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Composite Pluto in the 5th House

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Composite Pluto in 5th house:

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, regeneration and powerful energy. Pluto in the 5th house will be very important in the area of self-expression, bringing a powerful drive to do just that. There will be very powerful and maybe even obsessive/fanatical feelings for each other. So if only one of you is feeling stronger for the other, this can bring some real trouble. Be careful the power of love does not turn to hate or obsessive behavior. In a positive physical relationship, sex will play an important role in your lives, as Pluto does not indicate a mere platonic relationship. With Pluto located in the 5th house, your relationship will surely bring about positive transformation in one or both of you, even if your relationship doesn't actually survive the changes.

This interpretation is from the Relationship Composite Report.

Do you and  your partner have composite Pluto in the 5th house? What's it like?

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I have this with all three of my closest friends, and with one of my brothers. Sex has nothing to do with any of the relationships :) But you're right, they aren't mere platonic relationships, they are soul-mate level relationships. I've been with my best friend for 20 years now, and we still havent had our first fight. The other two I've been with for 14 years and we've had tiny squabbles but nothing that takes longer than 10 minutes to get over. They are perfect and we're perfect together :) It's totally til death do us part.

I fight with my brother constantly ,but clearly we're not a mere platonic relationship since we're siblings. Cradle to grave and all that shit.

I guess these relationships could have transformed me. It's hard to tell though because they've been the most important parts of my life for more than half my life. And you transform a zillion times in life. Do I transform because I'm a human, or because I have friends? How can you tell? If I got a new friend and changed, then yeah that's obvious to see, but when you have something so constant, how can you tell if its transforming you? Its too subtle.

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I forgot! Composite is how OTHERS see you, not necessarily reality. I was thinking the self expression bit was lame, because whats the point of a relationship WITHOUT self expression? But when it comes to how others see my relationships, self expression is a huge part of it. We are definitely over-the-top with self expression when others are around. There's lots of banter, and arguing, and LOUDNESS. My friends are all weirdo aqua-moons, and two of them are the funny cancers (as opposed to the passive aggressive cancers) and I have all that Sag sooo there is just oodles and oodles of expression when we're in public. And its clear we're attached to each other. Add on to Pluto in the 5th, we all have composite Cancer ascendants (trined closely by composite Pluto!) which makes us appear even more attached and comfortable with each other.

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Yup! Thankfully, the feelings were mutual. Our meeting was very dramatic and romantic... like love at first sight. The moment I saw him... I will never forget it. He told a friend of his before he even spoke to me, that he would marry me. We were in Peru, in a little discoteca... called Deja Vu. I moved across oceans and countries to be with him. Our first years were kind of tumultuous and packed full of deep transformation. We've had to learn how to work with each other because all of that power and energy bubbling beneath can turn ugly real quick. ...but gosh have we mellowed out and learned to better understand and respect each other. I feel like a butterfly these days. 

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my husband & I have a composite Saturn & Pluto in the 5th house in Scorpio. I wouldn’t say we are obsessed with one another, but we do love each other strongly, even tho we may have trouble expressing it. We have one child & are so happy to have her. She’s a bit much. I hope she calms down when she’s older. We had a Trouble when I had cervical cancer & had to have an abortion before her, to save my cervix, etc. We have been together 15 years, married 9 & I hope we stay together forever. We have our sun, Neptune conjunct jupiter in the 7th, Mars in Cancer in 1st, Cancer ascendant. 4th house moon in Libra. We are good friends (he’s my BFF). & have awesome sex. & we have an 8th house Mercury in Aquarius. Uranus in the 6th house of Sagittarius. Venus in the 2nd house of Leo.
It’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in. I foresee us together until we are really old . Our relationship is very transformative. We bring out the best in each other. & have created a beautiful home together. I’ve never been happier! & he’s becoming his best self in his funeral director/embalmer career, & I’m fulfilling my purpose of being a mother & working on my esoteric pursuits for my PT career. Thank you for this! Interesting!


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