
Dating Pisces Men
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Dating Pisces Men

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I wasted 7 years of my life on one who was a serial cheater and pathological liar about it, enabled and encouraged by his mother to do whatever he wanted instead of telling the truth.

We had a sun/moon conjunction which kinda explains things but I would never date one again. I'm way too susceptible to the 'poor me' vibe.

Uncle Pluto crossing my DSC put an end to him thank God, but I sadly nearly wasted almost decade of my life. Sorry I can't be more positive. In fact he's the only one of my ex's if I saw on the street I'd walk up and fish slap.

Libra Noir
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I don’t think I’ve ever even been approached by a Pisces man. I think I scare them lol. The ones I know seem like mostly lost souls. 

I do have a Pisces man friend who tries to hook up with all the women but doesn’t get very far. He got used bad by this one piece of work the last few years and was in a codependent marriage for a long time. He’s overall a good friend but kinda flaky. That’s a quality in a man that I could never tolerate in a relationship. That’s crazymaking to my temperament. 

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So interesting…I was thinking and I don’t think I’ve ever dated one? I had a major crush on one and while I wouldn’t say we are close friends, I guess he is an acquaintance, born right on the cusp Aqua/Pisces and idk his time of birth.

My great uncle was a Pisces. He was such a gentle man. He was my maternal grandmother’s brother. I remember him best when I was about 4-10. He was beautiful. The story I remember best about him (from my mother, a wonderful treasure of family anecdotes) was that he served in Italy in WWII. Somehow he met his wife (my great aunt), and I think she was American but her parents were born in Italy. I don’t remember the connection. But he was just drop dead in love with her the minute he met her. He thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth (she was beautiful). Totally in love in a classic Pisces fashion. Happily ever after, too.

My nephew is a Pisces. I’ve gotten to spend more time with him as he has gotten older. He’s also low key, that thing you pick up about Pisces but I can’t articulate…they swim among us but he’s a good kid. It’s fun to watch him and his older Capricorn brother play and joke off each other, exactly the way my brother, sister, and I do.

No dating info, but that’s about all I can add.

It’s so interesting because I can see Pisces here and there in my family: my sister, our favorite aunt, great uncle, my nephew. My husband has none in his family. Really interesting.

