
Saturn Hard Aspects...
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Saturn Hard Aspects In Synastry

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I'm not sure it's the Saturn aspects, so maybe someone can help me. I've read the hard aspects to the moon are "bad", but also like glue. My moon is conjunct his Saturn by less than 4 degrees (sits exactly on my descendant, or exactly opposes my ascendant), and my Saturn is in opposition to his moon less than a degree, as is my Pluto.

I guess we're friends, but sometimes I'm not so sure. One week, he's present and it's good, the next, he's moody, rude, and flakes out. Very inconsistent. It's been like this for months, and I want to strangle him, but then I feel bad for him. I've never had this sort of love/hate feeling for anyone. 

Some other aspects:

My Mars conjunct his sun

My sun trine his moon

His Mars trine my Venus

His Mercury/Pluto trine my moon

His moon trine my Neptune

We have Juno in conjunction, as well as Lilith

My Venus square his Pluto

My sun square his Pluto

Moon square moon, Mars square Mars

His NN is exactly conjunct my ascendant, while mine is a few degrees off his

Whatever. I don't know what to make of this, or why I care, but I do. It's terrifying. And I think it's probably just from my side, which makes it worse.

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The only Saturn aspects to be careful with is Moon or Mars square Saturn because it can become a battle with frustration on behalf of the Moon or Mars person.


Conjunctions to Saturn should in theory have a stabilizing effect.

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You have some pretty intense synastry aspects. Lots of tension which is not necessarily a bad thing because it creates sparks,  but it can also be frustrating. 

Mars square Mars for one is quite challenging. You tend to go about things in a very different way and Mars is not a compromising energy so it can create a battle of wills and rubbing each other the wrong way. Some people deal well with this aspect but I avoid it because it really rubs me the wrong way no matter how "hot" it can feel.

Moon square Moon is another challenge because emotional support may feel difficult to find in the other,  at least in the manner which feels supportive to you. 

Venus/Pluto aspects are very potent and obsessive energies. Desire goes through the roof with hard aspects between these two usually. At the same time it can drive people crazy because it can bring a lot of games and subtly controlling or manipulative behavior. You need to have other harmonious aspects to Venus for this one to not become destructive. This aspect is known for feelings that swing between love and hate, attraction and repulsion,  jealousy and passion. 

Saturn conjunct Moon in synastry creates a sense of commitment on the part of the Saturn person especially. The thing is that the Saturn person can sometimes feel that it knows best what is good for the Moon and depending how receptive  Moon person is, this kind of advice may or may not be well received. Sometimes it can feel like Saturn is nagging or bossing too much, being too authoritative.

Its not all bad as you have other supportive aspects too with Mars trine Venus and Sun trine Moon and such. So I don't know. You will have to make compromises and hopefully you have good Mercury aspects so you're able to talk things through because that's how you work through challenges.

Ultimately I would suggest to forget the synastry and focus on his behavior first and foremost... is this the kind of person you want to be in relationship with? Someone who is rude and inconsistent? Does he act like this with others too? Do you want something more or do you just want to be friends? 

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Thank you. Behavior speaks volumes. I just have never felt so hot and cold about anyone. Thought maybe this might shed some light on the subject (I'm not that young either, so many opportunities for all sorts of crazy feelings/relationships). 

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You're so right about this strawb

"Saturn conjunct Moon in synastry creates a sense of commitment on the part of the Saturn person especially. The thing is that the Saturn person can sometimes feel that it knows best what is good for the Moon and depending how receptive  Moon person is, this kind of advice may or may not be well received. Sometimes it can feel like Saturn is nagging or bossing too much, being too authoritative."


I have a Moon/Moon conjunction in synastry with my husband in Scorpio and my Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct them both.  I run both of our lives whether I like it or not.  Honestly, I'm glad to be in control because we would have nothing today if he was in charge.  He's not interested.  So, the bottom line is that this aspect may not be as bad as it seems.  When you're in a relationship, you work together and if one person makes sure the bills are paid on time, that's not so bad.  Still, I have a love/hate relationship with being the responsible one.

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My husband and I have Saturn/Sun/MC and Saturn/Venus/Juno in synastry. We've been together for 30 years - 28 year (Saturn cycle) wedding anniversary this year.

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