I reached out last night to an agency that helps families host orphans. These children would be from the Ukraine.
I didn't sleep well last night and am wondering "why I am doing this to myself."
I feel strongly moved to do it, am praying about it. And have always (always) wanted to adopt a child. I don't know that I would adopt. We only would have a commitment to host for a period over the summer.
I feel like there's a lot stacked against me - not that I wouldn't qualify (I do) but that I'm a single mom, already strapped financially, inflation is what it is. And I have a daughter who struggles. She is alone a lot (homeschooled now). And I worry she would feel more abandoned, etc. There are so many dynamics and unknowns and we've both been through a lot.
I feel like I should honor us. My situation.
Yet there is this part of me that I can't quiet, that "woke up" and won't go back to sleep. This is my path. Even though I do everything for my daughter, when I think about my path in this world, this feel like it is right.
Is there astrology that would support this - meaning my understanding of why this is so strong in me? Is it simply a rescuer part of me?
I was thinking about this more - I think the areas that might show in astrology are that I've always wanted specifically to adopt, but that there has been elements in there of "humanitarian" "international" "crises intervention" - (the last one may be more nurture than nature - more a product of my upbringing and environment).
I think it’s a Saturn/Capricorn thing. Parenting.
I think it could astrologically be many things. 4th house (family). 5th house (children). Moon/Cancer (nurturing). Aquarius (humanitarian). I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of.
It's not an easy decision, and understandably so. It's definitely a lot to consider with the financial implications and the potential impact on your daughter. I'm no astrologer, but I think that intuition is a powerful thing, and if you feel like adoption is something you should pursue, then I think it could be worth exploring further.