
How Can Elders Deal With The Current Times?

How to navigate this next decade, as an elder? How can the current crop of elders (we baby boomers, including me!) make the BEST USE of the times ahead in America. I think our culture is changing so rapidly, some  days I want to hide at home (Cancerian here) and just chill and avoid all

Satori Life/lifestyle Update (Satorilife?)

I haven’t been very transparent about the mass of change in my life over the last few years, but there’s no time like the present! With Covid came a realization that I was in full burnout, and I had to a sparks joy/no joy overhaul.

Christmas elves

2024 Astro Holiday Guide

It’s here! Satori and I both know how stressful things are for everyone. We also realize this stress will not let up in the near term. We put our heart and soul into this year’s guide. We also know inflation is an enormous problem, so we priced our guide low. On top of that, anyone who


Full Moon In Aries 2024: Grand Cross – NO TRESPASSING

The full moon @ 24 degrees Aries will take place in the morning on October 17th.  It will be interesting to watch this one come in. I say this because the sun, Chiron, Mars and Pluto will be caught in a T-Square. Then the moon arrives on scene, to trigger emotion at the very least.

emma star

Weekly Forecast – October 7-11, 2024 – Know The Territory!

Monday morning, the Sagittarius Moon squares retro Saturn in Pisces then goes on to sextile the Sun in Libra. All week, the Sun in Libra heads into square with Cancer Mars as Mars squares retro Chiron in Aries and the Sun moves to oppose Chiron, a tightening t-square. It’s like you can see a traffic

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