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To the dude on Twitter that says Pisces are bulletproof with Scorpio. He is right! We would never take aim at one. 
Here's the book LOL Get ready to throw up. 🤣 
I see I commented here in 2012. Yeah, things have changed. I thought I knew him until I have been trapped in the house with him since 3/2020.
My father is a Pisces too. Dad's birthday 3/2 husband 3/3. Oldest son has a Pisces moon. GD has a Stellium in the 12th.
They present the same in many ways.
I could go off and disparage but that wouldn't be fair because he is aggravating the living shit out of me right now 🤣
They are very giving.
Very creative.
They will pick a stray dog off the street and nurse it back to health. Literally rock your sick dog in a rocking chair until it is well. 
People walk all over them until they get mad. Then they are dangerous. Scary dangerous. You won't see the danger in a Pisces because they are very good at hiding ANYTHING. They seethe in quiet on the down low.
They get their lick back like a Scorpio when you least expect it. Where Scorpio has gathered information to drop the bomb to the general public ...then stands there and looks you in the eye to see the lick back pain in your eyes ... Pisces doesn't do that. You'll wonder why everything in your life just turned into a national disaster and have no clear idea who did it because it will be foggy... maybe they did it or maybe not. I love this about them 😉 
Good partner for Scorpio because if you try to walk on someone a Scorpio loves, that is a book with another cover.
They lie. (Remember I don't know every Pisces man, so I am giving my POV on the ones I know. So, no offense to the Pisces out there) (and keep in mind the people I love the most on the earth are Pisces or Pisces flavored) Little lies that make no fucking sense. And will stick with it till you are standing with a pie chart and a power point presentation showing you have proof of the lie. Still with the facts right there they act like a doe eyed deer in headlights... no, I didn't do it. YES, you did. That is because they believe they didn't lie, so it's not a lie. (My Mercury in Scorpio digging up the planet earth to prove it is a lie with pictures, screen shots, text messages, GPS)
When my father was alive I could/would never tell him if someone did something to me. He was that dangerous. He spent 15 years in prison. He was that dangerous.
My oldest son is a Libra, born beautiful with a Gemini rising and a Pisces moon. Gorgeous, and very loving but never shut his mouth and always climbing the walls. I would watch kids walk all over him and his Pisces moon. (Which turned me into a murder hornet) He always took up for the underdog and would protect the kids who were shit on at school. Never in the history of his life has he ever started shit with anyone. He just doesn't have it in him. He is not a P! He will fight back and probably knock someone's teeth out if he has to protect himself, but he will never start it.
I have a Gemini sun, Leo rising, Aqua moon with a Scorpio mars child and I tell you they are nothing alike. (He will start it) This one... dear God a force of nature. No one ever tried to take advantage of this one. And you better not go near his Pisces moon older brother... good lord.
Example: My husband (donated his time) taught soccer to down syndrome kids every Saturday for a very long time. I could not have loved anyone more ...watching that act of kindness toward individuals that were in need. He would give our last dollar way if I didn't watch him... good thing I am not materialistic in the least ... I agree with sharing so... 
If they love you, you will never be loved as deeply ...not by anyone. They are loyal to the few people they love. They adore their children so much.
It's very hard for a Pisces to discipline the child they adore. I am the child of a Pisces. This is the truth. Don't spank me in front of my father. 
I have never dated. I was always in some sort of relationship with someone I knew a very long time first. All fire signs. Leo, Sag and Aries. (One Capricorn too)
They don't love Scorpio the same way. Pisces is romantic ... never miss a card, never miss a dozen roses, never miss a look you in the eye moment, never miss a long hug. No matter the color they have dreamy eyes, watery eyes. Gorgeous, dreamy watery eyes. Very affectionate.
If you are loved by a Pisces, you are loved for exactly who you are (You'd think that not true and think they love you for who they romanticize you to be...nope! They can see right through you) and they would probably die for you... they certainly plan the downfall for anyone that would ever hurt you... and strategically.
Their feelings get hurt easily but they try not to show it. I have to watch my Gemini Mars mouth every day.
Hurt easily and you can see it the moment it happens in their eyes.
He writes me poetry.
He would give me his last dollar, but I would never ask for it.
He will always buy me something before himself.
They pine.
Smart. Scary smart. Beautiful writers!
They overindulge. Mine does so with chocolate.
Very funny. Laugh loud.
See the good in everyone. (I don't, I need proof)
Good cooks.
Adore animals.
Deeper than the other water signs or anyone with 8th house placements.
As jealous and overprotective as a Scorpio but it's hidden.
Can play mind games (except with the lord of mind games)
They need attention. I enjoy giving it.
If you F with one, you'll get it back and never know who did it. They don't have a stinger. They have a dark side.
Psychic as all get out. They know. They can see right through you. Don't even try to hide who you are from them. They will let you lie just to watch you wiggle.
When I was a single mom, he would come over when I was not at home and cut my grass and shovel my snow. I thought I had a stalker. I did. I married my stalker. I even called the police and told them some unknown person was weeding my lawn.
He worked at the bank and when I was a single mom, he would deposit anonymous money in my checking account. Money, he didn't have to spare at the time. 
If they cut you off, they are done. If you ever hurt one deeply, you'll never get them back. Ever.
