
Neptune the Malefic
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Neptune the Malefic

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I have noticed Neptune when retrograde is religious and when direct is more scientific.

One of it's benefits is it can look at the world according to who needs to be 'saved'. So rather than the corporate... 'How do I get the stats up?' It's a bit more like, 'Are these people happy at work?' 

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I’m not Neptunian. I have Neptune in Scorpio in my 3H. There have been times when I could have sworn someone said something they did or didn’t or that things I’ve heard have already been put out there. It’s sort of dreamlike. It happened a lot when I was a kid. It’s frustrating because I have Mercury in Capricorn, a concrete sign.

So I have learned to try to be a little more discerning (perhaps by leaning on my Capricorn). 

However, I have Neptune sextile moon. I pick all kinds of stuff out of the air. Intangible. Vibes. Senses. I overhear much more than I want (not eavesdropping. It’s where you cannot escape the surrounding inflow of information). I like that a lot because it makes me feel like someone always walking away oblivious and unscathed from a piano falling from the 10th floor.

It’s also opposite Jupiter so there is this “we are all connected yet simultaneously so infinitesimally small and alone” sense, for one thing. I can also have ridiculously unrealistic dreams about myself and what I can do. But I learn a lot thinking I can do it ??

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I'm a Neptunian. Although my Sun is in Virgo is placed in the 12th. Mercury + Moon too. Neptune in the 3th house, part of a stellium. Neptune on the cusp of my 6th...

I've always felt split between my Virgoan nature (Mercury Virgo conj ASC) and my Neptunian infused inner self (packed 12th house, Neptune trine Venus, chart ruler).

My deepest need is clarity (Mercury), my healing comes from music, visual art & poetry (Neptune). I somehow had to learn to work a little bit with what I have... I used to hate that Neptune placement, it has practically eaten me chances to live fully an experience because of the easy mechanism to shut reality and construct a parallel capsule... A lot of learning and a lot of acceptance on the road...

Neptune and Mercury are my birth chart depositors.

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I love this description of Neptune and it is very true. And I am like Allie up there, I can see/hear things that are very real to me and find out later that nope never happened. My Neptune is in Scorpio in my 9th conjuncting my Midheaven.

One time, I saw my husband stopped by a man and when I asked my husband what the guy wearing such and such wanted, my husband looked at me like I had lost my marbles. He said, "I don't know what you saw, but the man that stopped me was wearing such and such and he was not the race you described. That blew me away!

And what is more, I can watch a movie or read a book and see something that when I go back and rewatch or reread it is not there. It is the same thing as seeing odd things on people at random times.

Neptune should never be underestimated.

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And another weird thing, I have been thinking for days about Neptune and how it affects the angles of the chart and the overall location of it in a person's chart.

I have been wondering if when it is say the 5th house or a less prominent position if it is just as powerful as if on an angle or etc.

T Neptune is opposing my N Mercury and my mind is as fuzzy as a peach right now. Hahahaha!!!

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Interesting, Tonya. Our Neptunes are in opposite houses yet we have similar Neptune experiences. We’re both of the same generation.

When I was a kid I swore I saw a commercial for a phone that also had a small tv screen on it. You could see and talk to the person at the same time (like FaceTime but with a cord phone). This was in the early 1970’s. But it was the only time I saw it and people had no idea what I was talking about.

Sometimes I also feel like the news is déjà vu. I mean, it is with 24 hr news but we’re talking week’s difference in time.

Neptune is kooky. I kind of like it but I like to make sure I’ve got one hand holding onto the dock as I tread.

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