
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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You guys are too negative! Pluto is helpful! Pluto is not only destruction but it is the rebirth after the destruction. Pluto is a phoenix planet. It will kill the contents of that sign but allow space for it to rebuild again, stronger and better than ever. I see nothing wrong with staying single into older age, especially since technology is allowing us to live longer and have better chances of giving birth at older ages. Why are older generations always so frumpy and grumpy about "staying single into old age"? I don't get why that is such a problem. That's more of a good thing to me. More time to live your life freely while you're young then settle when you're older and more secure. 

I think you are purposely choosing to find the negative when there are more positives to this transit. Pluto in Capricorn did not make young people "disrespect" their elders. It made young people realize that the age of someone's life on this earth does not justify cordiality and gracefulness. Far too many older people have shown their own a**es with their bigotry and hate and now that we can see it more clearly than ever, young people have decided to not allow it to prosper anymore. Older people setting laws into place to let their hate and misguidance of the economy prosper and then the younger, new generation fighting to tear it down. That is Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is jobs, stability, keeping yourself on your feet when times get rough. The younger generation has realized that the older generation has pretty much ruined all of those things for them; it's too hard to find a suitable job for their thousands of dollars degrees. It's too hard for them to buy houses. It's too hard for them to keep themselves mentally stable when they are constantly being pressured by the older generation to do the very things they are being prevented from doing. And all the while, the older generation is demeaning them for being "dang millennials, don't do anything", but that is not even their fault. It's not millennials fault the economy is in shambles and it's too hard to find decent jobs and living arrangements and just afford to attend college. It's the older ones who keep snapping at them for the things they can't help and so naturally Pluto is telling them to fight back and not take it anymore. Pluto is saying: "Let them break you down, let them demean you. But rebuild what they destroyed for you. Rebuild your stability and then tell them exactly how it is going to be for the rest of their lives." Capricorn is a fair sign, believe it or not. And the younger generation just wants fairness. They were lied to and now they want to rebuild it so their kids aren't suffering like they are now. THAT is Pluto in Capricorn. Taking care of the dirty "disrespectful" work now so the future is safe and stable for all that will come. Change isn't always nice and older people have to learn to deal with that. Sometimes you need to tear down someone's pretty wall to get to save future lives.


As for Pluto in Aquarius, I also think you're being far too dramatic. All of the technology will doubtfully disappear. That's too much. Pluto does transit for around 20 years but we have also had technology for much longer than that. Technology will not be gone as we know it in just 20 years. It will be reformed, that is all. That is what Pluto does; reform and reconstruct what is already there. It will probably more accessible than ever, ever in the history of mankind. The smartphones we consider hi-tech now might be reformed and transformed into something much different and much better. Perhaps the storylines of sci-fi shows are not so far off in the reach? Black Mirror, with its craziness, might see the light of day shrug_gif. The fact that Uranus will also be in Gemini around the time of Pluto in Aquarius makes it sound not so hard to believe, as crazy as it is now. But for technology to completely disappear? Noooo capricornsmily_gif

Towards the end of Pluto in Aquarius as it enters into Pisces, we might just see a proper lightyears space travel come to light laugh, since Pisces is "space" and Capricorn and Aquarius were "time". popcorn_gif

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TheAphroditeHeaven said
You guys are too negative! Pluto is helpful! Pluto is not only destruction but it is the rebirth after the destruction. Pluto is a phoenix planet. It will kill the contents of that sign but allow space for it to rebuild again, stronger and better than ever. I see nothing wrong with staying single into older age, especially since technology is allowing us to live longer and have better chances of giving birth at older ages. Why are older generations always so frumpy and grumpy about "staying single into old age"? I don't get why that is such a problem. That's more of a good thing to me. More time to live your life freely while you're young then settle when you're older and more secure. 

I think you are purposely choosing to find the negative when there are more positives to this transit. Pluto in Capricorn did not make young people "disrespect" their elders. It made young people realize that the age of someone's life on this earth does not justify cordiality and gracefulness. Far too many older people have shown their own a**es with their bigotry and hate and now that we can see it more clearly than ever, young people have decided to not allow it to prosper anymore. Older people setting laws into place to let their hate and misguidance of the economy prosper and then the younger, new generation fighting to tear it down. That is Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is jobs, stability, keeping yourself on your feet when times get rough. The younger generation has realized that the older generation has pretty much ruined all of those things for them; it's too hard to find a suitable job for their thousands of dollars degrees. It's too hard for them to buy houses. It's too hard for them to keep themselves mentally stable when they are constantly being pressured by the older generation to do the very things they are being prevented from doing. And all the while, the older generation is demeaning them for being "dang millennials, don't do anything", but that is not even their fault. It's not millennials fault the economy is in shambles and it's too hard to find decent jobs and living arrangements and just afford to attend college. It's the older ones who keep snapping at them for the things they can't help and so naturally Pluto is telling them to fight back and not take it anymore. Pluto is saying: "Let them break you down, let them demean you. But rebuild what they destroyed for you. Rebuild your stability and then tell them exactly how it is going to be for the rest of their lives." Capricorn is a fair sign, believe it or not. And the younger generation just wants fairness. They were lied to and now they want to rebuild it so their kids aren't suffering like they are now. THAT is Pluto in Capricorn. Taking care of the dirty "disrespectful" work now so the future is safe and stable for all that will come. Change isn't always nice and older people have to learn to deal with that. Sometimes you need to tear down someone's pretty wall to get to save future lives.


