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We Live In Vastly Different Worlds

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I used to go to the gym 4-5 times a week, for years.  I was in Colorado and it was pretty standard. I saw changes over the years. Most notably, the racquetball courts disappeared as did the tanning machines.  Spin classes popped up.

I got struck with something @ diagnosed with Lupus. I went from working out on a crosstrainer @ level 20 for 45 minutes, to not being able to walk to the end of my block, which was two houses down.  A decade has passed, since.

I went to my husband's old people class today, in the local YMCA. I really didn't know what to expect. My exposure to the gym these days is tiktok videos. Honestly, it not appealing... filming in gyms and filming people filming. I was curious, though.  He really wanted me to go with him so I did and WOW!

First thing is, I joined. I really liked the class. The gal teaching it is not 80, she is 72 and she is literally, "hot".  It's very inspiring.  The place is immaculate.  They open at 4:30 am!!  Can you believe that? In this little town!  Clearly someone likes to get up early in the morning.

The YMCA is a converted high school, in whatever case, I joined and I will be going. But what I want to say... there were very few people in the extremely well equipped gym sections, with the machines, but guess what they were playing in there?  Jesus music!  There are also bible verses, painted on the walls, around the track.  Not a lot of them, but only them, which makes them prominent.

Now when the gal has you stretch your arms out to your sides, it is to gather your blessings... when you twist your arms around, you are pouring them out.

Let's call this "programming", I don't care.  It is how I live anyway. I think when God gives me stuff, it's so I can share, but anyway, I was struck by this fantastic gym vs the sexualized stuff I see on the internet. I am pretty sure, if you came to this gym, naked-ish, they'd tell you to cover up or leave. It's a relief. Just a really nice, community gym.  We had at least a dozen people speak to us, welcome us and stuff.

This is my land. Tell us about yours.

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omg what a cool experience! And if it’s your jam, then go for it! 

I also remember the racquet ball courts, the kick boxing classes, I even wore a sports bra as my top because that’s what we did then! But I also liked to go on the treadmill and do the machines. The last time I was at a commercial gym was 2020 and it was a small, local chain and I loved it because it had real weights and racks, people did their bodybuilding stuff or Olympic lifting, there was spinning but also yoga. No tripods or TikTok, that I knew of. Some people would video but it was discreet, like me: videoing for a record or form. Of course, I went in the morning so maybe the crowd was different. I knew some people who migrated there after our previous gym turned into Planet Fitness and wasn’t suitable for what we wanted.

Now my gym is at home. When I’m prepping for a meet I sometimes hire my friend coach and train at her gym. That’s a powerlifting/bodybuilding gym and people either MTOB or will stop and watch your PR or spot you. It’s focused.

My friend from across the street is having their foundation done on their house (crumbling foundation) so they are living with their son for awhile. She left her stationery bike at the house and they cannot go into the house at all. So we invited her to come over any time to use ours. And she has! She’s a later workout person so we don’t train together but I sit with her as she pedals and she likes it. She also wanted to use some of our equipment so I showed her. That’s been really fun!

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@allie120 With my 8th house, I'm invigorated by other people's energy. It may have a different vibe on a weekend. I'm very curious to get in there @ five am.

My husband intends to go twice a week, to increase after his mother passes, which is who knows when. She was given 6-9 months, two years ago. I intend to go with him, work permitting, but all to get back to something like I used to do. Not level 20, but something.

I do not think, God, needs to be all over a gym, but it doesn't bother me. I am all about going native, fast.  It's a Jupiter thing.  What impressed me is it's VERY nice. Very spotless. Very well thought out.

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@elsa Oh I like that term: going native. It’s so Sagg and Jupiter. I can see my husband does that at times (he is Sagg rising). I would feel that if I’m in their space, I would honor them. And I would find it interesting and perhaps cause for self reflection. Even if it was outside my own zone, it would serve as a (for me) contrast and compare and evaluate. So, yes, you seemed to have ventured much here! And I can see how this is not really what I had done.

How does this compare or compliment your background in Catholicism? Or maybe it works but it’s just more free flow?

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@allie120 to me, it's like being in, Japan. I should not be surprised if there is Japanese all over. I see no difference at all. Japan is also clean, and I like that!

It's Jupitarian, primarily, but also Mutable. It's a really nice gym and considering they have no competition...well, I'm just glad it's there and affordable. They gave me a discount for military, for my husband.  Spotless gym with a pool and nice people for $16 mo.  No complaints!

As for being Catholic, people may think things about me (like that would be new, or mean anything), but I am glad they believe in God.  One of the things my husband told me, early on, was he felt if a person just minded the Ten Commandments and nothing else, they would avoid most trouble in life. 

They do this around here and I do it as well. Makes for a nice place to live, as we have rules in common.  Anyway, if it was Saudi Arabia, it's be the same to me.  As long as it's safe and friendly, I'll just be glad and grateful. I'm excited for this.  I love working out, or at least I did and hope to again!

Edit to add:  manners are a thing here, too, and you know, Libra love that!

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@elsa This is so good and pure. Wholesome. I love it!

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@allie120 Wholesome is right.  I think it's coming back into vogue!

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@elsa That’s a relief!

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My routine up until 7 months ago was:

Up by 330AM.

Yoga/stretch for 30 minutes.

Gym by 4AM. Lift & calisthenics.

Home by 530AM. Shower, shit, and shave.

Wake son up. Make breakfast, etc.


You gym, Elsa, sounds amazing. Added bonus with the Biblical theme and expectations.


I go to Chuze. Early folks like me aren't into the objectification and nakedness, however people flock of that ilk throughout the day. This is why I'm there as early as possible.

They even have co-ed saunas. When I'm in there, most of the women see me and wait. I take no offense. I don't ever recall co-ed stuff like that. It's wrong and most of us know it. I've complained but no changes. Upon my return, if this is the same, I'm sending emails or letters, and would like to change venues but cannot afford it.

I thought of Japan all month. I like their decorum, interdependence, and more.

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