
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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12 Pages. Went back to 2018? To page one. 


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Change over in my 8th house. So much of the Pluto in Cap energy was just restriction/reduction and... it's done. I have been released. Unchained from a lot of financial and relationship weight. It feels strange, but good. Still lingering paranoia for sure but I'm suddenly digging into the roots of the family of origin's pathology. Like it's an opportunity to break the cycle.

Been thinking about the connection of natal Pluto and Uranus placements in relation to the transition out of Cap.

New syllabus. Get with the program.

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I think I am understanding the manifestation of this aspect better. Pluto in Aquarius really can be seen in authoritarian power exerted for--your own good or to keep you safe. Blech! I reject your nanny, ie fascistic state.

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I certainly reject that also, along with the "for the greater good" BS.  But it might be mire like @placebo said, a flood of knowledge, cleansing and reviving.  

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I hope so Smile

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Sue Ellen
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@sue-ellen Some people believe AI is the antichrist, it could be. Those who read Akashic records often talk about alien civilizations and whole planets enslaved by AI. Atlantis was high tech. It did not end well for them.

Hades Moon
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‘I have seen Pluto in Aquarius bring us early fixed signs problems with blood clots/clotting. I have shared my recent diagnosis of a blood clotting disorder, and now I find out that my early degree, Aquarius moon niece was recently discovered to have a clot in her pelvis. My partners workmate (early degree Taurus) recently had a small clot in his brain (TIA). I find it rather distressing that this medical ailment appears to have suddenly become more common.

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@hades-moon add me to the list. The D dimer showed a clot. I was in the hospital for 3 days. Heparin shots in my abdomen. Early Scorpio Stellium.

Hades Moon
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@soup Yes 🙁, it was a very scary time. I was so relieved when I read you were home and okay 🩵. Extra care at this time for us fixed signs is imperative.

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@hades-moon extra care is right....for you too. There's no messing around with health for any of us. See a problem, no time to wait. UrgiCare or ER immediately!

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On the heart stuff - heads up, they won't use the words. "Heart failure" is not spoken.  I expect they have euphemisms for myocarditis at this point, as well.

I intuited this and then went looking. Found a long discussion by cardiologists.. basically, patients freak.

They discuss patients being on meds for devastating conditions, they don't even know they have.

They are joking about this, like a cancer patient being told, "We're going to give you some medicine for that blood you're coughing up."  Don't say 'Cancer".

Also, a nurse weighed in. She's talking to a patient with heart failure, on numerous meds for their condition. "With your heart failure..."

"I don't have heart failure..!"

It's something else. I had to say these Capricorn words - I try to avoid them, but people new to grow up.


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Sue Ellen
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@elsa This is amazing.  Yes, some people freak. Some don’t.

I remember seeing a nurse hugging a new chemo patient and saying, “Cancer is not a death sentence. Things have changed.”  Facing chemo is daunting. 

The medical staff didn’t hesitate to use the word cancer with sister or me.  Maybe it’s our demeanor. 

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 @elsa Sorry for the long post. Cancer and heart problems are something I’ve had lots of experience with.

I’ve dealt in the last 2 years with 4 people with Cancer, 2 have already passed away, one was sent home to die and so far my daughter appears to have kicked cancer’s butt. ( cross your fingers that hold true) The word cancer was used and the words “extremely aggressive Cancer” was the term used in all four cases.

Ive also dealt with my mother going into heart arrest and being put on a pacemaker. I will say what the medical community won’t say , she was vaccine injured. She had the vaccine and down she went. I loved her doctor, believe it or not his name was Dr. Dolittle. Yes there is a real man named that!😁He was forthright, plain spoken and was very good. She actually should have another procedure. But the Dr was upfront with her that she could die on the table if they tried to operate.

We’ve been doctoring with my husbands heart since he was in his mid forties. They kept telling us he didn’t have any heart disease or damage. Just an “electrical issue”. Any damage to his heart was created by the doctors. After 8 cardio inversions and 4 ablations he’s now fully dependent on a pacemaker. He’s been in and out of Mayo multiple times, this time they said his lower left ventricle was weakening and they wanted to add another lead when they did the pacemaker replacement. 

They were pretty upfront that there were risks with not putting the lead in. But yet they were skirting around saying heart failure outright. Just like you mentioned.

World class doctors versus a small town Dr Dolittle. Very different approaches.

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@teresa-s thank you. I'm sorry for what your husband has gone through. I also see a lot of people with cancer and heart issues.  In my husband's case, there was no Vax.  In his case it's hereditary, age and lifestyle. 

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