I could tell you about all the things that drive me nuts.... he's messy. He is off in the land of la la sometimes. He likes his down - time alone time (but so do I so I don't care) He never puts anything thing up. He plays the same cords on the guitar over and over sometimes many times I want to throw the guitar(s) in the street. I have to consider that we have been locked in together in a situation that would break any other marriage. Neither of us have to leave the house. He works remote.
He is hyper aware of other people's feelings and absorbs them easily making him very moody. He is SO MOODY and I had no idea how moody he was until I was faced with being within 5 feet of him (every day) for almost 3 years.
I can report this... there is a Pisces man and a Scorpio woman in a place where they know no one but each other and have been confined to the woods together for 3 years in March and I seriously doubt anyone else could do it.
Here is another example. My son had a bladder infection and was in the hospital texting me pic. This was a bloody situation. Pisces was already in bed, and I started texting pics w/o text because I hadn't got that far yet and he shot out of that bed like a rocket screaming baby where are you (in the house) I said hold on. That is (Pisces moon son) XXXX and he is in the hospital. He immediately called him and stayed on the phone with him for a long time. Said one of us needed to go home at once.
He loved my children like they were his own. Gives without taking. Never forgets a birthday, anniversary, donates time, money. Don't make me cry. That is it. It is settled. He is coming for you. LOL
Gentle intense lover, deep thinker, giver, considerate, quiet, in another world, artistic, musical, protective... 
He NEVER knows where his keys are.
Scatterbrained sometimes.
They don't see things the way most of us do. They see layers. I see a tree. He sees the tree, but he also sees the way light reflects off the tree. 
Of course, we argue. Who doesn't? He is usually right but I never admit it. He knows this and will let me be right, but you can see the side grin. 
Pisces is my favorite sign of the zodiac. Next, Cancer. They are the nurturers, the deep lovers... (for Scorpio) 
My parents. Pisces Dad with a Scorpio moon. Mom, Cancer Stellium. Grieving over the loss of these two has been a nightmare I never expected. Not on this level.
I love my water signs. They move mountains gently, quietly. They are good friends. They understand each other. They are loyal. If they love you, they probably always will. Even when they aren't speaking to you. They will keep your secrets. They will murder over their child, go to jail and not give one shit about it.
The only problem I have here is his Saturn is in Taurus and all over 4 of my planets. There is Saturn contact all over our synastry. He thinks he is my protector, father... he has a Cap moon, so he is old man father time and while 11 years younger is the oldest one in the relationship by far. If I hear... OMG don't do that ... one more time... haha Tries to take care of me like I am an infant.
What else can I say. He drives me freaking nuts... and I love him so hard it's ridiculous. I mean I love him HARD. He gives it right back.
He is the first man that I can say without a doubt that I could never intentionally hurt even if he hurt me. I wanted to smash those fire signs. I don't have it in me to do a thing but love him...
35 years in April. He waited for me for 9 years. Glad he did.
A practical sign would think... who is this dreamer? Who is this person that is in the other room for hours in another land... not me. I get it. They would never work with an air sign. I can't see how.... fire would drive them crazy no matter what the chart looks like. They would do well with earth though.
He brings out my soft side, I protect his hidden soft side at all cost.
I make him sound like fairy dust.
He is pretty bad ass. You should see him at work. Damn, took over that place. Mars in Aries, Cap moon 🙂 smart as F... - Aqua rising. Aqua Mercury. Takes over a room. Amazing writer. Public speaker. Yeah, he is a bad ass haha
I would carry his legless ass (if he had no legs) up hill in five feet of snow and I will stay with him and protect him till I die. I would never have moved away from home with anyone else. Never.
Thanks for asking. I needed to make a list of the reasons I love him so much.
They get a bad rap. A lot of women complain about them. They say they are cheaters and liars. I can find no evidence of this in mine. If I did, he would lose the will to live! LOL I worried about us with my Pluto to the descendant transit. I even doubted him (you all remember that) But here we are at the end standing strong and I lost a lot of relationships but not this one. This thing is planted and rooted deeply in the ground for life.
Both men and women have tried to get between us. Unsuccessfully. If it weren't for astrology, I might have left him in 2020. I almost left him in 2002! That would have been the dumbest thing I could have ever done in my life.
I love Pisces!
My Pisces father and Cancer mother just died - together. Even divorced, one was never staying here without the other one. I should have known. 
He just came out and kissed me on the forehead and said I love you baby. This is the book on one Pisces man. This exhausting, overprotective, loving man. My children and theirs adore him. They like him way better than they like me.
In a world where relationships are problems and people can't find a way to stay together, we have. 
He is a better person than I am. 
Want a song? He sent me this song a while back... said this is what he was doing when he was waiting for me to come to home (for 9 years) He is my true love. The kind of love you read about in romance novels. My Sun Neptune conjunction loves it. I am (decades) in love with a Pisces man. 
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@soup that was beautiful. I was sitting there, reading and nodding, and going “yep, yep” the whole time. Next I’ll have to write about Scorpio. I think Scorpio and Pisces is the best match in the Zodiac, personally.

