My husband is in a mood. Says he doesn't live his life to please other people. Does not give a flying f what anyone thinks of him. Got over that, lifetimes ago.
He adds, if anyone says anything to him, "Well, you know where your ass is. That's where you can stuff it."
Alternative realities abound.
He had some other interesting remarks about how you can't reason with people, and what that means.
He's got Jupiter in Sagittarius.
A former coach of my college track team was murdered this morning by her ex-MIL, who then turned the gun on herself. It was in broad daylight in a nice area. Her 1-year old daughter was in the backseat of the car that she was about to get into. She also leaves a daughter who turned 4 yesterday and was the center of the custody dispute. She taught autistic kids for many years when she wasn't coaching. She was a nice person with a steady presence supporting our team (Taurus sun). I am just so shocked, and devastated for her daughters.
Neighbor still in the hospital in the city. Son is going up there for the weekend, to be with her. No change. Just hoping for a liver. Not sure how the list works, but she sure did a lot to get on it.
I was just thinking about astrology today and Taurus energy, how coincidental; i've had old platforms i was in for many years since i was young, and old schoolmates /colleagues, and taurus were the only ones that stuck to me all my life.
I dont know whats in my chart, but i mostly attract men, (my venus is jacked up) lol and few female friends who are super close to me. but, even when i got married, they didnt leave as many men/guy friends do. They still there right where we left off ^^ and they always stayed respectful. Scorpio their opposition stays, too if we happen to find eachother, but they are usually wandering the earth.lol Unless i marry one, like i did. ^^
We're back from our trip to North Carolina. I made it home Thursday night at 10. We had lunch and a visit with our Tennessee brother before taking sister home and my drive home. I think I'll nap today. My sister is exhausted. It has been and continues to be a long healing process to recover from her breast cancer. She was so happy to be everywhere we went. I'm happy she got out of the house to go anywhere other than a medical appointment.
I'm caught up with reading this thread on the forum. I'll probably never catch up with the rest. Sorry.
I'm so glad to be home. I missed my Big Sadge.