
Scripted, Coded, Li...
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Scripted, Coded, Life As We Know It

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The world seems to have shifted into two basic camps. It breaks out into smaller groups, from there.

The split at the top level is between people who can see the signs, signals, scripts, codes, "easter eggs", that surround us, up, down, all around. There is no name for this group, that I'm aware of.  The other group is made up of people who can't (or won't or don't want to).

This has gone on long enough, the two groups make little sense of each other.  The group that is unaware and wanting to stay that way, calls the other group, crazy.

The group that is aware has little time for those deny the mega avalanche of information.

We're really living in two worlds now - the way it's going, we will consider each other utterly unfathomable, eventually.  Almost another species.

I think the code group will win out; simply because most young people have been brought up in "easter egg" world.  There was a time, I thought it would be good for me to learn, Spanish. As it turns out... well, "learn to code" for me, became, "learn to read code". I don't think I'd be coping so well, if I did not have this skill.

I know I am not the only one who sees this.

How do you frame this phenomena?

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Way too early in the scheme of Pluto in Aquarius to be thinking cerebral functioning and a mega avalanche of information of any sort confers an advantage. The Aquarian elitist inclination is yet to be brought low.

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@don I don't know that it does. It can certainly send you into dark, deluded holes and hold you there, transfixed.  There's a long list of other issues. I could actually write about this for the rest of my life. I have amassed that level of knowledge or depth of understanding, or whatever.  Pluto T my 12th!

I was talking here, about that split on top.  It's like astrology.  I used to write, "people aren't "flat".  Astrology can enhance your understanding of life. It can also ruin your life... or you can know nothing of it.

If you become proficient, reading coding and emoji speak, etc, it enhances your understanding of whatever it is you're looking at... or you can no nothing of it.

What was I was trying to say, is kids have been raised on this... they're good readers. Odds are, they will be harmed by it, the same way astrology is used in a negative way.

With that said, avoiding these languages won't make you safe.  Just oblivious, which I would never / COULD never choose, with Mars Mercury / 9th.  

At this point, it serves me to same degree astrology does, but it wasn't easy, getting here.



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How I see it currently, within the human collective people are able, and increasingly able, to receive information through awareness. Basically through their connection to consciousness. Each of us are cells within the larger structure. The awareness that we receive - and I would say incoming transmissions are very active and expansive currently with the Gemini stellium, whilst Pluto is in Aqua, and with the recent Sun, Mercury cazimi especially - are varied with each cell receiving and processing different types of awareness that overall makes up a whole.

Now the question is, what to do with the awareness? I think here is one of many paradoxes, because 1. sharing the information is necessary and important to change the collective structure as a whole, it's how the different types of awareness can be exchanged and developed. However, 2. If the person/cell does nothing external with the awareness it does not matter one iota. Why? Because just receiving the awareness and thinking or imagining it within, allows it to expand and take effect.

This being said it does not matter if some cells are processing awareness more consciously than others, as long as the awareness is finding receptive cells which then together create larger fields within the structure and have an influence. It's a knock on effect. I think the growth of such awareness within the overall structure allows the structure to be revealed more clearly over time, but this means seeing, feeling, knowing things we might not find easy to deal with. There is an emotional, bodily impact. We might call the challenging parts the shadow to the awareness (light). Each time awareness expands, more shadow is highlighted and in these phases it feels as if it is strengthening or dominating before it is able to be released (acknowledged, accepted, let go of). Each cell goes through this oscillation process, meanwhile the whole structure too is oscillating in this way. Thus we can be impacted both by our individual experience and that of the collective, the two overlap and influence each other. 

This is just my take on what I am experiencing but if the process is collective then it hopefully speaks somewhat to a larger process occurring. 

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@sophiab very interesting take. Stunning, really. Thank you.

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@elsa 🙏

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