Pluto in Aquarius

What to expect when Pluto transits Aquarius!


Pluto In Aquarius Threatens Humanity

Real people have disappeared from social media… maybe 95% from what I can see.  Socialization offline has also been greatly reduced for many, if not most. With so little “real” available, we substitute with fake. I have no real followers on my alt twitter, but I have fake followers, more, every day. I’ve never posted

aquarius water bearer flowers

Pluto in Aquarius Positives

We’ve had a fair taste of Pluto in Aquarius. Have you noticed anything positive? I’m aware of the power of detachment. The machine churns on, but you can separate yourself. Take some space! This includes, withdrawing from the internet. I have also found myself, using breathing techniques which has never been a thing for me.

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