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The Silent Treatment

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that is interesting. also his libra stellium could be culprit as well, as libra is exalted in Saturn.  saturn is all about control, so that makes alot of sense. eeeek.  maybe they dont want to lose their "power" of control so they have to hold it in. It might look undignified to them.

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My husband and I have a pretty nasty cardinal t-square in our synastry. My Aries planets oppose his Libra planets- Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and Mercury, with his Cap Moon at the apex, squaring my Mars fairly tightly.

I have had to deal with this dynamic for over a decade, so I am pretty familiar with it. I was able to get a handle on it somehow-I really don't know how, but it doesn't really happen anymore. My husbands Libra stellium with all those heavys+his Mercury is in H11, so he can act very tyrannical, and it's not very pleasant or dignified as you would expect Libra to act. I think it has a lot to do with his Cap Moon squaring this heavy Stellium in a fixed house-cardinal signs in a fixed house- my way or highway mentality. He simply does not give in. It's literally his way or the highway. 

Even though he will adamently disagree with this until he is blue in the face. Sighs.... he has come a long way though, truly.

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Mine did the same thing. 

It's that Cap moon! 

I used to, it's been 3-4-5 days and he hasn't said a word. But, I learned to wait him out. I think it's a control tactic too and at first I was really hurt by it...then....I thought...oh, is this a war? 

So, I just let him walk around silent. (it still hurt) (bad) I stopped showing that it bothered me. Finally when he saw it didn't work ....he stopped. This went on for a long time though. 

He can't last a day now because I finally had enough of it so if he wanted to stop talking for 3 days....on the 4th day when he decided it was time... he couldn't get a sound out of me. 

I am so glad he stopped that. 

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My fresh partner does it,and i truly hate it,but he deals with a stubborn woman who only listens when it is quiet...he can get me in a rage very quick,i hope he doesn't think this will work forever cause that would be too much to handle,it turns me off.

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I do this but it's mostly because I don't want to say the evil and horrible thoughts that are going through my mind at the moment that I know for a fact, I'll regret later if I say them.

I have an aquarius moon so I can detach when really upset and I have my mercury aspecting saturn and pluto so my communication is controlled. Not that I ever don't lose it, but in most cases, what comes out of my mouth is thought of before I say it. Hardly ever do I regret what I say.

My husband has mercury at 0 Aries. Can you imagine how upset with me he gets when I refuse to fight when angry? He says things and immediately regrets them because he said them without thinking.

Ive never said anything to him that I've truly regretted or most people for that matter. Why? Because I'll go silent and come back to you when I've settled down and can discuss without the emotions attached to it that make it so messy.

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It could end a relationship with me if it's done for the wrong reasons, or if it's done if I don't deserve it.

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