutolover omg, I can’t think of anything worse than waking up from surgery and seeing that woman there. What a nightmare!

From what I’ve read, requiring surgery and having a difficult woman around, are not uncommon occurrences with this transit.

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@hades-moon Heh, believe it or not, this woman was a Reverend and considered herself the last word in compassion 🤣 One of her phrases I'll never forget was 'Don't you dare get pregnant' 😲

Hades Moon
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@plutolover 😆@ being a Reverend (good disguise). What a piece of work!

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@hades-moon can you imagine 😳

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@plutolover oh ffs

Yeah, just because you can pass a test or board or be certified in an institution, that doesn’t mean much. One simply passed based on that group’s standards.

I had a boss (not a reverand but someone who wasn’t exactly the best people person manger type) who expressed exasperation when a coworker told her she was pregnant. Sorry that people do people things 🤷🏻‍♀️

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@plutolover Holy cow. That shredded you. I’m so sorry. These life lessons can be beyond brutal.

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I got sick, got well, started a new career only to see it go up in flames. 

This was the final leg of Pluto squaring all my personal planets (Leo, Virgo and Libra).

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Geez Louise it just hit me that I started this new career in a female dominated field during a Moon-Pluto square. Moon in my 6th or 7th depending on house system and Pluto in Capricorn.

What was I thinking? And how did I miss this five years ago?????

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@elsa I'm really gobsmacked! 🤣

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@lislioness I can imagine!

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