
Suicidal Tendencies
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Suicidal Tendencies

Posts: 27
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Didn’t want to derail the other thread about statistics. Astrologically speaking: 

Do we think some suns or aspects are more prone? Perhaps some are more sensitive to the influence of social media also. Pisces and Gemini? I’ve wondered if Scorpios are less likely- that will to overcome and survive seems like it would preclude that kind of surrender. 

What do you think? 

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Interesting question. Thanks.

I have never noticed any trends outside of Scorpios really, REALLY not wanting to die. It's as if they have a death grip on life. I've always marveled at this.

I don't know that it's all Scorpios, but the Scorpios in my inner circle, who I've had serious conversations with are like this across the board.

Pisces might be able to take it or leave it.
Capricorn might be willing to die, simply because they're weary and punch-drunk.
I think Virgo might cling to life in that whatever is wrong, they want to fix it.
I don't think Taurus would go easy... most likely to take someone with them. Aquarius too, come to think of it. It might be the Fixed signs that are here and want to keep it that way.
All generally speaking of course.

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I agree about fixed signs, particularly scorpio I've noticed. My mom is this way, and Dylan Thomas, the author of "Do not go gentle in that good night" was a Scorpio (and died a Scorpio). I'm this way also, but for different reasons, I think. Ninth house sun tends to keep the hope. I relate to the "weariness" cap/saturn can bring, though it's not an option for me (I hope :))

Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams were Cancers...cry (loved them). Strong fluctuating emotions can cripple and overwhelm, esp during difficult times. It's respite-seeking in that case.

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I wonder about Gemini. I would think Geminis would be detached from all this social media, being that they're air.

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Generally water heavy charts can make someone prone to sadness and depression. Water heavy people are almost too sensitive for this world, the cruelty of it weighs heavily on them and they can struggle to let emotional pain go. Neptune, Pisces and Cancer (especially Moon in Cancer) seem to be particularly prone. They can also be susceptible to escapism which can lead to things like accidental drug overdoses. Heath Ledger (accidental) and Kurt Cobain both had Moon in Cancer with a stellium of personal planets in Pisces. Robin Williams had Sun, Mars and Uranus in Cancer, Moon in Pisces and Scorpio Rising. Marilyn Monroe (questionable) had Neptune conjunct her Ascendant. Famous artist Vincent Van Gogh had Cancer Rising with Venus, Mars and Neptune in Pisces. The list goes on.

Obviously its not that cut and dry but the heightened sensitivity of water definitely has an impact. I’m very water-heavy myself but I have never contemplated suicide- its just not an option in my mind, so you really do have to take the whole chart into consideration.  

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Not an astrologer but due to my alcoholic family, I would choose a strong Neptune/Mars signature either by sign, house or aspect rather than the Sun per se for suicidal tendencies.

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