i have sag rising at 10 degrees, with lilith at 14 degrees, opposing my 14 degree gemini mars.
i have always been in touch with the taboo classification of my desire nature. if i'm not supposed to have it, the compulsion strengthens and the pursuit intensifies. i can't help it.
i also feel like i made a lilith first impression. i get strong reactions for a variety of reasons. something i exude triggers extremely primitive responses in other people. i resonate with lilith's indomitability. i strongly resist anything that attempts to tame me, especially patriarchal oppression.
I think I am in touch with it, though now that I think about it. I feel like I could use my sexuality and bring men toward me. It's kind of a scary feeling so I don't really do it unless it is worthy. :/
True (black moon) and Mean Lilith are both conjunct in Cancer, on my midheaven, sextile my Venus, square my Jupiter.
Dark Moon and asteroid Lilith are conjunct in Leo, also near my midheaven
dunno how to relate to this as far as sexuality goes..
but no, I'm not a sex worker. ;p
I definitely relate to being a nurturer though. Im secretly very sexual, but very private about it. I dont like being too sexy in public or being treated differently at work because I'm a woman, that irks me. I want to be taken seriously at my job and I feel like men look down on me sometimes. I dont know if it's in my head.
I'm somewhat clueless as well.
Lilith sextiles my Taurus Moon and trines Pluto, and sextiles Venus in Cap.
Time for some reading.
Libra Noir said
I feel rejected by men as a whole.
(((HUGS))) me too
I have Lillith in Libra conjunct IC. I don't know if I feel it and not sure what it's supposed to feel like.