
All about Mercury! Aspects, transits, position in your natal chart…

Mercury trickster

Mercury The Trickster In Real Life

This is a series of posts, I wrote in 2007. Real life vignettes. Enjoy! ~ One ~ Mercury The Trickster My husband and I on the phone circa 2007. We’re talking about a time I tried to kill him (and his crotch) with a motorcycle helmet. He was dancing with a girl, right in front

new headache

Mind Tricks & Defensive Mental Blocks

I’m driven to think but it’s hard to do at this time due to the firehose spray of misinformation that we’re inundated with hour by hour, day in and day out.  I’ve looked for tricky ways to help me discern. See: Truth Floating In A Sea Of Lies. I’ve been successful but it’s nowhere near


Mercury & Mistakes Of The Intellect

The phrase, “mistake of the intellect” was coined by astrologer, James Braha.  He noted that one of the things astrologers did was correct these things. This was many years ago. I like the phrase and the concept. I’ve written about it here and there over the last 15 years or so.  You can search if you

mercury bust

Is Mercury More Powerful Than Pluto?

This is an important topic and rarely (if ever) discussed in life or in astrology. no⋅tion /ˈnoʊʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [noh-shuhn] Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something: a notion of how something should be done. 2. an opinion, view, or belief: That’s his notion, not

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