
The Saturn Return
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The Saturn Return

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Let's talk about the Saturn Return.

Can you explain what experience you had during yours, or what you expect if you are going to have your first? 

Did you realize you were having your Saturn return? When you were having yours were you interested in astrology, or did you look back to understand it later?

The lady that runs this bar had to teach me what it was, and why the second one was just as important as the first. She started telling me about it many years before it came .... and what I needed to do. Yes, I blew it off the first time. I was still young and strong LOL (no I was not) (what we see when we look in the mirror is crazy) (I am talking about blowing off advice about the 2nd one) eek

I had no idea what a Saturn return was when I had my first. When I look back I can see it all now. It was really a time of major growth, but if you had asked me at the time I would not have thought that. 

The first time I tried to explain any of this to my son was when he was around 28 and he was kind of lost. I remember telling him my thoughts and he looked at me like I needed to move to Salem and stir a cauldron. I just shook my head. But, something kicked in. I passed E's SR videos and asked him to watch. It wasn't long after that I did see him change his mind. I did not mention this to him again. (the power of suggestion, don't you just love it!) 

I was flung into mine. (the first one) I don't think I had much of a choice as to what direction to take. 

Maybe if we share what ours was like, it will ease the worry of some of the people we care about here. We can let them know that we have all had to do it and here we are .... 

My second Saturn return... hmmm this was so different. Who wants to realize they are walking down the hill instead of up LOL  (jk) My second was just as important as the first. I did NOT want to take the role of an elder. WTF? elder... good lord! 

Who wants to be an elder? Don't try to tell me I am an elder! 

I had no choice. I had to. Honestly, elder? I remember making that call... this is what she said. What legacy do you want to leave? Think about that..... BOOM. Like a brick to the side of my head. That woke me up. Then, she was very clear about my work and that I needed to think hard about what I was going to do. She said and I quote 'You either need to delegate and branch out, or think about what you are going to do when you are no longer physically able'!  HUH? No, I don't want to think about this right now...I am too busy. 

Saturn does not care if you are busy.  

For me, it was realizing how much longer I could do the type of work I was doing. And, if I didn't realize that I was not going to be able to lift 150 lbs of wiggling fur every hour for 9 hours a day, I could maybe fail. 

I really transitioned out of my work slowly.... it took me two years to slowly let go. I was careful too. I am so glad I did it that way. I still have the work that I can do, and didn't lose it all. If I hadn't and got an injury, I would have lost it all. I would have LOST every single thing I worked for for years. Gone. Every contact. Every work relationship. The countless hours of sweat and love I put into that. 

I also had 3 small girls that were depending on me to tell them the right things. 

What I have learned is that when you're out of alignment, you feel Saturn's shadow....fear, lack, restriction. You feel stuck, depressed and frustrated. If you give in and give away your power there are consequences. 

Can you share your experiences if you have had a Saturn return or two? I know this is the same as giving your age away and a lot of people don't want to do that. But, you may help a person that is struggling. Both of mine were a struggle. But as Opalina said.... you don't GAF (hahaha) what people think of you after the 2nd one.... and that is true hehe laugh

Neither of mine were easy. Both of them were about maturing and being responsible and both of them were hard. 


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I remember that call... vividly. Smile

Your horror was a joy to me. I know you know what I mean.:)

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I was initially interested in astrology as a 5-year-old. I read all the little sun sign booklets you could buy at the grocery store check out and would then ask adults their birthdays so I could tell them about their signs. Then I forgot all about it and had no idea what a Saturn Return was when I had mine. The main thing that happened was that my first marriage blew up. I spend a year during the separation/divorce hanging out in a bar (I am so not a drinker; my system is way too sensitive). I was very depressed and ended up meeting my second ex-husband, lol. 

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hahahaha yes, I do. 

I was thinking.... ELDER? HUH? 

Who is elderly? What? Surely you don't have my correct information LOLOLOLOL 

Is this what I called for? Shit, now I am an elder? 

But, when you said elder....what I heard was ELDERLY HAHAHAHAHAHA

If that seed hadn't been planted when it was, I would have lost every single thing I worked for, for 15 years. I was plowing along and not looking at any of it realistically! I was at a tipping point. And, I did not realize it. 

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I kind of went through the same thing. Marriage blew up. (like an atomic bomb)

I am also not a drinker and my system is way too sensitive too. I tried the bar thing and this was just not going to work at all. It was a place to meet people I thought. Then, I just felt like an old person in the bar. 

I was also scared shitless. 

I was feet on the ground like bootcamp trying to survive. It was so hard. 

On the other side I was capable, stronger and didn't have to depend on anyone. But, it was not easy getting there. If there is a personal 'rock bottom' I sure was there. 

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I don’t have much perspective, yet, as my own SR won’t be complete until Saturn leaves Capricorn, but I will say I have much more compassion for the people I’ve watched go through their Saturn Return before me. I really had no idea. 

What I’ve noticed with my serious Saturn transits is that I come to a point where something must be done, that I haven’t tried before. 

I have Saturn in an intense position in my chart, and even I have survived, thus far (thank you, God, still working my way through). I’ve thought about the birthing process all through this experience—the pressure and breathlessness of being squeezed through an impossibly small space, the uncertainty of making it to the other side, the rawness of having new skin...

Pain and hardship are real, and sometimes they are unavoidable, but they are our seeds to cultivate. 

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