
Black Moon Lilith c...
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Black Moon Lilith conjunct Sun in natal

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I have a friend whose Sun has only two aspects in natal: conjunct BML, and quinqunxe Moon. I'm trying to understand what Lilith says about her Sun.

Does anyone have any info on what this brings about? I tried checking on the net, but the explanations are rather obscure to me.

Thanks if you have any ideas!

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Libra Noir
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I have it. Part of a conjunction with Pluto and MC as well. Ill come back in a bit to elaborate. I have a lot of thoughts lol:) A very significant energy. 

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Thanks, Libra Noir! I appreciate.

Take your time though, there's no rush!

Libra Noir
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Hi:) So Im just going to assume that you know the story of Lilith and how she got kicked out of Eden for not laying under Adam. I personally dont buy into the story that after her exile she turned into a succubus. I think the demonization of her in those stories just goes to show how the energy plays out. 

So this is my understanding about my own personal issues. And I have by no means, mastered this energy. Also, I cant really reveal to much here about the ways in which Ive embodied this energy because their pretty personal, but I assure you that I am a misfit. 

There is a deep, ancestral wound associated with this energy. It has to do with being ostracized for embodying a feminine energy that wont nurture (mens egos really) and wont submit to masculine authority. Like, i dont automatically respect a man, because hes a man. I think a lot of women would have a hard time admitting to having some bias in the direction of submission to a man, because that’s definitely an easier way to get along in the world. But im not impressed by a man simply because he has a penis and i put the penis on a pedestal at the same level as the vagina. (Sorry if thats a gross way to put it but thats how it appears to me). 

It also has something to do with owning my own sexuality. Its SELF POSSESSION at its core.

I dont use birth control. I dont believe in abortion. I see these as tools to oppress my feminine essence.  My womb and my sexuality are fertile and they are mine. Possibly dangerous too in many mens eyes but attractive to others, because I also allow them to be free. Because, especially right now, the ideas that seemed to have only kept women down, are seen to actually keep men down too, on an energetic and spiritual level. Adam and Eve and Lilith are in every person. The wound here is isolation and loneliness, because I am not safe to the mental structures that were put in place when Adam chose Eve. 

I see sexual energy as one of the key energies of the Universal force. Kundalini (sexual energy) is a powerful type of prana/chi (life energy). Its sacred to me and I dont think heirarchy has any place in a sexual act. (Thats why Lilith cant lay under Adam). When I meet someone in a sexual way, we are both equal in the eyes of God (maybe thats the Libra placement too). 

I can be a bitch. Im not interested in protecting anyones image of themselves. I definitely dont get pleasure though from shattering someones ego and never go out of my way to do so. Its not what I strive to do, but if its infringing on my freedom of movement, ill go there, even if it feels gross to me. And it feels gross because I do not want to be an outsider. I want to be accepted but there are certain things that I cant sacrifice to do that. 

There is also kind of communication with nature here. I love trees, birds, clouds, spiders, plants. I see the Universe as a living thing. I am guided by a lot of symbology in nature. I get lots of messages through animals. For instance crows have always presented themselves in dramatic ways, when Im about to go through a shift.

So nature, in my mind, is what we should be learning from. And thats my spirituality too. I do believe in one infinite creator but also believe and sense that we can learn the most from His most beautiful expression which is the harmony of nature. Its not transcendent necessarily but the path will ultimately end in transcendence.

Since i dont see most modern structures as mirroring nature or even acknowledging it, Im not really into the rat race. Im too animalistic. I look around me and inside of me for God, as opposed to looking up for Him. Thats another thing I strive to fully own, is my own connection with Source/God/Spirit. The idea that it has to go through someone else to get to me is absolute bullshit in my eyes. Thats why I cant submit to religion. Not dissing religion, for others though, just want to make that clear. 

Hope that helped and thanks for the opportunity to express myself. 

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Thank you for this very interesting and personal input!

Your points of view are never tepid! You have a lot of chi and it looks like it's well directed. Smile

It seems the Liiith reaction is very pure and strong. And how it's not easily possible to fit into society as it is ruled by "laws" of all sorts, religions etc. made up by humans & not nature. Esp as concerns women who have been tamed to take it all in. (Although men get caught into some of that too, but not as bad. (I think humans are degenerate animals, have lost the freedom of "animalness".)

As concern's the rest of the chart of the friend I mentionned, this seems to fit it pretty well. She has Venus conjunct Neptune in Scorpio, passionnate enough, but many restraining aspects everywhere. So I think she has the Lilith impulse, but it has been very reined-in, and I think she is an unconscious rebel.

Libra Noir
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I think its one of those aspects where it hurts the native to repress it, but then theres some punishment and ostracism if expressed. So thats just a choice that she has made. If shes an unconscious rebel, then that causes a lot of incongruencies. In my case, theres a desire for a stable, traditional life, but theres this powerful force inside of me that resists that and kind of destroys anything that might look like that. 

So, ya, integration is hard here. 

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