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Composite Sun Square Uranus

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Does anyone have experience with Sun square Uranus in a Composite chart?

Here is the interpretation from the Composite Report:

This is perhaps a relationship that arrived out of the blue, when neither one of you was looking for it. If you are looking for a stable and comfortable relationship, then forget that and either get used to an unsettled, rattled, disruptive and disoriented lifestyle or don't stick around at all! You will either find this relationship to be liberating and eye-opening or it will scare the pants off you both. You may find the unconventionality and unpredictability of this relationship too much for you to handle, but you can count on one thing. It will serve to open you up to experiences you have never before considered. Traditional ideas go right out the window with this aspect. Endless challenges will make stability between you impossible. Just as the situation starts to stabilize, another event occurs to rock you off your foundation.

Several things are for sure. Your relationship will be full of surprises, it will be totally unpredictable and ever-changing and it will probably never be peaceful and totally secure. If you are looking for some adventure and can change with the moving scenery, then this relationship can be downright exciting. You may very well run into problems with the people in your community who see you as rebels, troublemakers and as potential threats to their peace and security. On the other hand, any challenges from your community or from the people outside your relationship can help to cement a bond between you, thus drawing you closer together.

A wild affair, a liberating experience, a walk on the wild side, a break from boredom, a refreshing change or way too hot to handle -your relationship can be any or all of these. High, electric nervous tension exists here and you will constantly need to be on the move in order to maintain levels of sanity. Plenty of breathing room and occasional separations from your partner are needed so that you simply don't burn out. Difficulties in legal problems can develop here because of the rebellious quality of your relationship.

You will be much better off with each other if you don't constantly challenge each other's basic beliefs. At first this can be exciting, but too much of it will only get tiring, leaving the worn-out one of you possibly looking for someone else who isn't so much maintenance and who doesn't cause so much wear and tear.”

Is the sun square Uranus in your composite chart? What is it like?

2 Replies
Posts: 77
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Joined: 8 years ago

I have the opposition with a friend...initially it was almost like a love relationship (our husbands also had an intense closeness.) Then her husband died. Super intense. Now we see each other and it is always differently: strained, awkward strange - or super great and electric ideas buzzing - or cool and distant and ‘who are you again?’ I am trying to normalize a friendly more distant vibe with her - especially after looking at our composite. Yikes!

Posts: 77
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Joined: 8 years ago

I have the square with a radical spiritual teacher I studied with for a decade. In the end he waaaay crossed the line and boy was that the end of that! That write-up explains a lot!!

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