
Describe Chiron Con...
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Describe Chiron Conjunct The Ascendant

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Chiron conjunct the ascendant:

"There's no hiding Chiron's energy when it links with the Ascendant, the so-called personality point. You're a one-off, maverick, a bit of a daredevil if you feel that risk-taking is the way to go, and profoundly committed to healing and transformation on many levels. Sometimes there may be things about yourself that really hurt, and you will be driven to do something to sort them or heal them. But it is always on your terms. You go your own way and make your own fate."

That's from the Deluxe Asteroids Report.

Here's a post on the physical appearance of Chiron conjunct the ascendant.

How would you describe Chiron conjunct the ascendant?

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My father had Chiron tightly conjunct his Asc.  He was definitely a maverick, one of the last of the self-made men.  However, he totally eschewed "feelings".  (Chiron in Gemini, if that makes a difference).  The MIND was the only thing that mattered to him.  He was even a Pisces!  But to him, if you weren't intelligent, you weren't worth talking to.  I think he was wounded early on by this; he had musical talent but completely killed it off in favor of having a business mind.  He was raised by immigrant parents who were very, very strict and had a very difficult childhood.  When his younger brother came along, he was the favorite and my father was left out in the cold.  I think he put emotions aside very early and only trusted what he could control.  He was a very, very cold father.  But I have Saturn square Sun, so maybe this is just how I "saw" him.

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