
Annoying moon phase...
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Annoying moon phases! (+eclipse)

Posts: 18
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Joined: 2 years ago

So, this recent lunar eclipse of course stirred up a bunch of drama. I'm always shocked at how the moon can make people go crazy. Why do you suppose this is?

As usual I had this eclipse all mapped out, I was planning for it for like weeks in advance. I was doing my darndest to lay low, be nice - and not start anything! Still, right on time, a whole string of little mistakes and misunderstandings add up to haunt me.

Although none of these incidents are actually terribly important, when they occur around a full moon, they feel so... dire?.

Is it even possible to outsmart Luna?

It's like she's some kind of karmic police officer.

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This makes me wonder if there is a relationship between you sun and moon.

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