
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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I came across this astonishing Twitter thread addressing the current gender identification confusion and I see pure Pluto in Aquarius.

In enforcing one subset's demand/desire to be seen a particular way, others are being forced to compromise their own boundaries, and, in some cases, commanded to comply even within their own thoughts. If you have no right to your own thoughts, who are you as an individual?

I apologize for this controversial subject, but it's trouble brewing on the horizon. I don't think any of you want to be referred to as "birthing people" or "menstruators".

@elsa, no offense taken if this post is too spicy for this forum.

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It has even been instatiated into law in Canada. Bill C16 requires people to use "whatever" pronouns they choose for themselves. In other words one person or group is able to command the speech of others. Of course one might want to comply out of politeness, courtesy or convention--putting it into law is a whole new kettle of fish that the US has far. 

When you combine this with the level of surveillance and social credit monitoring likely to come in the future....its chilling. 

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@shortpants Here in the UK, sanitary protection product ads are being aimed at 'young people' not women/girls. I applaud anyone that wants to carve out their own, unique identity, but hate that my choice to identify as a woman is slowly being eroded.

A tame example, but like you say, it alludes to trouble brewing.

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Very sad to see us boomerang on Title IX.  

Nothing much surprises me on the left anymore, but it gets personal if you're putting your junk in my granddaughter's face or compelling my speech.  If this new SC nominee is any indication, we know where they are heading.

My health food store has signage "for persons with periods".  Maybe I should identify with a comma or request the more-inclusive term "punctuation".  They have two dedicated parking spaces for EV.  Nice idea, but they are always empty, and back to masked shoppers this morning(!)  

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I wanted to put this somewhere. This seems a logical place. it's about AI thievery. 

Now I think I mentioned somewhere, I was just told about of the gov sweeping emotion from social media to improve fake people.  This was from someone working on the project.  When my site went down, I wanted to recreate some of the posts that were lost - I readily found them on other people's sites. Content thieves?  But I also found something new...

When someone steals content, you can report them. Report them enough and they will run into trouble. But this theft was different...

It was my content - title, pictures and copy, except random words had substitutions. The copy was rendered unintelligible but I'm sure the technology will improve.

Here's a made up example:

"It was my content - heading, photos and similar, except mixed-up words had replacement. The copy was made misunderstood but I'm sure the technology will better."

It's disturbing because you can't report something like this. It's a matter of time before some ai spokesmodel re-does your video for you, see?

Machines - bad.

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Great thread!

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Transformation of consciousness. The Age of Aquarius. Spirituality with support of science like we’ve never seen before. Something with water… and what we can do with it scientifically (the water bearer). New perspectives. More open hearts. This will open the doorway to us living with compassion for all life. 



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death of “intellectualism”

death of standardized learning

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