August 2024 Astro: Dicey, Spicy, Wynken, Blynken & Nod

SparkyI’ve heard many people state, August will be a… “shit show”.  It most certainly will if, you take the position.

For one thing, Saturn is in Pisces. The things you believe tend to crystalize.  On top of that,  August’s actual antics in the Mutable signs will be popping off, left and right. There will be lots of activity; easy to spin or twist into whatever you life.

“My life is terrible” tends to get you a terrible life.
“I’m doing pretty well in life” tends to get you something else.

Jupiter in Gemini squaring Saturn also supports the concept; what you believe, becomes real.  Why take the low road, when you have so many other choices?

I admit, Mars in Gemini does not look like it’s going to keep it classy.   But you are in charge (Mars) of your mind (Gemini). How are you going to act or react in this climate?  Can you see you have a trillion choices?

I have a little Aries dog, who challenges everyone, for everything. He must always be first, and stay first and also be in the center, of everything, strategically positioned to block all other animals.  He’s just a little thing, a doggie Zorro.

If you have this type personality, you’re going to love August. There is a fight around every corner.  If you don’t have this kind of personality, no biggie. Just let the rushing people go first?

sparkyAugust’s problems will be easily solvable for the most part. I hate to see people upset by mere frenetic activity, which can be avoided by what?  Shutting down a screen? I say this because the Mars Pluto opposition coming up in the Fall is a threat.  Why waste energy on what is essentially, minutia?

I am not saying nothing  will happen to anyone. I’m saying  it looks like, “Mom!! MOM! He said I have beaver teeth and smell like farts!” It’s not that serious.  It’s more like attention-seeking. It’s thirsty. 

Even when Mars squares Saturn,  Venus and Jupiter are involved.  Will there be a lot of rhetoric? YES!  Do you have to take it in? Take it on? Of course not.

The other issue or complicating aspect is the fact Mercury will be retrograde for most of, August.  It’s not ideal and if you’re messing with contracts and such, you may actually reach “shitshow” status on certain days. Still, this falls FAR short of being a time period you have to dread.  It’s like my little dog. He can be annoying, but it’s all surface. He can’t burn the house down. He’s doesn’t have the power.  Same thing in August. The power is just not there.

Lots of talking, gossip, vicious gossip? Yes.  Aggressive speech, pontificating?  Of course and etc. on and on.  But nine times out of ten, the “off” button can save you.

If you go out there, seeking to be enraged,  and you get angry; that’s perfect. You win!

Personally, I expect to juggle communications and have a lot of urgent calls.  When I am out and about, I will expect people to be impatient. I’ll counter it by being patient myself.   Not because I should have to, but because I can and because it’s easier.

The dog’s name is, Sparky!  It’s a sparky month. It’s a sparkly month too.  Let your mind shine.  Be clever and interesting rather than acting an ass.

And figure it this way: thirty days makes a habit. How about taking on some kind of personal challenge?

21 thoughts on “August 2024 Astro: Dicey, Spicy, Wynken, Blynken & Nod”

  1. Sparky vs Sparkly! Love it! So glad we have happy warriors willing to engage us, inviting us to listen instead of brooding about how to navigate a dark future!

    1. Sparky is about 13 years old. Elderly! But it does not stop him so much an as inch! This dog, will die, diving for the other dog’s treat.

      My husband had a squad of dogs, who would line up and wait to share breakfast with him. Sparky screwed up the line from day one. 12 years later, he’s front and center, egging my husband on, to HURRY and give him the most.
      The other dogs, sit politely in the theatre, waiting their turn. Sparky has spent his entire life on stage, feeling good about himself!

  2. This inspired me, in one moment, to envision where I want to be in thirty days. Mars in Gemini, challenge accepted,.

    1. I hear they both have petroleum. Go figure. War? Sure. We have the weapons. Might as well use them up so we can make more. And around and around it goes.

  3. Mars into Gemini, 3rd house. A war of words with my sibs. They lobbed the first volley on 7/21, so right on cue. Do I join the game or sit this one out? That’s the challenge.

  4. I guess I’m working on creating a series, an army, of delicate, cute , functional aprons. I inherited some amazing fabric and they are coming alive. Each one will empower the chef to the best possible outcome.

