
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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This is what I mean when I say Aquarius like to “go off the grid.” 

let’s start a new country that values freedom and try this experiment called democracy 

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The off-the-grid people I know, personally, have Aquarius moons or the like. But really, they have Aquarius moons!!!

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My perspective might be skewed by my Aquarius moon! 

My mom is an Aquarius Sun conjunct Mercury and a Scorpio rising with Pluto in the 10th. I think of some of her qualities when I think of Aquarius being in Pluto. 

Another thought I’ve had is Pluto has a lot to do with Psychology and Aquarius exploring new frontiers (I imagine settlers heading west as a very Aquarius thing, much like people moving to a new world and breaking away from Europe to an unknown). How might our minds be a new frontier? Pluto/Scorpio is very emotional and Aquarius is not. Maybe we will literally know what the brain does when we experience certain emotions. When Uranus goes into Gemini I imagine the mind/brain will be a topic of interest. 

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WOW. My Aquarius Moon (and Jupiter) friend is actually somewhat of a "prepper," and aspires to live increasingly off grid! 

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@jeng35, thank you for sharing your thoughts, I really enjoyed reading that. And nice pickup regarding my thoughts on Pluto in Capricorn! The original question that I had when I wrote this post was about Pluto's shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, and how Capricornian events might lead to an Aquarian landscape but I wanted to open it up to other possible directions. You have a good eye, I appreciate that.

jeng35 said
Aquarius has to do with technology and “future” but it also has to do with “going off the grid.” What I mean by this is I can see an Aquarius being at the front end of technological advances, but I can also see an Aquarius living off the land without electricity. In fact, I know an Aquarius man who did that with his family that had six children. He built his own home, but they had to live in a barn he made first (I’m 36, and I was friends with his daughter). 

Even though Aquarius squares Scorpio, I think of them playing nice (better than Leo and Scorpio). Both want to be authentic, and need space (Scorpio calls it privacy) to be themselves. Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. I can’t say for sure what Pluto in Aquarius will look like, but I can guess. 

Aquarius is all about groups, or your tribe. Add in some Pluto flavor and you’ve got “I need my people to survive” and “I need to be free to survive.” Pluto is about control and Aquarius about youth. I think “youth” maybe literally or just the attitude that is supportive of youth will have control and power. Technology as we use it and understand it might be “blasé” and with Pluto deconstructing it we might move on to something else. What? It wouldn’t be Uranus rules Aquarius if we could guess. Both Uranus and Pluto can represent trauma, so their might be some of that. Which matters more? The group or the individual? That’s what Aquarius considers a lot, and traumatic events might help us learn about this idea. Also, Aquarius is all about the mind. There will be a lot of thinking and communicating. Social justice and crossing taboo social lines could be embraced (friendships with people very different from you). Here is an interesting twist. Aquarius is all about platonic friendships, or relationships that are casual. I’m curious how our view of sex, being a Pluto experience, might change during its time in Aquarius.

I have an Aquarius moon, and my mom is an Aquarius. I’m a tad nervous about my Pluto Moon transit that will come up.     


Funny you should mention going off the grid--the other day, I had the strongest urge to get rid of my smartphone for something super basic, and I wondered if that would even be possible--it's become a necessary requirement for work, etc., in a lot of cases, for almost all of us. On the other hand, I'm getting more annoyed with the spy in my pocket, and would love to see our digital use dissipate some. It might be that we'll reach a fork in the road regarding tech, where we can either merge with our technology (chips, implants, artificial transplants, etc--Aquarius on the cutting edge of science), or go off grid, or offline, only interacting with people face to face (Aquarius as a detached radical humanist--when having only face to face interactions is radical! Ha!). 

Your comment about freedom and survival makes me think about what I was talking about in my post, which now that you've added the astrology clarifies some ideas about the collective feeling that might have motivated the American Revolution, and any similarities to that feeling today--survival; I need to be free to survive.... (what does freedom mean, today? where are the places we feel it's most in jeopardy?).

I've never heard Uranus associated with trauma before but I can see that, with its sudden nature. This is another place I see those Pluto in Capricorn events setting the stage for the transition to Aquarius. Because of the potential tension between individual and group, I wonder if labels (political labels, social labels, etc.) will increase or decrease in importance. Perhaps we individuals might then operate as one body (something closer to democracy, as you mentioned above), instead of layers and layers of opposing factions. 

The connection between Aquarius and platonic friendships is very interesting. Of course, there's the possibility of AI playing a greater role in how we view sex, which could even shift how we view personal relationships. Just riffing off your idea about platonic friendships, if sexual needs were otherwise taken care of, friendships might function as primary relationships. But even if our sex lives remain a human to human connection (I hope they do!), the idea of having more important friendships is a happy one. I wonder how intimate, secret-keeping Pluto will adjust...

Your post was super thought provoking! love that Aquarian Moon energy! 

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Loved your question of our soul's connectedness to Earth. Something to think about...

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