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People with bad energy

Posts: 27
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Joined: 11 years ago

astroworld27 said
As far as bad energy... I had this awakening & I can see n feel weird things n energies. For example attachments/entities on other people. That project their bad energy. Or even on me. When I feel doomed or suicidal it’s usually an entity I have to clear off me. Sounds crazy.. but it’s real.


Hey! Interesting thread. I pick up on peoples’ Energies. And I sure don’t leave the house and be like -“ oh I really want to pick up on someone’s bad energy today.” I too feel doomed a lot and suicidal, hopeless, I have a second solar return headed my way soon. How do you recognize these energies as entities and clear them? I’m VERY sensitive, especially towards women, mom had to marry. She was pregnant w/ me & unfortunately dad was a raging alcoholic, abusive - verbal - sexually- physically to me and mom. So grandma HATED me and sent me some insane bad energy. Im sure she saw me as the reason her kid married a loser...  How do you clear your self from these entities ? Please ! I want to learn. Thanks !! Redbird ?

Posts: 26
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Joined: 5 years ago

I've been thinking about this one! I know I wasn't the person addressed but it seems that that person has not answered within a fair window.

I don't have a definitive answer for you but more a set of disparate answers based on my own experience:

A lesson I have learned at great personal cost is that negative entities lie. Whatever you are being told it might be just that. This one is a hard pill to swallow because it makes a mockery of us but nevertheless. Is better to learn BEFORE you believe the lie and make too many personal concessions to it.

Energy work is pretty self explanatory. As are dreams.

I personally use something called an 'Ankh' that I have taken to using all the time now. During this lockdown I simply have not had the ability to defend against the sensations of people sending bad energy that send me into a kind of doomsday feeling of dread. So I now wear it all the time.

Obviously biblical stuff can be helpful in this matter. Not anything specific just the general warmth of the positive parts of the text.

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