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Composite Venus in the 8th House Meaning

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My husband and I have our composite Venus in the 8th house. I see it as, "till death do we part".

“Venus located in the 8th house shows an intense love and affection between you. Venus does not promise a love relationship, she only brings the emotional side of love into the spotlight. At the very least, no matter for how long you spend time together, the transforming side of Venus will make you see love and affection in a whole new light. Your relationship can be quite intense, expressing both love and sex with the same energy and intensity. This will not be a light-hearted, one-night-stand type of relationship, but one which will burn very bright, involving both of you at very deep and profound levels. Venus here also brings material good fortune into your relationship through the power of attraction. If either of you requires financial help or support from others, then this placement is one of the best to insure it happening.”

That’s from the Composite Report.

What's your experience with composite Venus in the 8th?

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Posts: 18
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Joined: 4 years ago

I can say couple of words about this Venus from my experience. Venus in Leo 8th house placement with one major aspect which is Venus square Pluto.

I'm always attracted to and attracting persons who are first of all of complicated characteristics. Ordinary people of opposite sex does not attract me and keep my attention at all. I'm almost always searching for "forbidden" love kind of thing, because the more complicated and impossible the more i get attracted to it. It is almost like a curse of some sort.

I can get pretty jealous at times and used to take everything personally almost to the point of losing control but over the years i learned to keep it more cool sort to speak.

On the other side i fear showing emotions at the beginning simply because i do not want to scare people. Also fear of rejection and being used is highly present in my nature and because of that i tend to hide my feelings. Soft friendship is always a must before entering romantic relationship. I was never interested in "one night" affairs and that will never change.

Venus in 8th house is for sure one of the most intense placements that not many people can handle. Speaking from personal experience. 

PS: Hope you doing well Elsa! Wishing you a nice day!

Posts: 42
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Joined: 5 years ago

Our 8th house Venus is in Capricorn 23 degrees,  Saturn 20d, Mars 19d, and Jupiter 18d Cap 7th, opposite Moon at 22 d Cancer 1st, and Mercury 23d 2nd.

Lover has perfected commitment avoidance through last few decades, and his dreams are showing the struggle he is having as the relationship has evident manifestation and reality.   It is interesting that my natal Venus is in Scorpio and his is in Aries.  Both Mars ruled.  Mars in Capricorn is exalted.

His numerological life path is a firm #1, mine also solitary yet not so power-oriented (or self-defending?) #7.  

When the day ends, and subjective moon rises, intimacy is shared, he soaks in the nurturing of touch.  He shares his dreams readily *his natal Mars in Pisces.  With dawn and the objective sun shining, I witness his need to defend again.  Also, a history of childhood and youth trauma.  

With Pluto transiting Capricorn - there is a pressure from this relationship that feels karmic and inescapable, although perhaps by 2023 I will realize the lesson.  It feels *my Cancer rising...  like this is a core experience to this lifetime.  

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