
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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"Prof. V.Zharkova used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a mathematical method to detect own oscillations of solar background magnetic field (SBMF), which has produced 97 percent accuracy in mapping the SBMF variations for the past 4 solar cycles. (...) This means that starting after the active period during the ‘Solar Cycle 25,’ from the second half of this decade until the early 2050s, Earth will experience exceptional cold... Zharkova pointed to 2030 as the year when it will seriously begin, warning that the 2030s will be so cold that it will result in a severe food shortage."



It weirdly coincides with Pluto in Aquarius. I find it fitting that solar activity is affected as it opposes Leo.

Also year 2030 again.

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thats interesting.

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Pluto starts going out of bounds in 2025. It will be in and out of bounds each year till 2035. Years with most OOB days are 2028-2030. Last time Pluto went OOB was between 1938-1953 with longest periods in 1942-45.

Uranus will join Pluto and go OOB in years 2031-2035. Last time Uranus went OOB was 1987-1991, also in 1950-1952 and 1947-1948. 

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The 1994 Rwanda genocide happened during North Node-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio. Saturn in Pisces was also opposing Chiron in Virgo. More than 800,000 people were murdered during the period of 100 days. It was said that people could hear a continuous voice inside their heads saying ''kill the Tutsis''. The violence was off the charts. Reports claim that people were incited by announcements in the radio but someone pointed out that at that time most people living there did not have a radio .

We have North Node-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius in the fall of 2027 and Saturn-Chiron conjunctions throughout 2028.

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After I read the report I thought we are in eerily similar climate. People losing their sanity for the sake of ideological social identity. The writing is already on the wall.


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