As for Pluto in Aquarius, I also think you're being far too dramatic. All of the technology will doubtfully disappear. That's too much. Pluto does transit for around 20 years but we have also had technology for much longer than that. Technology will not be gone as we know it in just 20 years. It will be reformed, that is all. That is what Pluto does; reform and reconstruct what is already there. It will probably more accessible than ever, ever in the history of mankind. The smartphones we consider hi-tech now might be reformed and transformed into something much different and much better. Perhaps the storylines of sci-fi shows are not so far off in the reach? Black Mirror, with its craziness, might see the light of day shrug_gif. The fact that Uranus will also be in Gemini around the time of Pluto in Aquarius makes it sound not so hard to believe, as crazy as it is now. But for technology to completely disappear? Noooo capricornsmily_gif

Towards the end of Pluto in Aquarius as it enters into Pisces, we might just see a proper lightyears space travel come to light laugh, since Pisces is "space" and Capricorn and Aquarius were "time". popcorn_gif  

The Pluto in Leo (Mostly Baby Boomers) were known/still known for being very narcissistic. angel

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No, Pluto in Capricorn is not about the young generation  fighting the old one. That is Uranus in Aries squaring the Pluto in Capricorn transit. And Pluto is FAR more powerful than Uranus will ever be.

And Pluto is a powerhouse of a planet and yes it destroys things wherever it goes. It was not named for the cartoon dog, but named after hell. Because it will put you through hell. I have a very strong Pluto in my chart with planets in Scorpio and my 8th house and aspects to Pluto to my Sun and Moon. My life has been crisis upon crisis/death and rebirth is a constant with me.

Please stop trying to sugar coat Pluto because it is not a nice planet. One must be strong to survive Pluto and it will transform you forever. And when it goes into Aquarius, you will see some aspects of technology die and that is that. But yes, it will be reborn into something better.

And as for the generation gap thing. All throughout time, the older generations have griped about the young' uns and how they are wet behind the ears. When your generation gets old, it too will gripe about those that come after them. It goes hand in hand with the young thinking they have all the answers and the old stuffy folks don't know jack crap! But where we are now, you too will be if you survive and have children. Those children are going to flip you the bird and say the same things about you and so on and so on thru the generations.

These events are cycles and they have played out and will continue to play out as long as there are people on the planet.

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I wonder if “smart homes” will become more mainstream?

ST had this vision of us owning one (with our incomes, good luck). I think he actually entered to win one in a giveaway once. He wanted a house that would talk to me as I walked by, lol. He was an Aquarius Rising. 

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I have a very strong Pluto in my chart also and I just don't agree, Tonya...My Moon is trine Pluto; Pluto is conjunct my DSC in the 6th; Venus, Chiron, and Vesta are all conjunct Pluto; my Sun, Mercury, Neptune, SN are all in the 8th...I am not sugarcoating Pluto, I am just being realistic here. It's not only death and destruction. It is the death and destruction and then the rebirth and transformation after it. That rising from the ashes. That is all I was saying. I find it unfortunate that you suffered in your life and I can relate to the constant impending sense of doom and chaos at your feet but, as a Capricorn sun, I am just being realistic here and that is to explain that you can't apply only the negatives to an entire planet. Yes, Pluto is associated with mostly negative things but those negative things come with great rewards most of the time. You should not let Plutonian energy consume you until all you can say about it is "not nice" because that is not true. Realistically, none of the planets are very nice, not even Venus. Have you ever read her mythology stories? She's crazy! Same with Jupiter. None of the planets are "nice", they all have their good sides and bad sides, it's just that Pluto tends to show the bad side more but its bad side also leads the path to very beautiful rewards. What would be the point of dying so many times if you do not learn a lesson to finally stand up and beat the odds against you? That is Pluto. And, in Capricorn, it is saying to beat the odds of the old age against you; the baby boomers who lied to and cheated the millennials. Like you said, there is a great Power in Pluto and that power can be used for good or for bad. Some people use it for bad and some people use it for good; whichever way is their problem. Some people also let that Pluto Power within the Universe use them for bad or use them for good; they can't really help that but they can fight it and that's what Pluto in transit is saying to do. Be reborn and rise like the Phoenix, don't let that chaos (whichever sign it is in) consume you. Realize where society went wrong. Make a game plan. Fight through it after you've regained your standing. Stand victoriously when you've succeeded in your feat. No one can stop you when you're on a mission and Pluto is always on a mission, pushing anyway out the way who refuses to let the change happen...That's what I'm saying!

All three of the generational planets represent the generations; that's why they're called generational planets. Uranus is the masses/the public, nothing specific. Neptune is the dreams of the public/the masses and the spiritual beliefs of them. Pluto is more like the politics of the generation, the more firm and steady beliefs of the generation.

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Accidentally posted twice, sorry. I was just trying to add that my Mars is square Pluto, my Vertex is in Scorpio and I also have a few more aspects to my Pluto lol I'm no stranger to its energysmile.

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