
Y2K bug and Summer ...
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Y2K bug and Summer 2024 tech outages: ‘Malefic’ Fixed Sign Transits, control and security

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After @Elsa ‘s mention of the y2k bug in the last lounge post it got me thinking of the astrological connection between the y2k bug, tech doom scenarios and this latest global IT outage. In retrospect, during the y2k bug mars was transiting Aquarius at late degree (28deg) and during this recent global IT outage mars is transiting late degree of Taurus (28 deg). Late degrees seem to represent a culmination or bigger lessons coming into play. Fixed signs in general deal with systems and security of topics related to each of their respective signs. Systems and security that are put ‘in place’ so to speak. Mars deals with threats and/or obstacles in relation to the sign it’s paired with. Aquarius deals with tech and Taurus deals with our sense of comfort, status quo, things we can depend on. Mars in Aquarius can deal with threats in technology directly and Mars in Taurus deals with threats to our way of life and status quo.

During the y2k bug time period, Mars was transiting in Aquarius and Saturn was in Taurus. It seemed that society then was trying to rectify how to structure our everyday mundane lives with emerging integration of tech in it. There was also this looming threat pertaining to technology and possibly some vulnerabilities related to tech systems for the upcoming new millennium. During this current era, Mars in Taurus was recently in contact with Uranus (modern ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus. This has to do with combined threat of technology disrupting or threatening our way of life, status quo, what we depend on, etc). In both cases we’ve had to contend with the consequences of tech in our everyday lives.

Btw I was a kid during the y2k tech frenzy at the time (10-11 years old) so I wasn’t thinking of these things vs me as an adult now. So I would be curious to know how others may have viewed that time period (1999/2000) as adults then with respect to technology. 

Also I’m writing this as my work was negatively affected by the IT outage so I had to find a creative way of passing the time until systems came back functional again.

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My first husband was an engineer. He was civil service, military intel. He worked on Y2K and eventually quit his job and started his own business, selling services to prepare companies for this. he did this for for ten years!

He told me he did not think anything would happen... but it might and they had to be ready. He actually was a good dude. Not a grifter in the least.

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@elsa yes it seems he saw the potential and growth in the sector but strategically with greater power comes greater threats and to be prepared for the worst.

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