
August 2024 Astro W...
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August 2024 Astro Weather - Discuss!

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I really like Mars in Gemini. I am using it to problem and puzzle solve.  For example, I no longer have to bitch about my desk being poorly lit.  I found the right lamp; it actually gives me a zing!

I'm also trying to streamline things around and break bad habits.

Many around me are in life threatening situations, so I'm trying to stay up and active so I can be available when or as needed.  I don't think this is a good time to drag ass, but I'm also aware, the planets in Pisces require down time.

I notice I'm falling away from the internet. I have an aversion to lies and liars and fiction / fake, which is 95% of the content from what I can see. It's just not what I want (mars) in my mind (Gemini).  

I also see people on edge, but still trying to be nice and polite, which I appreciate and admire.

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My sister in law stayed at the Marriott.  She found out today, they charged her for a broken TV. She never turned it on!

I've never heard of anything like this. You?  It seems like a mercury clash.

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@elsa Oh wow. I’ve never heard of that! How did it end up resolving? I hope they don’t say we need to take pictures of the room “before” to show we didn’t damage anything 😒

Most of the time the Marriotts we stay at or my husband stays at for work don’t even do housekeeping every day. Seems a Covid handover when they found they could get away with it. I hate it. Yes I can make my own bed and I keep a tidy room when I travel but that’s it: when I travel I want to go back to a cleaned up room that I basically paid someone to do. 

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@allie120 her credit card sided with the hotel!
She gave them horrible reviews. What else can she do?


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@elsa oh no! That’s horrible! I have no idea what she could have done. What can anyone do?

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@allie120 yes, if you extrapolate, which is what it seems you're doing... this is why I posted this.  This is reality now and these businesses need cash right now, BADLY.

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@elsa How to be vigilant without being completely paranoid 🙁

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apart from ADD, I like having Mars Gemini natally... I have in mutual reception with Mercury Aries... I've got brains and wit, and I'm fast as hell.


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@belladonna apart from ADD, I like having Mars Gemini natally. 

Me too. 

Now mine is square Pluto so I have had to exercise self-control... but I do like having Mars in Gemini. I have Mercury square Uranus. I've got brains and wit, and I'm also fast as hell. But as a Scorpio I refuse to show my hand.  

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@soup haha as a Plutonian I can relate. I also have Mercury trine Uranus Saturn Smile

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@belladonna both of our heads on fire, Pluto strong 💪 ☺️ 

My Taurus moon, while stable, wants to eat, hoard and nap! Thank goodness for Gemini!!!! 

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I feel on edge. Irritated and impatient. I was walking through a crowd of tourist on my way to work and muttering under my breath. I had to laugh because I noticed I’m one of those people Elsa was talking about to just let them buzz past you, get out of their way !! 

instead of hopping on the web between clients and filling my mind with nonsense, I’ve been keeping busy practicing my updo techniques, which flips me back into a good mood with patience. 

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The plumber is coming today (I hope), to fix a wide variety of things... like remove the front door to replace the threshold, also paint the door and replace the hardware, which has nearly worn out.

Also, small details in kitchen and bathroom. He's also going to strip and refinish the front walk and put another coat of stuff on the barn roof, simply to not see it go to waste.  Double coat, because they make you buy more than you need.

There is a also a path in, for water or a mouse, that will be plugged. Brick work, too!

I think this is a great example of mutable juggling.  The dude wears all these hats.

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"Today is the day that transiting Mars conjoins the US Uranus.

At the same time, converse transiting Uranus is also conjoining the US Mars.

I cannot emphasize enough how dangerous and volatile this combination is for the US."


- Pathfinder astro

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