
Music and astrology
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Music and astrology

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Yea i like to dance in my room. Sometimes in front of mirror 😀 then laugh at myself!

I was into alternative rock when i was younger but since age of 15-16 and to this day i prefer electronic. As i'm near my 30 i do listen all kind of music besides it- from pop to balads, commercial music in general but my soul likes electro the most!

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I have Neptune conjunct Uranus natally but I don't care for electronic music. I also don't have a strong Neptune or Pisces signature in my chart nor do I have any Neptune/Venus aspects but I love music. Just Sun conjunct Neptune. My Neptune is in Capricorn in the 3rd house.

My Moon is in Aquarius and I love punk, grunge, hair metal, and hard rock. My Moon is also conjunct my natal Venus so I think that would give me my love of music of the genres I listen to on a daily basis.

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Sun conjunct Neptune is a strong Neptune aspect in my book 🙂

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I have that conjunction in the 3rd house, which has Capricorn on that cusp for me.

Music can speak to my soul because I also have the Moon there as well but it's usually the genres that I mentioned that I mainly listen to that I guess talk to my emotions.

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After more than a decade of also being a big music enthusiast, particularly anything melodic or "beautiful", I realized the way I approached music had ruined my life and deepened my depression to the point that I don't know if I'll ever recover.

I always could tell music made me sad but I never dared question it because "music is good", "music is art" or "music can actually help depression". I could not see how my relationship with music could actually be harmful, but it was. Same thing with meditation.

A month ago I finally made the decision to delete all my music collection that I've been building for a decade. My depression is still there (with or without the meds) but at least I no longer have one of the biggest triggers which would send me from a high-functional depression to a paralyzing and suicidal state.

I still don't understand how people claim a certain artist's music "saved their life". Before I knew better, I might have been tempted to say the same thing, not knowing the difference between a maladaptive coping mechanism and actual improvement. Now, I wonder how many of the people who say that stuff were actually in the same situation as me.

(Moon in the 12th and Neptune square Venus)

Sorry for being a buzzkill and I'm not saying that this is anything other than my own unusual experience, but I hope others can find this and know that they're not crazy for wanting to forgo music.

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Thanks for sharing this. Unusual story for sure! Music creates nostalgic feelings. When you go through some period and listen to music, later that sound/track/song will relive an experience and time you went through. There is two sides definitely.

However i always keep my collection fresh for this reason. Sure i do listen to same tracks over and over again sometimes even from long time ago. I delete tracks and songs that remind me of sad/bad periods for exact reason you mention even though they're nice tracks. Always looking to make new memories in a sense.

You can get fed of music but more often than not it gives me strength, sense of freedom and something to occupie my mind when i think too much, even if that is placebo effect sometimes.

When you go through down periods you have to find something positive to keep you out of rabbit hole sort to speak. In my case music was a painkiller whole my life, from very early age. It is a friend that never betrayed me when i needed him the most. It has always been there for me.

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