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Mars in Scorpio Envy

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@psychoscorpio, that's a good point about the internal repercussions of manipulation. Sounds awful, I guess it's really important to know when to use your power. What makes your ways so abrupt and harsh?

@scar, I've looked. It has a Scorpio Moon! and Mercury in Taurus, hmmmm. I don't know anything about Draconic though. And outwitting people doesn't usually help to form deep, trusting bonds... It just makes me seem catty.

@julianwinter, A little more honesty might do me good. I tend to keep myself so protected, it might cause people to question my aggressiveness at times. I always think I'm smart enough to know when and when not to put my heart out on the chopping block, but I'm probably on the conservative side about that. It's not like I'm ever dishonest, but it does take a lot of courage to step up and say something really sincere.

@electricmind, I just wish my Mars wasn't so masculine. I always overstep the line, being so straightforward.

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I'm with Julian on this on one.

That's my approach.

Honesty disarms.

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I love my gemini mars....
It can be veeery verbal and will attract not only scorpio mars but also scorpio

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I have Mars in Gemini trine Pluto. Once you learn how to work your own Mars it is powerful. It is a very nimble and ingenious placement/aspect. Pluto helps deepen it and gives it staying power and fearlessness. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

My suggestion: What you might want to do is to be I don't mean this offensively. This is something that I learned as a kid and young adult. I notice when I talk about my plans, the mere act of talking about them dissipates and scatters my energy. Maybe because Mars in Gemini can go on about 300 tangents at once because we come up with 300 good ideas very quickly. We are ingenious that way. But is paramount to pick the best idea/thing and focus on that thing with determination and unwavering action until you reach the finish line.

Because Gemini is so mental, I have to consciously transmute the energy from the mental plane into the physical. For mars in Gemini...talking constitues doing. Talking is energy usage so try not to let go of so much of it through things like chatting, vacillating, communicating (needlessly)...etc. Store up the energy (and consequent frustration razz) from not talking and focus it like a laser on the goal.

I have venus in scorpio and Pluto quare sun so I have learned to manipulate energy within myself. I will remix my qualities and sustain the transformation to meet my goals. I think that might be what you feel you are missing. Trust me I do understand how Mars in Gemini can be frustrating. My Venus hates my Mars most days. I have to reign that sucker in because if not....I will chase after new shiny things and undo myself.

Use the ingenuity and quickness of Mars in Gemini then FOCUS it through quiet, determined ACTION.

Hope this helps.

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"I will chase after new shiny things and undo myself." Ha! Yeah mine is in 12th house, too, so thats exactly what I'm dealing with. Thanks, @BurnedBridge, I feel like you understand and that's very good advice. Sometimes I find myself in a really chatty group (My sun conjuncts mercury in 11th house) and the interesting conversation is totally flowing and I can't get anything done because I'm not focused! While it seems the other people can work and talk at the same time, I feel like I get the short end of the stick. And about not exposing all my ideas, that's tricky... I do need to be quiet about certain things.

That's interesting, @phoenixrising, how is your Gemini mars supported? I am not really a verbal person, but I do have some verbal capabilities that come in handy. I have a near exact opposition to Uranus so my mars is touch-and-go.

About the honesty approach, I just don't know how to work it in a yin kind of way. I need to think about this.

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It sits in my 8 and trines pluto and mercury in 12 libra.....'s a handfull but sooooo alluring lol....
And you just can't argue with gemini and libra- you'll never get your point across lol again....

Btw. Read my thread "phoenix am i crazy"'ll get what I'm trying to say...

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