  5. “Mom!! MOM! He said I have beaver teeth and smell like farts!”…OMG! I lost it when I read that Elsa! Lol!

    Sparky has that look-“ Are you going to mess with me? Bad idea”…lol I can sense her little fiery nature from here! Ha ha!

    I usually love Aries energy but some are quite like you say “Me first!” I know a whole family of Aries folks (The mom was a Libra, a humanitarian, fighting injustices and a Socialist) and the kids are all independently wealthy. But try to get their attention at a dinner party! Goood luck! It’s “Oh that’s great!” And then it’s all about them…lol I do love them though!

    Not looking too forward to August. First it’s always too hot, and second too much intense energy wears my Watery nature out and I’m a Scorpio Sun, ASC and Mars!!
    I’ll be doing Pisces because it’s my second nature with Pisces IC. I’ve set up my Sacred Heart alter and will be praying and meditating a lot.

  6. Thank you Elsa. Just what I needed to hear. One strategy my husband and I are using to avoid too much ratta-ratta input is to watch old episodes of Barney Miller, from the ‘70’s. There’s something comforting, not to mention laugh out loud funny, about the show. An era we started out in, no political correctness, no words that we can’t use now. Just a 20 minute respite from 21st century crap.
    And Leo, our little terrier mix, keeps us entertained and we may be adopting another little elder dog whose human mom died.
    Oh, and I’m listening to the poetry of David Whyte. So soothing, brilliant and to use a word he often includes, nourishing.
    One foot in front of the other.

  7. Oof mars in Gemini always empties my pockets… What is Jupiter doing? Nothing just waiting to square off with Saturn.. my financial houses are going to receive all the nasty aspects in August.. mars and Jupiter in my 11H (or 2H solar) and Saturn in my 8H(or 11H solar) I can’t say I was surprised, I kind of knew August is going to be slow jobwise. However I will be following what the post says: be in charge of your mind

  8. Yes yes skip arguments, my little sister always says” you never see one idiot you always see two you gotta talk idiot to an idiot”
    I’ve been practicing yawning, so someone thinks oh she’s too tired to waste the time on, skip!!!Score
    Free from arguments!!!!

  9. It’s definitely a tense couple of weeks for sure. We have Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini , so we can expect verbal arguments, inflamed words, threats (Mars) especially based on ideologies, beliefs, subjective narratives (Jupiter) to expand and dominate. With Gemini, a possibility of gossip and slander.

    Gemini deals with the raw data, it calls a spade a spade. However, Jupiter will always ask, what does a spade mean?

    Add Mercury retrograde, which rules Gemini, and deals with the right-brained creative, intuitive, subjective mindsets. Objectivity and critical thinking really will be absent altogether.

    Mercury retrograde always links to tech fails, so I imagine misunderstandings on (or from?) social media will be dominant. Misleading news that gets interpreted incorrectly or are misunderstood, and then get acted upon (to regret later?) – this can apply to mainstream and social media “alternative” news. Both have the same operating model of generating click revenue, regardless of whether the news is true or not – the larger amount of followers, the better. Jupiter again.

    Once Venus enters Virgo, it’s in it’s fall, so compromise and harmony will be pushed aside in favour of criticism, whether constructive or not. Scrutinising and challenging whatever Mars and Jupiter throw out there. Picking it all apart.

    But then, enter Saturn in Pisces. There may be blanket (Pisces) restrictions (Saturn) on what information is being shared out there, a need to place some strict laws and rules of what can be posted online, and how much damage it can cause to society.

    This may be especially evident in conspiracy-based channels (Pisces) that purposely exploit people’s fears and uncertainty. They are designed to be promoting “the hidden truth” and exposing them for society’s benefit, but all they are doing is promoting the author’s own paranoid narratives, and keeping you hooked on them. Conspiracy theories are truly addictive (this could come under Neptune in Pisces still at 29 degrees. Yes, I am calling it out).

    With Mars and Jupiter being so potent, I would say if any “breaking news” affects and triggers you, or causes an immediate reaction of anger, fear, uncertainty, unease, sensationalism – whether mainstream, online, social media, or conspiracy based ones – switch the phone off, step outside and get some fresh air in nature, meditate. Your mind will thank you for it.

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