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^^  that was a great read. you're a great writer. very romantic.

you give us a nice view of your relationship with your pisces man and all the placements with it. 

as for the mention of air sign and fire sign with pisces and you not seeing it.  I'll have to comment that in truth ive seen two couples (my husband's aunts and uncles)  who happen to be both pisces males, and one married to a libra sun woman who will do anything for him, and he has sacrificed his career and life for her to follow her to all over the world, contributing with UNICEF and other social activist activities all over the world such as living in India to help the poor, and living in african countries too.  He stayed at home caring for the children whiile she worked and they never stopped to enjoy travelling together and he supported her through her career. She is actually Libra sun, and i'm not sure of rising, as no birth date, but from when i did her chart she is Libra moon, Scorpio mars Libra venus. She might be Scorpio moon though.  But she feels "lighter";  but of course i dont know her personally. She might show scorpio moon in personal relationships; and he has Pisces sun, Aquarius venus, Aries mars and Taurus moon.  I've always seen charts of Taurus and Libra together for some reason, because of their venusian connection.   They have a really great relationship and both very supportive and loving.

edit - he still rides his motorcycle around, even now when he's turning 70 years old. He loves his freedom (maybe his aquarius venus) and they have to sell the house where he's lived in Switzerland and loving it but they have to move back north closer to their adult children. She decided to stay another year stalling her career so he can enjoy one more year in switzerland. For him. He doesn't want to leave. (his taurus moon is sentimental) They are so loving and happy together and they work so well together.

the other uncle is pisces sun with a stellium there, and libra moon (makes more sense) venus pisces pisces mars, pisces mercury and his wife which is my husband's aunty, his mother's sister, was a Leo sun/ Scorpio moon, Cancer venus Leo mars. They love eachother to the end, and when she died of cancer earlier, it was really a tragic ending because he didnt want to stay in this world after she was gone. 

thanks for sharing your relationship and showing us how wonderfully romantic the energy can be. Smile /p>

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@soup cue the water works because this was so god damn beautiful to read 😭 gives me such hope on the concept of love and how it should feel when it's true <3 here's to many more years of love for you two!

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@soup Magnificent!

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I wanted to share my experiences with Pisces.

When I lived in Los Angeles, I met a Pisces guy and we hung out once and then he swam away. Don't know why.

Right before I moved back to my hometown, I met another Pisces and he was such a dreamboat. We only shared a few intimate moments, but we both were very into each other. When I moved, we lost contact which was very unfortunate because he was literally a dream. Romantic. Caring. Thoughtful. Sensitive. He wrote poetry. He was tall with a slim muscular build. To me, he was a 10/10 ha. But back to the oceans we both went.

There was one Pisces that I met that was a bit free wheeling. I couldn't ever tell if he was lying or if he even had a job, but he was a cool guy. Eccentric. I stopped talking to him because he was a bit too unhinged for me. He partied and drank a lot and did drugs and I didn't really want to be a part of that. His house was kind of cool though. He had all of these different weapons like guns and a mace and club, swords. Cool, but it also had me on my toes just in case he ever tried anything. 

Recently, I dated a Pisces and I really liked him but he tossed me to the side. He has an Aries Venus and a Gemini rising with a Gemini Moon (I think? I forgot). We went on a couple of dates and we were really hitting it off. He told me from the start that he would be straightforward with me and everything, but it wasn't really the case. I would let him vent to me about his problems and his family and I listened and was there as much as I could be and in ways, I liked that he could confide in me. I'm a Cancer. I need emotional attachment. He even told me his last ex was a bit abusive to him. But when it was my turn to open up and share my feelings, all I got was "sorry buddy." and that hurt because I would sit there on the phone with him multiple times while he damn near cried about his father being sick, but when it was time to talk about my sick mom that one time, he disregarded it like it was nothing. On my 30th birthday, I wanted to open up and be honest about how I felt and I told him I kind of felt like a failure and was nervous about my 30s and he said that if I was a failure, then he was. After that, he stopped really talking to me. So I confronted him one day and he said, "I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." But he still wanted to have sex.. My conclusion is he was emotionally unavailable. 

That's my extent of dating Pisces men. 

My BIL is a Pisces and he's such a great father and he is so sweet towards our family. He always BBQ's chicken for my mom when she wants to have family get togethers. He's devoted to the church and willing to give the shirt off of his back to anyone. Their son, my nephew, has OI (brittle bone syndrome) and he's so careful with him and attends to all of his needs. My sister, a fiery Cancer, doesn't have that much patience, but they make it work. They have their problems. My sister is a bit brash and they tend to go back and forth sometimes and even have little passive aggressive face offs, but they've been together for almost 10 years+ and have known each other as kids so I don't know. I think they're locked in for life. 

I have a Pisces cousin that was such a player and ladies man growing up. I used to kind of wish I had his ability to be so cool and well liked by everyone. From the girlfriends I remember him having, I won't lie, when we around - and maybe this is because he was putting on a show- he would gaslight one girl in particular and kind of cheat. But maybe he has changed. He's overall a good guy though. Family man and will do anything for his friends/family. I would always feel protected and looked after by him. I was shy and quiet growing up, but he was my best friend and would always include me. He never made me feel left out which I appreciated because I had so many good times and memories with him.

I don't really have any ill feelings towards Pisces men. They usually run away from me because maybe I have too strong of energy or something, I don't know. I don't think I would date another one, but as friends-people, I think they're great.

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