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Asteroids in Synastry

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Anyone Experience the Effects of Asteroids in Synastry? How did they play out for you... I once had a eros/psyche conjunction with someone and it was really intense, romantic and sexual felt like pluto and Neptune had a love What are your experiences with asteroids in your relationship/s?

Feel free to share.

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So, I freaked out on acid for the one and only time out of hundreds of trips before and after on various umm... bad ju ju, long story... a group of three ppl I met I didn't want to face again after hearing stories from that night...

About nine months later, my Selena other half (aka my Juno) is prompted to see where my Pisces S. Node might lead her Juno... having never seen me and only heard of a brief account of a very bad story and a comment of, 'no, you don't want to call him' from one of that group of three I'd rather not hear from or speak to...

Yeah, Aries Sun, you don't want to call that Libra Moon... right...

She told me I should come hang out... pfftt I think... awkward.  I was about 2 months beyond the end of my first sexual relationship and 20 minutes later I'm taking a shower thinking to myself, wtf, what have I to lose if this is the woman I'm supposed to be with... Neptune having a field day with a hopeless romantic basically.

I've also fallen for two others - one born 4/2 before and another 3/27 after.  Maynard's had his 3 Libras; I've had my 3 Aries :p

The Juno synastry speaks to how strongly it was we came to be together.  I will employ and demand months of agonizing beating around of imaginary trap door bushes to form any type of intimate friendship or romantic interest.  Our relationship became sexually intimate two days after we met, and if I recall correctly, it wasn't until about 18 months after we met that we ever went more than a day without spending at least a few hours together.

First daughter born about 15 months after we met, second a bit more than two years later.

Me on the inside, dichotomous fireball lighting up my 1st/5th/6th/DC on the outside.  33% orbs cleans it up some when showing a few asteroid and node aspects...astro.gif

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interesting Matthew to hear a male perspective on Juno. My partners juno is conjunct my venus and his pr juno is conjunct my sun. Ive wondered about that.

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I was going to start a new thread on this, but I thought I'd resurrect this old one instead. Here are some thoughts I have about this:

I don't think asteroids are necessary, but they can add that extra "something" that helps you to understand an individual, or, in this case, a synastry. For my purposes now I only use Lilith, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. I suppose Pallas might matter but I'm not sure how she plays out in relationships. I also only use conjunctions and oppositions for synastry at this time.

One poor guy had a bunch of his personal planets in Virgo all clustered around my Ceres. That was pretty painful for me; I felt instantly attached to him, but I also had to endure him leaving my life, and it hurt a lot. More than it made rational sense. Ceres being both attachment and loss (and the resulting rage) I think made this a likely scenario.

I've met a couple of men who have activated my Juno. In both cases I was motivated to be "the good wife", but I think this was against my best interests. The level of fidelity was, I suspected, unequal.

I've sometimes wondered why my best friend puts up with me. We go long periods without talking, and our interests have diverged rather significantly since we were kids. It turns out, in addition to other aspects in our synastry, she also has Vesta in Virgo conjunct my Sun. I've also studied the synastry of the Roosevelts. I think Eleanor's Aquarius Vesta conjuncting FDR's Sun explains quite a bit about their relationship.

And Lilith...sigh...don't get me started about her.

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thanks for mentionning your experience with ceres, magiczara.

the man i love very much has ceres in virgo conjunct my sun and mars. i felt very attached to him too... so attached it turns i havent been able to let go even after almost 5 years. i cant help wonder that he must have felt it too... in your case i mean, even though it was your ceres. im sorry his leaving hurt.

the 3 main astroids i look at are Eros, Juno and Lilith. i always  check those and tend to feel them powerfully as they usually show up in prominent ways in synastry when i find myself interested in someone

lilith brings obsessiveness and potential jealousy issues (moreso bml, but they are conjunct in my chart) and so does juno actually. i had my juno conjunct venus/jupiter with my aqua ex and he proposed to me after about 3 dates. i had to turn him down several times because we were young and i was in school... and i didnt know astrology back then. sometimes i wonder how my life would have turned out if i had said yes. anyway... juno suspecting infidelity from venus/jupiter is very true though!

eros is lovely. eros conjunct venus shows up in a big crush i had on  someone... i just think he's beautiful

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Yeah, the Ceres guy and I had serious Neptune problems in our composite. It was very hard to let go of him, but it would have been an utter mess. As it was, his leaving spurred me to really change direction in my life, so, thankfully, there was that.

I haven't looked at Eros much. I'll have to do that next time someone really strikes my fancy.

And Lilith, ugh, I've experienced Lilith-Mars...*shakes head* Not pretty.

The feminine asteroids really fascinate me. I think it's because I can't understand them the way I understand the traditional planets. I understand, theoretically, what makes Uranus tick, and Neptune, and Pluto (mostly). When I have a problem with one of these planets I can usually get at the reason. But I don't know how to "handle" Ceres, for instance, how to deal with the attachment and loss. You just have to grieve, I guess. I wish I had more words of wisdom to impart.

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