
Neptune in Pisces a...
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Neptune in Pisces and the mutable signs

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Is anyone else having a ‘though’ Neptune transit to Sun or other personal planets?

From this year on until 2018 l will be Neptunized. Neptune in Pisces in my 6th is making a square to my Sun/MC /Jupiter activating my natal oppositions.. later on it will oppose my ASC, then the Neptune square Neptune thing, yey!

From the end of this year Saturn will be conjunct natal Neptune Smile

My experience with it is having many ideas/dreams but not being able to choose from any of them or to apply myself to go for any them, no energy nor the drive to GO FOR IT! Not being able to choose is the most irritating thing ever! l am not familiar with this, it’s a constant battle in my head..

It does fit with my current situation. l have been in an unhealthy business relationship for the past 3 identity was bound to it and my ego suffered a blow, l am done with this whole thing for a while now and l feel the need to really let go of it and go my own way but l am dealing with not knowing which direction to go, not at all…l feel like making lists and hang them on the wall so that l don’t lose my way, l realize l can’t get things done the usual way but there must be a better way than losing myself into apathy….


Is Neptune affecting any of your personal planets?

How do you deal with it? please share!

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Not technically planets, but Neptune's been transiting my nodal axis and Lilith since Feb. of this year.  My NN/Lilith sits in Virgo in my 10th.

That's right around the time I lost all sense of direction when it comes to my creative outlets.  Little drive to create or share and when I do, it tends to be re-visiting and/or tying together links to past creative efforts.

Maybe the reason you can't choose is that you have not yet considered the most natural choice for you?

At least that's what I've been thinking about lately and how I've been dealing with it.  Part of my struggle has been oddly similar to yours in that what I've realized through stepping back is that my previous efforts were more so about how others might receive what I have to share than they were about me expressing and sharing what I need to for me.

Getting stuck in apathy ruts too... ugh... I think the worst part is that the most inspirational insight that's crossed my mind ado with that is 'wait'.  Everything in it's proper time.  Neptune/Pisces is much ado with faith, after all, so I think there's something significant with the notion of having faith you'll find what you need and if you can't have it right now, that's fine, and you'll have it come the proper time.

...and the lyrics for the song by M83 of the same title are pretty neat too Smile

Send your dreams
Where nobody hides
Give your tears
To the tide
No time
No time
There's no end
There is no goodbye
With the night
No time
No time
No time
No time
No time

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I am just a short time away from Neptune opposing my natal Mars. 

I really have no idea how this is going to play out. 

Natal Mars in the 11th, transiting Neptune would have just crossed over into my 5th.

I have been starting the process of becoming a Court Appointed Child Advocate, which I think would be applicable to Neptune and the energy directed towards groups (11th house Mars).

I just don't want to be physically debilitated!

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I don't have any hard aspects happening, but I considered making a thread about Neptune in's been transiting my 10th house and will be for a while longer, and I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. It kinda sucks. I'm just blindly moving forward however I can and hoping I'll figure something out.

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Hi M! Cool lyrics! sorry to hear you are going through the same....

Things are in flux and never stay the same, we just need a bit of oooommpfff to get out of this apathy thing, maybe pushing a bit harder at stuff and have a list of TO DO's how virgo is that!? yey for Jupiter in Virgo!better take advantage of it in a good way!

  Keeping the faith, you are right! l think l am depressed so that is a bit hard at times... l am super sensitive to people's vibes since 2 months or so things go right through me 🙁 weird!!!

@Goldie l don't think you have to become physically debilitated! l hope not! l think helping others fits with what you are going to do!

@cosmicbeast and how is your status & outer image since it entered the 10th house? l'm curious

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My status and outer image is good, I guess I'd say...Neptune entered my 10th when I was in college and I did very well in my classes and jobs there, definitely achieved recognition, and to some extent that success has continued for the jobs I've had after graduation (in government, interestingly enough) and my outer image in general, although there was some wavering back and forth to get to that point. I guess now everything is "in place," in a sense...however, I don't know if my outer life is a reflection of who I truly am. And I don't know what that would mean, to be on my "true path." I also feel like my job sounds more impressive when I tell people about it than it actually is (it's pretty simple for the most part).

I have natal Neptune in Capricorn conjunct Saturn, so I'm pretty drawn to being realistic about what I'm capable of. Expanding on that, while maintaining a balance between what my dreams are and what's actually possible, is just part of a continual journey of self-discovery.

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