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I read a man asserting, propaganda was ineffective for this reason: it does not change how a person feels. I think he means, showered with propaganda, he will keep his mouth shut but retain his feelings.

Do you agree? 

Also, if he is right, how would this affect society?

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I think the experience in communist countreies shows that once propaganda becomes ubiquitous, people see it and learn to work around it because they have to. Independent journalist, Matt Taibi tells a story about being in Soviet era Russia. His Russian roomate came in with a copy of Pravda and he asked him what was in the news and the guy laughed and said he didnt get if for the news--he got it use as extra insulation in his coat. 

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@jana excellent example.

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@jana This reminds me of the things Michael Malice talks about. The sense of humor seems twisted but when you learn about the entire environment around it, how everyone knows everything is a lie but you are constantly slammed against speaking out, it makes sense.

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Love me some Malice Smile

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@jana Yes!

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Would propaganda also include what stories are amplified and how they’re edited or presented? 

If so, a crack in the illusion, where reality doesn’t match the message, will cause distrust and feelings of betrayal.

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@allie120 all the stories are propaganda, and on multiple levels. What's been achieved here is beyond everyone's imagination.  That's how they get away with it.

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@elsa It’s mind blowing. And once you see the distortion, before long you are questioning everything and now it feels like I’m a house of mirrors. I’m playing in a house of mirrors.

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@allie120 things are morphing and have been for years. Real people in every day life have been replaced.  This first became apparent with the pictures.  Understand, I have looked for pictures, daily, for near 25 years.  There as a time I could search some word and pull up endless pictures of human interpretations.

For example, "chaos" or even  "hurricane". I would get a very rich assortment of pictures that represent these terms, or any terms. It was CREATIVE. Human creativity. Now I just get ugly interpretations that are for sale. 

Now I understand this is a hard leap to make, but the written and spoken content has suffered the same fate. I think you will eventually see it and when you do, it will be very easy to sort and avoid, because it's all of them?

You get disillusioned with someone, they throw up alt heros until they snag you for another round and round and round and round, into oblivion.

I'll put it this way.  It's like look at the TV, trying to find someone who is not an actor.

Good luck with that! 

The internet has very nearly transformed into the TV. Just a commercial wasteland.  The product, like the food we're sold, continues to degrade. Ironically, people consume more of both, by the day... until they die, apparently.

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I just thought of something related. I had a gal tell me she liked, satori's content, outside of the unrelated pictures.

I'm sorry, but I had to laugh.

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@elsa This is so apparent to me when I search for information, stories, online. It’s page upon page of repeated links and often it’s not what my question asked. I hate this so much. We are being directed towards certain pictures and words stories. It’s not creative at all. It’s infuriating.

And you’re right about the food. All of it, all the stories, pictures, movies, food, is processed. 

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@allie120 processed and nefarious to a degree I think just one or two percent of people have realized.

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@elsa When people don’t know what they don’t know, including me, and I’m mostly ok with being suspicious or wary. 

I loved conspiracy theories as a kid. And as an adult, too. Now it’s been co-opted into a struggle session and that’s comedic but also a little sad.

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@allie120 My grandfather was considered a whack job. I have wanted to be taken serious, with Capricorn and all. I'm sure he wanted the same, but we can't ignore truth and reality, as we're drawn to embrace these things.

I understand why he resigned his position as a professor at the University.  He wasn't designed to conform. This goes double for me, with two Aquarian parents.

There's just not a question here, for me, personally.

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@elsa I completely respect that.

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@allie120 absolutely

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“Showered with propaganda, he will keep his mouth shut but retain his feelings.”

This promotes self censorship.

But if the propaganda is pervasive, people self censor, what does this mean for the next generations, intellectually? Is IQ relative (to the tests created to test it) or is it dependent on an environment that fosters or quells conditions for higher IQ/functioning (maybe these are two different things).

Maybe I mean creativity and problem-solving vs IQ…

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@allie120 they will only be able to do what they are told to do.  Because if you don't use your imagination and such and develop your talent, whatever it may be, it's like you don't have talent and never did.

Any creative person knows this.  I can read the living shit out of a chart, why? I do this all day every day, with very high stakes.


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@elsa 😕

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Here, people offer guesses as to who is running the United States. hint - no one knows.

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@elsa BlackRock. That's who. 

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