Hoping to gain some insight and wisdom from those of you with experience.
What have your relationships (particularly romantic, but other relationships, too) been like as you’ve reached your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and beyond? How are they different from your 20’s and 30’s? Or are they? At what age were you dating, and when did you partner long term?
Looking back, is there anything you would do differently?
What has made your marriage or partnership successful? What about your friendships and other relationships?
Are you single?
Whatever your situation, are you satisfied? Content?
Can you name the astrology? What are the 5th and 7th houses doing in your chart? The 8th? What about your Moon and Venus placements?
This is a simple question for me. I had a LONG puppyhood. Relationships to me, were all about fun and play (Venus in Leo) and more fun and play (Mars and Mercury in Libra / 9th).
Fun, fun, fun and jokes. If it became un-fun or un-funny, I was out of there, as was my partner.
I got serious with Saturn transiting my 7th - deeply committed with Saturn transiting my 8th. What I learned, stuck. So for me it was about maturity.
I think we bonded over not wanting to ever be invested enough to ever reach the possibility of divorce. Wow:/.
Quite an insight.