
Dating Pisces Men
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Dating Pisces Men

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My Pisces friend usually doesn't do drugs or drink but when he does, you can't tell the difference. Really. He's exactly the same.

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Same with my brother. He can be completely wasted and he still acts the same as ever. New bf is very moderate in all things but work. He's got a lot of Saturn.

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Yep. Pretty much share similar sentiments to above. I had a strange realisation that all the sexual experiences I've had in my young life were with Pisces. They are my achilles heel in love.

The first one pursued like a dog chasing a rabbit - despite me having a boyfriend. Can't speak to highly of myself, I broke it off with the bf to pursue something more. However, he floated away, said I wouldn't want him as much as I wanted my ex. I never said anything of the sort to him, but he was right all the same. Pretty much he got what he wanted (sex) and left.

Second = ultimate heartbreak of my life, still getting over it. I cannot reiterate how much this guy has affected me. Anyway, he's solid in family relationships, his work ethic is amazing, but no chance in hell of ever having a mature relationship. I don't just mean with me, I mean, EVER. He's the 0.01% chance of making a move guy (well, after the first move has been made), has difficulty being forthright with anything, etc, etc, etc.... all the negative traits described above. Like the first, pursued me despite my having a boyfriend - I broke it off with the boyfriend (there were genuine issues besides). We were never really were official (although ironically I was his longest romantic relationship) which leads to Pisces three.......

His best friend. Yep. I "dicked" on him with his best friend. I had little interest in this guy so I made no effort to maintain any contact, although, in hindsight, this is probably the one I should've pursued of the two - but it was complicated further by the fact that his ex worked with my ex and that was a shitstorm.

So. What I have learnt. AVOID AT ALL COSTS UNLESS YOU really really really LOVE DRAMA IN YOUR LIFE. That said, I'm in my early twenties, so youth and our Pluto conjunct Natal Neptune probably has something to do with it.

Also, I have Neptune in the first house, so I think that's why I continue to embroil myself in these stupid situations.

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Man, I know that was really long, but I just need to add that all my other relationships beside these three have been normal. Even the ones where I left the guy for a Pisces, I was always tempted to leave for them because the current relationship was on the rocks. I guess Pisces are my rebound guys....

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I had a relationship with a Pisces man once and he hung on like a tumor! I mean he WOULD NOT let go! Tried manipulating me, tried everything he could think of to get me back and followed me from state to state! Really a pain, a REAL pain!

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Pisces men ran away from me. razz I don't even remember how many I dated, because it was a very small number, and they ran away too quickly for me to remember them. razz

One of my EAs was an Aries with Mercury, Venus and Mars in Pisces (none conjunct) and a Cancer Moon. Talk about mindfucking! He told me he liked me because I was strong and he was weak. Say what? But like a stereotypical Pisces, after the thing ended, he never contacted me and let his wife and her cronies brand me with the scarlet A. Never again. Wishy washiness and swimming away to leave the mess with me is NOT anything I like or want to emulate.

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